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Measurement and reduction of micro-bubble formation in high-viscosity fluids

Gases at high drive pressure can initially dissolve into the fluids used in lithography and other critical processes during the fabrication of integrated circuits. In the low pressure portion of the dispense train, the dissolved gases can revert to bubbles. These bubbles can: 1. Affect the compressibility of the working fluid and change the flow characteristics of the dispense heads which require frequent re-tuning of the coating tools. 2. Contribute to defect formation if the bubbles are trapped on the surface of the wafer. Photosensitive Polyimides (PI) have high viscosities (1000 to 20,000 cP). Because of the high viscosity, high-powered, expensive pumps are needed to effectively remove the fluid from its container. Suction from the pump filling cycle easily causes cavitation, which can create flow rate variability, and micro-bubble formation. It is a common practice to apply pressure to the PI resists to minimize cavitation in the pump. The trade-off to this practice is the entrainment (dissolution) of the drive gas into the resist and the risk of micro-bubbles forming later in the dispense train. In the current study, ATMI measured the effects of two methods of pressure dispense from the container on the amount of gas entrained in a viscous fluid: (1) indirect pressure dispense and (2) direct pressure dispense. The main analytical method employed to measure the amount of dissolved gases is a gas chromatograph (GC), which can measure the concentration of gases dissolved in a volatile fluid. It is not suitable to measure gases in low volatility fluids. The new test method developed, however, is capable of measuring dissolved gases in low volatility fluids.

Semi-aqueous solvent applications for 193-nm EAPSM resist strip

Photomask resist strip processes have traditionally used the sulfuric-peroxide-mix, known as SPM, or Piranha. This paper details a recent investigation into the utilization of solvent-based resist strip solutions applied to photomask resist stripping. Studies of two commercially available solvents are documented in this report: one formulated for positive resist stripping [Chem A, which contains a primary amine, glycol and is semi-aqueous], and another rated for 'hard-to-remove' positive resist stripping [Chem B, which contains glycol ethers, organic cyclics -- all proprietary]. Resist types, such as IP3600, and most Chemically Amplified Resists (CAR) will strip easily with any of the chemicals mentioned, however, other adverse effects may deter one from using them. The screening process employed in this study monitors effects of processing on EAPSM phase and transmission, AR layer reflectivity changes and surface ionic analytical comparisons. Chem A and B will show similarly low phase and transmission shifts at higher temperature and longer process times, while reflectivity data shows lower level changes associated with the use of Chem A (favorable). As for surface ionic contamination: on F and Cl contaminated surfaces, Chem A shows favorable results. Overall Chem A seems to be the appropriate choice for more thorough investigation in a production mask-making environment.
