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Transdifferentiation in animals. A model for differentiation control.

Transdifferentiation may be generally defined as the change of one recognizable cell type to another different cell type. The term was first used by Selman and Kafatos (1974) to denote the change of the cuticular cells of the moth larval silk gland to those producing HCO3 during metamorphosis/development and has since been used in many different contexts. So as not to produce a welter of semantics to replace the term already in use, I shall instead categorize the phenomenon of transdifferentiation by levels: primary, secondary, and tertiary transdifferentiation. Primary (or true) transdifferentiation would include the cell-type conversion or cell metaplasia that is so well documented to occur in some amphibian eye tissues in vitro and in amphibian (newt) eye tissues in situ (Fig. 1). This level is characterized by verifiably postmitotic cells, terminally differentiated and producing a specific cell product, transforming into a completely different cell type with differing cell product(s). Secondary transdifferentiation is marked by the conversion of those cells or tissues not definitely demonstrable as terminally differentiated, i.e., from an embryonic or possible stem-cell source. Also included is the concept of transdetermination (Hadorn, 1965), in which certain groups of cells in Drosophila occasionally become determined or committed to a developmental fate different from that expected. Tertiary transdifferentiation would encompass other purported/ reported changes of tissue types, e.g., that of muscle to cartilage (Namenwirth, 1974), and of striated to smooth muscle in Anthomedusa as reported by Schmid and Alder (1984) and Weber et al (1987). The well-known plasticity of plant tissues, especially in vitro, is the rule, rather than the exception, and as a topic of transdifferentiation is beyond the scope of this chapter.

Regulation of gene expression during seed development in flowering plants.

Seeds are complex structures, made up of genetically and physiologically distinct components whose functions change during development (Bewley and Black, 1978, 1982; Rubenstein et al, 1978; Johri, 1984; Murray, 1984). The regulation of gene expression can thus be expected to be equally complex, as each part of the seed differentiates according to its own program. Most of the research effort to date has been directed toward describing the kinds of genes expressed in seeds and their temporal and spatial patterns of expression. Our knowledge of factors controlling the observed patterns is limited and comes from genetic analyses, studies of the effects of environmental and hormonal perturbations, and in vitro culture of isolated seed parts. In no case has the product of a regulatory gene been isolated and characterized, and the mechanisms by which hormones and environmental stimuli exert their effects on specific genes remain obscure. This chapter describes the systems and approaches being used to study regulation of expression of genes in each part of the seed, with special emphasis on evidence for interactions between tissues that are likely to involve trans-acting regulatory molecules, even though the identities of such molecules are unknown. My hope is that by pointing to our areas of ignorance, more systematic research will be undertaken, resulting in some clear answers about gene regulation in seeds.
