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Properties of condensed matter from fundamental physical constants

Fundamental physical constants play a profound role in physics. For example, they govern nuclear reactions, formation of stars, nuclear synthesis and stability of biologically vital elements. These are high-energy processes discussed in particle physics, astronomy and cosmology. More recently, it was realised that fundamental physical constants extend their governing reach to low-energy processes and properties operating in condensed matter systems, often in an unexpected way. These properties are those we experience daily and can routinely measure, including viscosity, thermal conductivity, elasticity and sound. Here, we review this work. We start with the lower bound on liquid viscosity, its origin and show how to relate the bound to fundamental physical constants. The lower bound of kinematic viscosity represents the global minimum on the phase diagram. We show how this result answers the long-standing question considered by Purcell and Weisskopf, namely why viscosity never falls below a certain value. An accompanying insight is that water viscosity and water-based life are well attuned to fundamental constants including the Planck constant. We then discuss viscosity minima in liquid He above and below the λ-point. We subsequently consider a very different property, thermal diffusivity, and show that it has the same minimum fixed by fundamental physical constants as viscosity. We also discuss bounds related to elastic properties, elastic moduli and their analogues in low-dimensional systems, and show how these bounds are related to the upper bound for the speed of sound. We conclude with listing ways in which the discussion of fundamental constants and bounds advance physical theories.

Open Access
Unconventional density waves and superconductivities in Fe-based superconductors and other strongly correlated electron systems

To seek high-$T_c$ pairing mechanism, many scientists have focused on the mysterious spontaneous rotational symmetry breaking above Tc, such as nematic order at $q=0$ and smectic order at $q\ne0$. Such exotic correlation-driven symmetry breaking in metals has become a central issue in condensed matter physics. We demonstrate the emergence of the nematic and smectic orders due to orbital polarization ($n_{xz}\ne n_{yz}$) and the symmetry breaking in the correlated intersite hopping (= bond order $\delta t_{i,j}$) in Fe-based and cuprate superconductors. In addition, we discuss exotic spontaneous loop current orders driven by the pure imaginary $\delta t_{i,j}$. These interesting ``unconventional density-waves'' originate from the quantum interference between different spin fluctuations that is described by the vertex correction (VC) in the field theory. In the next stage, we discuss electron-correlation driven superconductivity due to the fluctuations of unconventional density-waves. For this purpose, we suggest the beyond-Migdal-Eliashberg gap equation by including the VCs into the equation. In Fe-based superconductors, high-$T_c$ $s$-wave superconductivity can be mediated by nematic and smectic fluctuations because the pairing interaction is magnified by the VCs. We also discuss the multipolar fluctuation pairing mechanism in heavy fermion systems, owing to the cooperation between the strong spin-orbit interaction and the strong electron correlation. To summarize, we suggest that the quantum interference mechanism described by the VCs is the key ingredients to explain not only various unconventional density-waves, but also exotic superconducting states in many strongly correlated metals. We finally discuss some interesting future issues with respect to the quantum interference mechanism.

Open Access
Nanoionic memristive phenomena in metal oxides: the valence change mechanism

This review addresses resistive switching devices operating according to the bipolar valence change mechanism (VCM), which has become a major trend in electronic materials and devices over the last decade due to its high potential for non-volatile memories and future neuromorphic computing. We will provide detailed insights into the status of understanding of these devices as a fundament for their use in the different fields of application. The review covers the microscopic physics of memristive states and the switching kinetics of VCM devices. It is shown that the switching of all variants of VCM cells relies on the movement of mobile donor ions, which are typically oxygen vacancies or cation interstitials. VCM cells consist of three parts: an electronically active electrode (AE), often a metal with a high work function, in front of which the switching occurs, a mixed ionic-electronic conducting (MIEC) layer consisting of a nanometer-scale metal oxide or a stack of different metal oxides, and an ohmic counter electrode (OE). After an introduction to definitions and classification, the fundamentals of solid-state physics and chemistry associated with VCM cells are described, including redox processes and the role of electrodes. The microscopic changes induced by electroforming, a process often required prior to resistive switching, are described in terms of electronic initialization and subsequent changes in chemistry, structure, and conductivity. The switching process is discussed in terms of switching polarity, geometry of the switching region, and spectroscopic detection of the valence changes. Emphasis is placed on the extreme nonlinearity of switching kinetics described by physics-based multiscale modeling, ranging from ab initio methods to kinetic Monte Carlo and finite element models to compact models that can be used in circuit simulators. The review concludes with a treatment of the highly relevant reliability issues and a description of the failure mechanisms, including mutual trade-offs.

Cavity QED with quantum gases: new paradigms in many-body physics

We review the recent developments and the current status in the field of quantum-gas cavity QED. Since the first experimental demonstration of atomic self-ordering in a system composed of a Bose-Einstein condensate coupled to a quantized electromagnetic mode of a high-$Q$ optical cavity, the field has rapidly evolved over the past decade. The composite quantum-gas--cavity systems offer the opportunity to implement, simulate, and experimentally test fundamental solid-state Hamiltonians, as well as to realize non-equilibrium many-body phenomena beyond conventional condensed-matter scenarios. This hinges on the unique possibility to design and control in open quantum environments photon-induced tunable-range interaction potentials for the atoms using tailored pump lasers and dynamic cavity fields. Notable examples range from Hubbard-like models with long-range interactions exhibiting a lattice-supersolid phase, over emergent magnetic orderings and quasicrystalline symmetries, to the appearance of dynamic gauge potentials and non-equilibrium topological phases. Experiments have managed to load spin-polarized as well as spinful quantum gases into various cavity geometries and engineer versatile tunable-range atomic interactions. This led to the experimental observation of spontaneous discrete and continuous symmetry breaking with the appearance of soft-modes as well as supersolidity, density and spin self-ordering, dynamic spin-orbit coupling, and non-equilibrium dynamical self-ordered phases among others. In addition, quantum-gas--cavity setups offer new platforms for quantum-enhanced measurements. In this review, starting from an introduction to basic models, we pedagogically summarize a broad range of theoretical developments and put them in perspective with the current and near future state-of-art experiments.

Cuprate superconductors as viewed through a striped lens

Understanding the electron pairing in hole-doped cuprate superconductors has been a challenge, in particular because the "normal" state from which it evolves is unprecedented. Now, after three and a half decades of research, involving a wide range of experimental characterizations, it is possible to delineate a clear and consistent cuprate story. It starts with doping holes into a charge-transfer insulator, resulting in in-gap states. These states exhibit a pseudogap resulting from the competition between antiferromagnetic superexchange $J$ between nearest-neighbor Cu atoms (a real-space interaction) and the kinetic energy of the doped holes, which, in the absence of interactions, would lead to extended Bloch-wave states whose occupancy is characterized in reciprocal space. To develop some degree of coherence on cooling, the spin and charge correlations must self-organize in a cooperative fashion. A specific example of resulting emergent order is that of spin and charge stripes, as observed in La$_{2-x}$Ba$_x$CuO$_4$. While stripe order frustrates bulk superconductivity, it nevertheless develops pairing and superconducting order of an unusual character. The antiphase order of the spin stripes decouples them from the charge stripes, which can be viewed as hole-doped, two-leg, spin-$\frac12$ ladders. To achieve superconducting order, the pair correlations in neighboring ladders must develop phase order. In the presence of spin stripe order, antiphase Josephson coupling can lead to pair-density-wave superconductivity. Alternatively, in-phase superconductivity requires that the spin stripes have an energy gap, which empirically limits the coherent superconducting gap. Hence, superconducting order in the cuprates involves a compromise between the pairing scale, which is maximized at $x\sim\frac18$, and phase coherence, which is optimized at $x\sim0.2$.

Open Access
Non-Hermitian physics

A review is given on the foundations and applications of non-Hermitian classical and quantum physics. First, key theorems and central concepts in non-Hermitian linear algebra, including Jordan normal form, biorthogonality, exceptional points, pseudo-Hermiticity and parity-time symmetry, are delineated in a pedagogical and mathematically coherent manner. Building on these, we provide an overview of how diverse classical systems, ranging from photonics, mechanics, electrical circuits, acoustics to active matter, can be used to simulate non-Hermitian wave physics. In particular, we discuss rich and unique phenomena found therein, such as unidirectional invisibility, enhanced sensitivity, topological energy transfer, coherent perfect absorption, single-mode lasing, and robust biological transport. We then explain in detail how non-Hermitian operators emerge as an effective description of open quantum systems on the basis of the Feshbach projection approach and the quantum trajectory approach. We discuss their applications to physical systems relevant to a variety of fields, including atomic, molecular and optical physics, mesoscopic physics, and nuclear physics with emphasis on prominent phenomena/subjects in quantum regimes, such as quantum resonances, superradiance, continuous quantum Zeno effect, quantum critical phenomena, Dirac spectra in quantum chromodynamics, and nonunitary conformal field theories. Finally, we introduce the notion of band topology in complex spectra of non-Hermitian systems and present their classifications by providing the proof, firstly given by this review in a complete manner, as well as a number of instructive examples. Other topics related to non-Hermitian physics, including nonreciprocal transport, speed limits, nonunitary quantum walk, are also reviewed.
