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Effect of feeding durian fruit peel in kacang goats on production performance and physiological parameters

The durian fruit (Durio zibethinus Murr.) peels can be used as animal feed. This study aimed to determine the effect of feeding durian fruit peel on body weight, feed conversion ratio and physiological parameters and reproduction performance of female kacang goats. The research method uses the 3 x 3 factorial randomized block design (RBD). The main components were dose D1 = ASP dose of 100 g/liter of water; D2 = ASP dose of 200 g/liter of water, and D3 = ASP dose of 300 g/liter of water, and the next variable is the soaking time, namely: P1 = Soaking durian rind for 24 hours; P2 = Soaking durian rind for 48 hours; and P3 = Soaking durian rind for 72 hours and each repeated four times as a group. The analysis of variance showed that giving durian fruit peels soaked in rice husk ash filtrate solution at different doses did not give a significant difference (p>0.05) in body weight gain, use of dry matter and the effectiveness of using proportions, breath waves and heartbeat waves of female kacang goats, but had a significant effect (p<0.05) on the edible carcass weight and very significant (p<0.01) on the non-edible carcass level of female kacang goat giving durian fruit peels by immersing rice husk ash filtrate solution with different soaking time variations had a significant effect (p<0.05) on body weight gain and productivity using the proportion of female kacang goats, did not have a large effect (p>0.05) on physiological parameters. Durian skin waste has the potential to be used as animal feed, has nutritional content, and can increase the body weight of kacang goats, but requires further processing such as soaking in a solution of rice husk ash filtrate.

Heamatological and biochemical indices of broiler chickens fed graded levels of boiled sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) seed meal as a replacement for soybean

Escalating feed costs have significantly impacted the poultry industry in developing countries like Nigeria, constituting a substantial portion of total expenses. This has motivated the exploration of unconventional and cost-effective feed ingredients like sorrel (Hibiscus sabdariffa) seed meal. This study was conducted to assess the heamatological and biochemical indices of broiler chickens when fed varying levels of boiled sorrel Seed Meal (BSSM). One hundred and thirty-five-day old Anak broiler chicks were utilized in a completely randomized design (CRD). The chicks were divided into three dietary groups, each with three replicates containing 15 birds per replicate, totaling 45 birds per treatment. During the starter and finisher phases, three diets were formulated, incorporating boiled sorrel seed meal to replace soya bean meal at levels of 10% and, 20% respectively. At six weeks of age, blood samples were collected via venipuncture of the wing vein using a 3 ml syringe and 23-gauge needle. The samples were immediately separated into two tubes: one containing ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid (EDTA) for heamatological analysis and the other without anticoagulant for serum biochemical analysis. The heamatological parameters were determined using an automatic fully digital heamatology analyzer (Boevopeak Ltd, China), while biochemical parameters were determined by universal clinical auto analyzer (Boevopeak Ltd, China). Results of heamatological indices revealed no significant differences in packed cell volume (PCV), heamoglobin concentration (Hb), and red blood cells (RBC). Differential blood counts did not show significant differences except for lymphocyte levels which displayed some significance. Serum biochemical parameters including total protein (albumin and globulin), triglycerides, and glucose did not exhibit significance. However, alanine transaminase levels showed significance with the inclusion of sorrel seed meal.

Effect of soybean meal extract and Lactobacillus plantarum on fat digestibility, fatty meat and carcass weight in broiler

The study aimed to evaluate the addition of soybean meal extract and Lactobacillus plantarum on fat digestibility, relative weight of abdominal fat, meat fat mass and carcass weight of broiler chickens. The experimental animals used were 8-day-old unsexed Cobb strain broilers as many as 192 birds with a body weight of 177.89±3.73 g. Soybean meal extract (SME) as prebiotic and Lactobacillus plantarum as probiotic. The research ration was prepared based on metabolizable energy of 3,034.58 kcal/kg and crude protein of 21.73%. The study was arranged using a completely randomized design (CRD) with 6 treatments and 4 replicates, each experimental unit was filled with 8 animals. The treatments applied include T0 (basal ration); T1 (basal ration + Lactobacillus plantarum 1.2%); T2 (basal ration + SME 0.15%); T3 (basal ration + SME 0.30%); T4 (basal ration + SME 0.15% + Lactobacillus plantarum 1.2%); T5 (basal ration + SME 0.30% + Lactobacillus plantarum 1.2%). Parameters measured included fat digestibility, relative weight of abdominal fat, meat fat mass and carcass weight. Data were processed using analysis of variance and Duncan's test in the SPSS version 16 program. The results showed that the addition of treatments to the ration had a significant effect (p<0.05) on fat digestibility, relative weight of abdominal fat, and carcass weight, but had no significant effect (p>0.05) on broiler meat fat mass. The conclusion is that the addition of 0.3% soybean meal extract and 1.2% Lactobacillus plantarum to the diet can reduce fat digestibility, relative weight of abdominal fat and increase carcass weight and produce the same meat fat mass.

Semen and haematological characteristics of cocks drenched varying levels of Turmeric Powder (TP)

Emerging evidence from in vivo as well as in vitro studies indicates that botanicals play noteworthy roles in the treatment, prevention and management of livestock diseases. Use of natural compounds in botanicals has been proposed as potential alternative to conventional therapeutic options. Therefore, this study aimed to evaluate the effect of varying levels of turmeric powder (Curcuma longa) on semen characteristics and haematological indices of cocks. Turmeric (C. longa) rhizomes were obtained from a local market in Saki in Oyo State, Nigeria, in March 2023. They were washed, skin scraped and air-dried at room temperature for 10 hours, and then oven-dried at 40°C for 12 hours. Afterwards, the dried turmeric rhizomes were ground into powder using a blender. The product was kept in an air-tight container until use. The experimental material was drenched at 0.00 g (T1), 0.50 g (T2), 1.00 g (T3) and 1.50 g (T4) after 2 weeks of acclimatization. Semen volume, sperm cell progressive motility, sperm cell liveability, acrosome integrity, sperm cell concentration and normal sperm cell were evaluated for semen characteristics. Haematological parameters measured were: PCV, RBC, WBC Hb, MCV, MCH, MCHC and white blood cell differentials. Data obtained were subjected to one-way analysis of variance. Semen volume (0.34 – 0.37 ml), sperm cell progressive motility (68.33 – 80%), sperm cell liveability (46.66 – 85.00%), acrosome integrity (50.00 – 85%) and normal sperm cell (66.66 – 90%) showed significant difference (p<0.05) in favour of cocks on highest level (1.50 g) of turmeric powder, while sperm cell concentration (28.33 - 40.00 X109/ml) showed no significant difference (p>0.05). Also PCV (36.00 – 40.33%), RBC (3.55 – 3.74 X106/ml), WBC (19.01 – 19.71 X109/ml), Hb (11.66 – 13.00 dl), MCV (100.53 – 109.53 ⴄ), MCH (32.57 – 35.31pg) and MCHC (32.00 – 32.37%) showed no significant differences (p>0.05) between treatments. In conclusion turmeric powder up to 1.50 g showed an improvement in all the semen characteristics measured without negative effect on haematological characteristics of cocks.

Comparative quality attributes and sensory acceptance of deep-fried and oven-cooked broiler chicken nuggets

The growing concern over consumption of fatty foods had increased the focus on formulating and developing nutritious and tasty low-fat meat products. However, the cooking methods employed during preparation of a food can change consumer’s perception about the product. Breast and thigh muscles were deboned, grounded, mixed with nugget ingredients to form an emulsion, and then divided into two. Each part was deep-fried or oven-cooked after cutting into nugget pieces (3.5 cm diameter, 1.5 cm thickness, 20.5 g weight). Yield (%), moisture (%), organoleptic characteristics (9 point hedonic scale), cholesterol (%), phenol (mgGAE/100g), were assessed on fresh while Thiobarbituric Acid Reactive Substances (TBARS µg MDA/Kg) and Total Viable Counts (TVC cfu/g) were observed at 0, 7, 14 days of storage. Data were analysed using T-test and factorial analysis @ α = 0.05. Oven cooked nuggets yield (90.43) and moisture (55.84) were significantly higher (Pr t <0.05) than 79.94 (yield) and 52.39 (moisture) deep fried nuggets. No significant differences (Pr t>0.05) in colour, aroma, tenderness and overall acceptability were observed in both nuggets. Flavour (6.00) and juiciness (5.00) of oven-cooked nuggets are significantly higher (Pr t<0.05) than 4.83 (flavour) and 3.17 (juiciness) of deep-fried nuggets. Cholesterol (62.74) and phenol (176.12) contents of deep-fried nuggets were higher (Pr t<0.05) than 55.72 (cholesterol) and 144.53 (phenol) of oven cooked nuggets. Oven-cooked nuggets TBARS (2.44, 2.69, 4.21) were significantly higher (p<0.05) than 2.18, 2.41, 3.96 in deep-fried nuggets at 0, 7 and 14 days respectively. Oven-cooked TVC at 0 (2.50), 7 (4.51) and 14 (5.98) days were significantly higher (p<0.05) than 2.10, 4.09 and 5.62 of deep-fried nuggets at 0, 7 and 14 days respectively. The high yield and organoleptic scores elucidated that oven-cooked nuggets are well accepted and this method can be used in the preparation of chicken nuggets.

Indigestible Foreign Bodies in cattle and goats: A veterinary surgical emergency and potential silent killer in South Sudan

In South Sudan, reckless littering and contamination of environment with all sorts of solid waste turned Indigestible Foreign Bodies (IFBs), poor knowledge of the public and farmers and the current animal husbandry system in practice constituted potential drivers for ruminant animals to inevitably ingest one or more of IFBs, that proved to be a potential, neglected non-infectious disease and a silent killer. The objective of this study was to identify the types and prevalence of IFBs in slaughtered cattle and goats. The research was carried out at two of the biggest slaughterhouses in the towns of Aweil and Wau. This study uses a cross section design in which animals prepared for slaughter were identified at antemortem and their rumen and reticulum were examined for the presence of foreign indigestible bodies. The results show that the overall prevalence of IFBs in both species in the two slaughterhouses was 32.55%, goats were more affected (34.41%) than cattle. Prevalence in aged goats (57.14%) were higher than younger ones. Middle-aged cattle succumbed more (36.11 %) than young ones. Females in both species were more affected (38.04%) than males. Prevalence of IFBs in Aweil municipal slaughterhouse (40.20%) was higher than in Wau slaughterhouse (29.78%). Most recovered types of IFB in cattle and goats were plastics (44.50%) followed by cloths (25.36%). However, mixed type of IFB was the most encountered in goats (68%) than in cattle (31.2%). The study concluded that IFBs ingestion by ruminant animals in South Sudan was widespread but not scientifically documented and disseminated and therefore, recommends extensive public and farmers awareness about solid waste management, type of biodegradables solid wastes and the policymakers to consider classification of IFBs ingestion by ruminant animals as potential non-infectious veterinary emergencies and a silent killer.

Intestinal helminth parasites of Felis catus in Syangja, Nepal

Domestic cats can be infested by a huge range of parasite species, leading to a range of diverse clinical signs and symptoms. However, a comprehensive understanding of these endoparasites, particularly in the context of multiparasitism, remains limited. The aim of the study was to determine the prevalence of intestinal helminth parasites on domestic cats in Arjunchaupari Rural Municipality of Syangja District, Nepal. The study was carried out from November 2017 to June 2018. A total of 30 fresh feline fecal samples were collected and examined by using the Saline wet method and sedimentation technique. Overall, 21 (70%) fecal samples were found to be positive for different parasitic infections. Four different helminth parasitic species were encountered as Toxocara cati (40%), Toxascaris leonina (16.67%), and Ancylostoma tubaeforme (10%) belonging to nematodes and a species of cestode: Hymenolepis diminuta (6.67%). Nematode infection (66.67%) was found to be comparatively more common than cestode infection (6.67%). Statistically, the relationship between the cestode and nematode parasite is significant (x2 = 0.232, p>0.05). The high incidence of parasitism of cats was due to the relative influence of behaviour and a contaminated environment since these cats lived in the same environment as other domestic animals. The study recommended that studies on all kinds of gastrointestinal parasites, including protozoan parasites, would be better to get more knowledge about parasites and their risk of transmission.

Open Access
Carriage of Staphylococcus pseudintermedius on dogs, surfaces, and personnel at University of Jos Veterinary Teaching Hospital, Plateau State, North-central Nigeria

Staphylococcus pseudintermedius is considered a primary pathogen of canine skin and soft tissue infections, which can be found in several sites of the body, including nares, perineum-rectum, and mouth. The importance of this bacteria has brought this study to determine the carriage and antimicrobial resistance profiles of S. pseudintermedius from dogs, personnel (Veterinarians and Animal health attendants), and surfaces (door handles, examination tables, weighing scales, thermometers, drip stands and trays, floors, and refrigerators doors) at a Veterinary Teaching Hospital. Two hundred and ten (n = 210) swab samples were collected and continued to phenotypic bacteriologic culture identification and antibiotic susceptibility testing. Fifty (50) questionnaires were collected from dog owners for demographic information and other variables. The result showed that 65.7% (138/210) of S. pseudintermedius phenotypes were recovered from dogs, surfaces, and personnel. Overall, male dogs had a higher carriage of 73.3% (11/15) than females of 65.7% (23/35). The total carriage per body part was 74% (37/50) in the nasal cavity, 72% (36/50) in the perineum, and 58% (29/50) in the oral cavity. A total of dogs sampled 10% (5/50) had a history of previous surgeries within the last 6 months and 64% (32/50) of antimicrobial use for either prophylaxis or therapeutic purposes. Frequency of dog baths showed 42% (21/50) at least twice a week, while the others 58% (29/50) responded that they bathed their dogs if only necessary. All personnel revealed 100% (10/10) of S. pseudintermedius phenotypes in their nasal cavity, while 52% (26/50) of surfaces within the Veterinary Hospital were contaminated with S. pseudintermedius. Seventy-one 71% of the Staphylococcus pseudintermedius isolates were multi-drug resistant (MDR) phenotypes, with a very high resistance to tetracycline (67.6%) and erythromycin (44.9%).

Haematological parameters of sheep in the semi-arid zone of North Eastern Nigeria

Haematological parameters of sheep in the semi-arid zone of North-Eastern Nigeria were studied between August 2022 and April, 2023. Blood was sampled from one hundred and sixty-eight sheep comprising of Yankasa, Balami and Uda (56 per breed) at the Federal University Gashua Teaching and Research Farm, Gashua abattoir and Garin Alkali goats and sheep markets. The study was carried out to determine the blood profile of prominent indigenous sheep breeds in the study area. Blood samples were carefully collected from the animals into labeled sterile bottles containing Ethylene diamine tetra-acetic acid for haematological examination. Data analyzed for the effect of breed, sex and age were not significantly affected (p>0.05) for packed cell volume (PCV) and haemaglobin (Hb) concentration. Consequently, values of PCV and Hb differed significantly (p<0.05) with season in favour of wet season, (40.87%) and (13.63g/dl) for PCV and Hb respectively. Values for red blood cell (10.18 x103/µL), mean corpuscular hemoglobin concentration (35.11g/dl), mean corpuscular hemoglobin (12.71 Pg), mean corpuscular volume (45.86 Fl) and white blood cell (10.72 x103/µL) were significantly higher (p<0.05) for Uda sheep. Adult sheep generally had significantly (p<0.05) higher values for haematologic parameters considered. It was concluded that there were breed, sex, age and seasonal differences in haematological parameters of the sheep breeds studied. The blood parameters needed to be monitored frequently and appropriately controlled to ensure stability and adequate health and nutritional status of sheep.

Open Access