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The relationship between parent’s mental health and professional functioning and students’ e-learning burnout and well-being during the COVID-19 pandemic

Student burnout is an issue rarely analysed in Polish literature, and even fewer studies take into account the knowledge of parents about such an educational problem. So far, only a few studies have focused on the psychological characteristics of parents related to school burnout, such as the quality of family relationships, attachment style, parental attitudes or upbringing style. However, there are no studies in the literature that take into account both the children’s and the parents’ psychological characteristics associated with school burnout. Therefore, the main aim of the current study was to test whether mental health and parental professional functioning characteristics are related to the student online school burnout syndrome during the COVID-19 pandemic. The analysis covered 29 parent-adolescent dyads. In the entire group of respondents, the significant relationship between the student burnout symptoms perceived by parents and the online school burnout from the students’ perspective was confirmed. Student burnout with distance learning correlated positively with the mental health problems of parents and negatively with the well-being of students. Student burnout from distance learning did not significantly correlate with work flow and online job burnout of parents. The findings indicated the importance of the simultaneous evaluation of the problem of educational burnout by the parent-adolescent dyad. In this context, the active involvement of parents in preventive interventions regarding the mental health of their children can be an important factor contributing to minimising the risk of developing school burnout symptoms.n

Open Access
Reflections on upbringing in the post-pandemic era – around the book "Powerless education. On the education of the fragile, Krzysztof Maliszewski, Katowice 2021, wyd. University of Silesia, ss. 206

"Powerless education. On the education of the fragile" is an extremely original collection of the author's thoughts on the dilemmas experienced by everyone who deals with education today. The book is divided into seven interrelated essays, accompanied by a bibliography, an index of names and a summary. The essence and at the same time the consequence of the adopted logic of considerations is the anthropological reconstruction of relational space not only in upbringing, but in general in interpersonal interactions – it describes the experience of contact with the unknown, disagreement, searching first for ways of escape, and then taming what is first, unknown, or known and neglected, but repressed or negated.The author juxtaposes two models of education, the so-called weak and strong education, pointing to their social and philosophical entanglements and familiarizing readers with their possible consequences, both developmental and social. The book does not lack literary, philosophical and religious references. In addition to reflections based on the foundations of pedagogical thinking (Folkierska), completely new threads appear (Biesta, Sławek). It is important that these narratives, lines of thought complement each other, intersect, and none of the author's associations appears accidentally or is placed in a vacuum. The book seems to be an illustration of the methods of narrative insight into experience – Maliszewski writes very suggestively, convincingly describing what he probably experienced himself, opening the space of phenomenological discourse to which he invites readers.

Open Access
University student’s internalising problems in the context of mental support in Poland – a Latent Profile Analysis

University students are exposed to a number of stressors that may affect their mental state. However, they do not receive sufficient psychological support, although the demand for it seems to be increasing. The current study examines what psychological profiles can be identified among students based on how often different subjective problems affect their functioning. The participants were 1,499 Polish students (63% women, ages 18-26, 7.4% had previously used professional support). Five profiles, differing in the intensity of the seven internalising problems, were identified in latent profile analysis: in crisis (IC, 2.1%); increased risk − with (IR-S, 7.5%) and without suicidal thoughts or behaviours (IR-NS, 8.8%); increased risk − experiencing tension (IR-T, 19.1%); and not needing support (NNS, 62.5%). Gender, place of origin, and the use of professional psychological support significantly differentiated the profiles. The results of the study allow us to draw indications that are important for the design of preventive measures in the academic environment. Particularly important is the implementation of activities that fall into the area of selective prevention, targeting IR-NS and IR-T groups (about 28% of survey participants).This is supported by the percentage of people belonging to these groups, as well as the nature of the difficulties they are facing.
