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The crisis in the presence of God is that the congregation does not experience an encounter with the Lord Jesus, so the feelings of the congregation are ordinary. Entering the church to hear music but not entering the presence of God means that the congregation does not enjoy or feel anything just as ordinary singing. And coming home to church felt the same way. The Meaning of Church Music in the Bible. The purpose of this paper is to describe the theological meaning of church music in the Bible. By analyzing the text in accordance with the principles of exegesis, to get the meaning contained in the context of the meaning of church music in the Bible. The result of the analysis is that the Bible itself has proven the power of music and the message of God's word as the power to build the nation of Israel in the Old Testament. Messages and advice originating from God's word have always been a solution in generating faith and understanding in facing life from the past until now. Meanwhile, music that has developed into modern times with motivational messages that are also motivational. Description of the Meaning of Church Music in the Bible consists of: First, Church Music That Presents the Presence of God. Spiritually, church music is a gateway into God's presence. Spiritual praise is a way or action to glorify, exalt, and glorify God. This is the basis of a believer's life to praise God. Second, Church Music That Brings In Worship. Church music as an introduction to worship, worship is not intended for humans, but is primarily aimed at the Lord Jesus. Third, Church Music That Brings Repentance. Church music can be a tool to influence human behavior so church music can be a tool to achieve change, namely church music that brings repentance. Fourth, Church Music That Brings Joy. Church music as a means to express joy through the faith or religious beliefs of believers individually or together.

Open Access

Ethnomusicology is concerned with music and society. This research was conducted in Melolo, Umalulu District, East Sumba Regency. The problem in this study is how the ethnomusicology of the singing of Ille Le Melolo, East Sumba Regency, East Nusa Tenggara. The results of the research, the song Ille Le or the sleep songs for boys 'umbu', has unique characteristics in terms of musical form, poetry, and cultural meaning. Musically, this song consists of four notes, namely B, D#, E, and F. The intervals used are dominated by P1, M2, M3, P4, m2, M7, P5. An interval scheme like this will result in static movement and stepping with occasional interval jumps. The meter used is 68. When combined with the existing intervals, it will form a story song. The two lyrics of the song are very distinctive, this is related to the word 'umbu'. The word umbu is always in the lower notation in the musical structure of Ille Le's Song which is 185 Hz (F#3) and 240 Hz (B3). In addition, this song expresses the cultural meaning of the patriarchal system in East Sumba society. Musical structure cannot be separated from poetry. Ille le's ethnomusicological studies link the analysis of musical forms and poetry. Ethnomusicology includes musical characteristics such as the use of pentatonic scales, rhythm, motive, phrase, period and text interpretation.

Open Access

This study aims to describe and examine church music services during the Covid-19 pandemic and to find out how the church music service management was used by the worship team of GSJA Sunset Church Kupang during the Covid- 19 pandemic. The research method used is descriptive qualitative research. Data collection techniques were carried out using interview methods, direct observation and document recording in the research area. Qualitative data analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation and verification using general management function theory and church music ministry management theory to analyze the data in the study. Given that because there was during the Covid-19 pandemic, the church music ministry carried out its ministry role only on Sunday services which were conducted online. Team Worship at GSJA Sunset Church Kupang has managed to carry out its management function well, but there are still some obstacles that make the church music service less than optimal, including: it takes longer to get good music and vocals, mistakes occur when taking music and vocals, lack of adequate facilities to carry out the recording process and the occurrence of differences of opinion between fellow serving teams. After explaining the management functions that occurred in the worship team during the pandemic, namely the function of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating and monitoring, according to the writer of the worship team at GSJA Sunset Church Kupang, it has been successfully implemented even though GSJA Sunset Church Kupang did not learn about management science in theory. In line with the results of the above research, the writer can suggest that it would be better if every worship team should be able to train their ability in music and be able to build cooperation between fellow service teams and can learn from other churches in terms of music management or human resource management. exist in the church with the aim of improving the quality of the church.

Open Access
Pelaksanaan Supervisi Akademik Pengawas Dalam Meningkatkan Kompetensi Profesional Guru Pendidikan Agama Islam Pada SMP Negeri Di Kabupaten Lembata Nusa Tenggara Timur

 A scientific review that aims to increase the knowledge and insight of Islamic Religious Education supervisors in academic supervision by examining from a perspective how important the presence of a supervisor is in improving the professional competence of Islamic Religious Education teachers in the Lembata Regency. The method used is in the form of literature review and simple observations and interviews through a series of activities related to the methods of collecting library data, reading and taking notes, as well as managing research materials sourced from book reviews and simple observations from supervisory documents. The results of this study are expected to provide policy changes. For the Regional Government and the Ministry of Religion of the Lembata Regency, precisely in Islamic Religious Education, both regarding the recruitment of supervisors, equitable distribution of supervisors' placement, and increasing the intensity of supervisory development. The results of this study are also expected to be an internal correction for supervisors and used as evaluation material regarding the competence of academic supervision of supervisors in fostering Islamic Religious Education teachers at State Junior High Schools in Lembata Regency, in order to obtain competent and professional supervisors, the competent authorities should recruit supervisors. Following applicable regulations.

Open Access