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The Beginnings of the Grants-In-Aid System to Fund School Education in United Provinces in Modern India

The second half of the nineteenth century saw the advent of a change in the hitherto followed traditional system of education in India. The East India Company, tasked with the administration of a vast territory, gradually went from a policy of non-intervention and detachment, towards active reform in the structure of education in India, based on the English model. This paper attempts to capture the early stirrings of modern educational development in India. It seeks to streamline years of structured proposals and policies, ranging from the Charter Act of 1813, to Wood’s Dispatch of 1854, coupled with individual efforts of many officials, that ultimately brought about a grants-in-aid system, to establish modern learning on secular grounds. The system, which sought to achieve the uniform development of educational institutions on non-religious grounds, through grants-in-aid provided by the Government, seemed just and participative, but also suffered from limitations on diverse and vernacular interests.
 Even though the education system in India saw further development to reach its present form, this paper highlights the crucial and imperative understanding we must possess, of the ideals and the means that went into introducing modern education in the country.

Open Access
The Making of the Tabernacle and the Construction of Priestly Hegemony

Abstract How did the Jerusalem high priests go from being cultic servants in the sixth century BCE to assuming political supremacy at some point during the third or second century? The Making of the Tabernacle and the Construction of Priestly Hegemony explores how the conditions were created for the priesthood’s rise to power by examining the most important ideological texts for the high priests: the description of the wilderness tabernacle and the instructions for the ordination ritual found in the biblical books of Exodus and Leviticus. Although neglected by most modern readers, who often find them technical and repetitive, the tabernacle accounts excited considerable interest amongst early scribes and readers as is evidenced by the survival of them in no fewer than four versions. Untangling the intricate compositional history helps shed light on how these chapters shaped—and were shaped by—the perception of the priesthood’s powers and competencies during the Persian and early Hellenistic periods. The hierarchy portrayed is more nuanced and multifaceted than previously appreciated with Israelite artisans, community leaders, Levites, and women incorporated into a complex vision of society. The ordination ritual was also transformed by scribal elites during the Persian period appearing in no fewer than five variant forms as the role of the high priesthood was negotiated. Using a broad, pluralistic methodological approach that incorporates insights from sociology, ritual studies, textual and literary criticism, early interpretation, manuscript studies, and philology, MacDonald’s study shines new light on the historical development, theology, and ideology of priestly texts.

Hall current and thermal radiation effects of 3D rotating hybrid nanofluid reactive flow via stretched plate with internal heat absorption

The present analysis deals with the impact of a magnetic field, joule heating, rotation parameter, and Hall current, as well as nonlinear thermal radiation, on a rotating hybrid Fe3O4/Al2O3 nanofluid over-stretched plate in the presence of a chemical reaction with thermophoresis and a Brownian motion parameter. The primary focus of this research is on the Brownian motion parameter. Similar transformations are used to translate the governing partial differential equations into a set of nonlinear ordinary differential equations. The shooting technique obtains numerical solutions for that system of equations. The impact of various entry parameters on transversal and longitudinal velocities, temperature, heat flow and surface shear stress are studied numerically and graphically. It was shown that there is a strong connection between the primary research when looking at particular situations that indicate how the current technique meets the convergence requirements. In addition, the physical relevance of the contributed parameters is shown via graphs and tables. The discovery demonstrates that an increase in the particle concentration of the hybrid nanofluid accelerates the flow of the fluid. In addition, factoring in dissipative heat makes it more likely that the fluid temperature will be increased to accommodate the participation of the particle concentration.

Open Access
Effectiveness of Informational Booklet on knowledge of Interventional Strategies regarding Internet overuse among Students of Selected Degree Colleges in Udaipur city (Rajasthan)

Internet overuse poses a serious risk to students and teenagers in the form of decreased face-to-face interaction, reduced outdoor creativity, cyberbullying, wastage of time, abandonment of family, invasion of privacy, lack of sleep, reduced physical activity, low morale, psychological blocks, elimination of book reading, etc., all of which have an adverse effect on relationships, increased anxiety, and excessive online spending1. In the current study, information was gathered on what degree college students in Udaipur knew about interventional strategies on internet overuse and when the usage needed to be reduced through the reading of an informational booklet. A simple non-probability random selection method was used to choose a sample of 169 students. Once the information booklet was distributed, the mean knowledge score was 17.7. The study's conclusions showed that there was no statistically significant correlation between post-test knowledge scores and particular baseline factors. The study's conclusions confirm the necessity of educating students about information booklet for internet overuse. Students' knowledge was increased because of the distribution of the instructional pamphlet. The study strongly advises implementing an organised teaching programme in institutions and schools to boost students' mental well-being, lower their risk of internet addiction, and encourage a healthy lifestyle.
