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Optimizing The Implementation Of E-Government In The SISABAR Program In An Effort To Improve Child Protection (Case Study Of The Office Of Women's Empowerment And Child Protection In Tangerang Regency)

E-Government merupakan pemanfaatan teknologi informasi dan komunikasi untuk menunjang program yang dibuat oleh pemerintah. Salah satu bentuk penerapan e-Government ada pada Program SISABAR untuk menangani kasus pelaporan kekerasan pada anak agar anak merasa semakin terlindungi. Tujuan penelitian ini untuk mengetahui pelaksanaan e-Government pada Program SISABAR serta mengetahui hambatan dan serta upaya pengoptimalisasian oleh Dinas Pemberdayaan Perempuan dan Perlindungan Anak Kabupaten Tangerang. Penelitian ini menggunakan jenis penelitian kualitatif deskriptif dan di analisis menggunakan tiga indikator keberhasilan yaitu support, capacity, dan value. Berdasarkan hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa penerapan e-Government di Kabupaten Tangerang pada Program SISABAR sudah dinilai optimal karena dinilai dari indikator pertama yaitu support yang diberikan sudah baik dilihat dari dukungan dinas terkait serta masyarakat. Namun, belum adanya landasan yuridis secara khusus yang mengatur Program SISABAR itu sendiri. Sementara untuk indikator capacity ketersediaan sumber daya manusia, ketersediaan infrastruktur teknologi sudah memadai, namun sumber daya finansial dalam pengalokasian jaringan internet menjadi penghambat pelaksanaa e-Government. Kemudian indikator value sudah baik dilihat dari manfaat yang dirasakan oleh aparatur kecamatan dan dinas terkait serta masyarakat yang menjadi pelapor sudah menerima pelayanan dengan baik.

Open Access

MRT (Mass Rapid Transit) applies health protocols to prove the serve during a pandemic. It is done to decrease the spread of COVID-19. Service quality is improved to the interests of the society that using the Jakarta MRT. MRT applies the health protocol named BANGKIT (Bersih, Aman, Nyaman, Go Green, Kolaborasi, Inovasi, and Tata Kelola). The research aims to know the satisfaction level towards user society satisfaction as the passenger of Jakarta MRT who rides MRT from Lebak Bulus Station. The researcher used the quantitative method and used Simple random sampling to take the sample. To calculate data, the researcher did a correlation test, linear regression analysis, hypothesis test, and determination coefficient. The result of this research showed that the service quality: reliable responsiveness, assurance, empathy, tangibles significantly had a strong connection towards society satisfaction. The questionnaire which contained 24 questions was valid and reliable because r table value was bigger than r count value and reliable value. The value of r2 determination coefficient was 74.8%. It means service quality (Independent) gave significant effect towards variable of society satisfaction. The researcher could conclude that there was a positive effect given by service quality towards society satisfaction.

Open Access

Regional Secretariat (Regional Secretariat) both institutionally and functionally occupies a strategic position as the center of organizational and management activities in the region. Personally, the employees are a group of individuals who possess specialists and competencies that are bound by the structure in carrying out such complex tasks and functions; The dynamics of organizational development and government management shows the level of development is increasingly oriented towards the use of information technology. The problem of this research starts from the effectiveness of the Regional Secretariat organization in carrying out its function as a staff organization. The results of data analysis, Organizational Structure has a correlation (r) of 0.842 to Organizational Effectiveness. The Effect of Organizational Structure on Organizational Effectiveness is 70.8%. F Test Results, simultaneously there is a positive and significant effect between Organizational Structure on Organizational Effectiveness in the Regional Secretariat of Tasikmalaya Regency. Partially, the Complexity Dimension (X1), Formalization Dimension (X2) and Centralization Dimension (X3) have a positive but not significant effect on Organizational Effectiveness (Y) in the Regional Secretariat of Tasikmalaya Regency. The conclusion of this study is that organizational structure simultaneously has a positive and significant influence on Organizational Effectiveness and Partially, Complexity X1, Formalization X2, Centralization X3 has a positive but not significant effect on Organizational Effectiveness in the Regional Secretariat of Tasikmalaya Regency

Open Access