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Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Kafe Terbaik Dengan Menggunakan Metode OCRA

Currently, the development of the culinary business in Indonesia is increasingly rapid. One of them is the cafe business. A cafe is a place to tell stories with friends, friends and family while enjoying dishes such as drinks and food that have been provided by the management according to the menu list available. In North Nias district there are several cafes which are gathering places for visitors who want to tell stories or want to enjoy the dishes available at the cafe. One of the cafes that the tourism department hopes is a cafe that can be enjoyed by all ages, from parents, adults, teenagers and even children. So that visitors who want to go to a cafe with their family can get comfort from each other in the same place. To determine the best cafe, the cafe must meet predetermined criteria, namely taste, price, service, facilities and cleanliness. However, the deciding party in this case is the Tourism Department in choosing the best cafe. So we need a decision making system that can help determine which cafe is the best cafe chosen by the North Nias district tourism office. The method used for the decision support system is the OCRA (Operational Competitiveness Rating Analysis) method. In this research the author applies the OCRA method with ROC weighting. The author will rank this method in order to find out the best alternative in determining the best cafe in North Nias Regency because this method is related to determining the value weight of each existing criterion and is equally used for the value ranking process. So a decision support system (DSS) is needed to solve this problem. SPK can be interpreted as an information system that is used to support decision making in a company or organization. In this research, the Operational Competitiveness Rating Analysis (OCRA) method is used, which is a method that can produce data in selecting the best cafe. The research carried out this by collecting data on selecting the best cafes, then sorting the data according to the criteria and carrying out calculations. And determine the best alternative that deserves to be the best cafe. It is hoped that the results of this research can process the selection of the best cafe in North Nias Regency, this research can make it easier for the tourism office to select the best cafe based on the OCRA method in selecting the best cafe in North Nias Regency. Based on the test results, the best alternative results were obtained, namely Cafe Saito Coffee (A5) which obtained a score of 2.309

Open Access
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Kepala Cabang SCO di JNE Menerapkan Kombinasi Metode Dematel dan Aras

The head of the SCO (Sales Counter Officer) branch is a person who has good experience, knowledge and skills to lead and process finances every day who offer products available from the goods delivery service at the JNE Ekpress company. The SCO branch head also plays a role in organizing and coordinating SCO workers on duty, starting from arranging shifts, taking work records, and minimizing losses caused by SCO input errors. Decision Support Systems are computer-based systems consisting of several components, namely language system components, knowledge system components and problem processing system components, which are interconnected with each other in making a decision. through the use of data and decision models in order to solve a problem. DEMATEL (Decision Making Trial And Evaluation Laboratory) aims to find direct (dependency) in a variable system. The Additive Ratio Assessment (ARAS) method is a method used for ranking criteria. In carrying out the ranking process, this method is very suitable for use in selecting candidates for SCO branch heads. Where the highest value is the best value of the final result. Based on the test results, it is known that Rahmad is a candidate who meets the criteria to become the new SCO branch head with a score of 0.957972 or 96%.

Open Access
Implementasi Algoritma Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) Untuk Keamanan Data Rekam Medik Penyakit Pasien Rumah Sakit

Medical records are records of the who, what, where, and how of patient care while in hospital. One aspect of the use of medical records is the documentation aspect, namely medical records contain important information that is useful for various parties. Medical records contain data regarding past and present health and contain health professional notes regarding the patient's current condition in the form of physical findings, results of diagnostic and therapeutic procedures and patient responses. Medical record documents belong to doctors, dentists and health service facilities, while the contents of medical records belong to the patient. What can be given, recorded or duplicated by the patient is a summary of the medical record. Patients have the right to know the contents of medical records, however, the entire medical record file can only be held by authorized health/medical records officers and cannot leave the location of the health facility. This aims to maintain medical confidentiality (because medical information can be misused) and prevent medical records from being lost or damaged. To overcome this problem, a computerized system is needed that is able to secure medical record data so that unauthorized parties cannot read it. One technique that can be used to secure medical record data is cryptography. Cryptography comes from Greek which consists of the words kryptos which means hidden and graphia which means something written so that cryptography can be interpreted as something written in secret or hidden.. In applying the Rivest Shamir Adleman (RSA) method in securing medical record data at home Mitra Sejati Medan Hospital, namely by inserting program coding from Shamir Adleman's Rivest method into the programming language used. Next, form a public and private key, then carry out the encryption process for medical record data

Open Access
Analisis Perbandingan Kompresi File Audio Menggunakan Algoritma Shannon Fano Dengan Algoritma Fibonacci Code

Compression is a technique used to reduce the size of the data that serves to reduce memory capacity and speed up the data transfer process. In this study, the method used is the Shannon Fano method and the Fibonacci Code. In the Shannon Fano method the compression process is carried out by knowing the frequency of occurrence of each symbol which will then be sorted from the largest to the smallest frequency, while the Fibonacci Code method uses the Fibonacci integer series to encode the bit value of the data or file to be compressed. The file to be compressed is an audio file with an MP3 extension, to perform compression in reducing the size of the audio file, the technique used is lossless. Lossless technique is a compression technique that can restore compressed files converted to their original form (decompression). The algorithms used in file compression both use lossless techniques. Files that have been compressed using the Shannon Fano and Fibonacci Code methods will be compared to find out which method is more efficient in compressing audio files. The results showed that the method of Shannon Fano and Fibonacci can compress audio files. Based on the analysis of the compression ratio results generated using the Shannon Fano algorithm, there was a 69% change using 48 data samples, while the compression ratio results generated using the Fibonacci algorithm experienced a 66% change using the same 48 data samples as the Shannon Fano algorithm

Open Access
Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Berita Online Yang Akan Terbit Pada Perusahaan Media Online PT. Zaki Angkasa Hamdani Dengan Menerapkan Metode Profile Matching

Online news selection is the activity of selecting several news stories by assessing each news item based on existing criteria, this process is carried out by the Editor-in-Chief. News that is interesting and has high value will be placed at the front and become the main news. Packaging in news media has its own appeal, because it will attract people to read news in each news media. Inaccuracy in selecting online news and the length of the news selection process. So the online news that is published often does not provide accurate information, and can have a negative impact on readers. Based on the problems above, a decision support system will be built to determine the selection of online news that will be published using the Profile Matching method. In this research, the Profile Matching method is applied with the aim of providing the best solution in determining the selection of online news that will be published on PT. Zaki Angkasa Hamdani. Based on the criteria set by PT. Zaki Angkasa Hamdani used in this research, namely: News Title, News Writing, Data Completeness and Data Quality. This aims to make it easier to determine priorities for selecting online news that will be published more quickly and accurately so that later it can be more helpful to PT. Zaki Angkasa Hamdani in determining the selection of online news that will be published on PT. Zaki Angkasa Hamdani. Based on the results obtained from the ranking value for the selection of online news that will be published, there is a news with the title Pegasus Pancur Batu Police Ringkus HP Robber (A2) with a value of 6,964, so it can be proposed as online news that will be published based on the results of the selection that has been carried out.

Open Access