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Hadith Studies in Eastern Indonesia: Futurology Analysis on Hadith Sciences Department in Islamic Higher Education

Albeit research related to the development of hadith studies in Indonesia has been employed, little empirical research reports on the future of hadith studies, especially in Eastern Indonesia, which has had its own phenomenon in scientific development. The study focuses on the Hadith Science Study Program which is held at two PTKINs in the Sulawesi region as a representation of Eastern Indonesia in hadith education in higher education whose development is slow compared to hadith studies in other regions in Indonesia. This qualitative research utilizes observation and interview data analyzed futuristically with a predictive approach to map current trends and predict future developments, as well as to outline necessary actions to face the future in the context of hadith studies development in Eastern Indonesia. The research findings indicate that formal hadith education will lose its significance in religious education at Islamic higher education institutions in Eastern Indonesia. Trends from the analysis of historical, political-policy, and educational culture indicate a low prospect for the development of hadith studies in Eastern Indonesia. Developing interest and awareness in hadith studies through the implementation of an integrated scientific strategy is crucial. This research also emphasizes the importance of strengthening national and international collaboration among students and lecturers, focusing on the digitization of hadith studies. Furthermore, Islamic higher education institutions must engage in promoting hadith learning at all educational levels, both formal and non-formal.

Open Access
Early Marriage Phenomena in Pandemic Era at Luwu Utara, Indonesia

The impact of the Covid-19 pandemic has affected every aspect of life. Not only the decline in the economic situation, but it has also had an impact on the emergence of social problems such as the high rate of early marriage. Early marriage has been a scientific concern for a long time. However, scientific studies have not been able to reduce the rate of increase in the number of children marrying early. The loss of the rights of children who should receive proper education, play and the right to protection are forced to be “bound” in a marriage. The purpose of this article is to add references to solving the problem of early marriage which has been long problematic on an international, national and regional scale. This article discusses the objective conditions of early marriage during a pandemic and criticizes the implementation of strategies for preventing and handling cases of the early child marriage. The data in this study were taken from the main data in the form of in-depth interviews with competent informants. Additional data was taken from existing data at the related office in North Luwu Regency along with the news from online sites, became a reference in this article. This study establish that the number of early marriages has rising due to the widespread use of social networks and changes in daily activity patterns. For future studies, it is recommended to consider the determinant factors in different locations and in a wider scope.

Open Access
Mapparola dalam Pernikahan Adat Suku Bugis di Sulawesi Selatan Perspektif Sosiologi Hukum Islam

This study aims to analyze the mapparola tradition among the Bugis community from the perspective of Islamic Law sociology. The research addresses two questions: what the concept of mapparola in the wedding party of the Bugis tribe in Wajo is, and what are its implications from the perspective of Islamic Law sociology. This qualitative research employs field data collected through observation and interviews with community leaders and participants in the tradition. The data are analyzed using the ‘urf theory and the receptie a contrario theory, which emphasize that customary law can be valid as long as it does not contradict Islamic law. The findings indicate that the mapparola tradition in Bugis weddings is a form of respect towards the parents and families of the bride and groom, particularly the bride. This tradition, rich in social interactions and the exchange of various gifts, embodies strong Islamic legal philosophy. It is an extension of the guidance on dowry in Islamic law, sociologically shaped by the Bugis community's characteristic of sharing. However, mapparola sometimes poses challenges for prospective brides and grooms who may struggle to meet the traditional standards for providing the agreed-upon items. Therefore, this study recommends that the implementation of the mapparola tradition be adjusted to contemporary conditions, rationality, and the welfare of the prospective couples.

Open Access
Optimizing Legal Protection against Gender-Based Violence From an Islamic Perspective

Gender-based violence in Indonesia is increasingly concerning, despite the existence of numerous laws and regulations aimed at its regulation. This violence significantly impedes development, as its multifaceted impact hinders women's participation, compromises health, and diminishes autonomy across political, economic, social, and cultural spheres. The research addresses several key questions: 1) What is the extent of legal protection against gender-based violence in Indonesia? 2) How is gender-based violence addressed within Islam? 3) How can legal protection against gender-based violence be optimized from an Islamic perspective? The research methodology is qualitative, using a normative approach and drawing from secondary sources like literature accessed through library research. Data analysis is conducted through descriptive analysis techniques. The findings of the research indicate that in Indonesia, legal protection against gender-based violence is addressed through various regulations, and similarly, within Islam, there have been numerous reforms pertaining to gender-based protection found in the Quran and hadith. Strategies like theological education, moral guidance, gender equality promotion, and family development with a gender perspective can enhance legal protection against gender-based violence in line with Islamic principles. Aligned with these findings, the article emphasizes the vital importance of preventive measures to reduce the rise of gender-based violence.

Open Access
Menjadi Muslim Modern: Konstruksi Identitas Anak Muda Muslim di Kafe

This article discusses the construction of the Muslims youth identity in cafes. Cafes as a public habitus that is constructed modern and considered not 'Islamic' does not mean that it has no relationship with Islam. Therefore, this article seeks to answer the question of what is the relationship between Islam, cafes, and social media? So, to what extent do Muslims youth access cafes? Finally, how do Muslims youth construct their identity of piety and youth in a café? To answer these questions, the authors conducted fieldwork in the form of observations and interviews with café owners and several youths with a narrative approach. Then public space theory, identity theory and digital production theory were used to analyze research data. The results of this study found that the relationship between cafes, Islam and social media manifested in the activities of young Muslims themselves, especially in consuming café public spaces such as enjoying food and beverage products, wifi facilities, prayer facilities, and taking pictures. Muslim youth not only access the symbols of café modernity and post them on social media, but also access the café's worship facilities. These three practices, both in consuming symbols of café modernity such as café architectural design and painting art on coffee (latte art), then uploading it to social media and doing prayer practices in cafes are ways for young people to construct their pious and youthful identity while in the café. This finding deconstructs the long-held view by some scholars or the public that cafes are considered public spaces that have no connection with Islam.

Open Access
Resepsi Al-Qur’an di Media Sosial (Studi atas Pengamalan QS. Yūsuf/12: 4 di Tiktok)

Performances of the Qur’an that appear irrelevant to authoritative interpretation discourses, such as the practise of QS. Yūsuf: 4 by a number of Tiktok users, can occasionally be found on social media. This qualitative study employs a field research design to examine these trends by observing and interviewing five Tiktok users as data sources. The researcher describes how Tiktok users practise QS. Yūsuf/12: 4 and investigates its relationship with the function of the verse’s meaning, as well as analyses the motives and sources of their behaviour using the Qur’an Reception approach. According to the findings of the study, Tiktok users perceive QS. Yūsuf/12: 4 functionally with various practises and utilising a variety of media to obtain submission, obedience, appreciation, and even love from the party he desires. This motivation stems from their understanding of the meaning of the phrase “lī sājidīn” in the verse. They claim that such acceptance refers to various interpretive sources as well as formal and informal teachers. Despite the fact that there is a semantic correlation between practise and the meaning of the verse, the intent, purpose, and message of the Prophet Yusuf's story are not represented in their practise. The rise of social media information has influenced this phenomenon, reinforcing the lack of interpretation literacy. The performance of social media users who are dominated by simplistic theological readings must be coloured by strengthening interpretation literacy and authoritative sources so that the dimension of worship in practising the Qur’an is more scientific and can be developed professionally

Open Access
Digital Pesantren: Revitalization of the Islamic Education System in the Disruptive Era

This study aims to identify the system of Islamic education faced by the Pesantren during the period of upheaval. This study is a preliminary qualitative study aimed at analyzing various literature on the critical issues of Pesantrens during the period of disruption. The data obtained in this study were collected using documentation methods and subsequently validated using source triangulation techniques. Data analysis was conducted in three stages: data reduction, presentation, and conclusion formulation. The study revealed the following. (1) Pesantrens will activate the Islamic education system by expanding the scope of the santri through extracurricular activities according to the interests and talents of the santri. Pesantrens will focus on all areas of life (Internet of Things), big data, and artificial intelligence for information gathering and knowledge transfer. (2) The Role of Pesantrens in an era of disruption following Advances in Science and Technology. Islamic education still depends on three terms – tarbiyah, ta’lim, and ta’dib – and the use of each has many implications. The role of science and technology can be fulfilled through innovation, teaching methods and media. (3) The digital needs of a disruptive age in Pesantrens can make accessing information and knowledge easier for the santri. Changes in Islamic education will be examined, particularly the medium of instruction, teaching methods, and the Islamic curriculum in the digital age. (4) Solves the problems of the system of Islamic education in Pesantrens by adapting and restructuring it to the social requirements and challenges of the digital age based on Islamic principles. The strategies of the project are: improving Pesantrens based on values, improving the human resources of Pesantrens, improving the material and technical base of Pesantrens and the development of Pesantren curricula

Open Access
Batak Muslim Local Wisdom: Sociological Analysis of Buffalo Slaughtering Tradition of Angkola Community Death Ceremony

This research examines the local wisdom built by the Muslim community of Angkola around the ritual of slaughtering buffalo in the event of death ceremony. This study is a field research combining observation, interviews, and document analysis with a sociological analytical technique to evaluate the tradition beginning with the reasons for its adoption, the process, and the desired outcomes. The study’s findings indicate that the Angkola people’s practice of slaughtering buffalo in burial ceremonies is motivated by a desire to preserve traditional culture as well as a means of protecting the social strata of traditional elders. Furthermore, this ritual appears to be a technique of sustaining societal social cohesiveness. The buffalo slaughter served as the foundation for implementing Islamic ideals in an atmosphere of brotherhood and generosity, with Mora Khanggi and Anak Boru serving as the primary funders. The outcomes of the study demonstrate that the practice of local communities as part of life knowledge can be sociologically connected with Islamic theological teachings. Acculturation of culture with religious teachings can genuinely present various choices for propagating religion while also exhibiting theological flexibility in order to make it more welcoming to its devotees.

Open Access