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The Effect of Vaname Shrimp Pond Waste Disposal (Litopenaeus van-namei) on The Environment and Environmental Law Perspective: a Literatur Review

As a result of observations regarding waste disposal that have been carried out, many shrimp farmers ignore the negative impact of excessive feeding on the environment. Including proper waste management practices, such as processing before discharge into the sea, is often ignored. This research uses a qualitative research method in the form of a literature review (document analysis). The data in this research is information regarding the impacts caused by vaname shrimp waste. The main data sources are obtained through observations and documents from journals or articles that have been published or published. The impact of shrimp pond waste disposal on the environment can cause damage to aquatic ecosystems and environmental pollution. The environmental law perspective regulates legal sanctions for perpetrators of waste disposal from vaname shrimp ponds that damage the environment, such as imprisonment and fines. Several efforts have been made to handle vaname shrimp pond waste for organic fertilizer, waste water treatment installations (IPAL), environmental impact analysis (AMDAL) and supervision from local governments. And the solution that needs to be implemented by business actors is to carry out waste management that meets quality standards, pay attention to AMDA and legal sanctions that can be imposed if you dispose of vaname shrimp pond waste which can damage the environment

Microclimate Characteristics in Mangrove Forest Areas in Padang City

Mangrove forest microclimate is the climatic conditions that occur in mangrove forests. The research aims to determine the conditions and characteristics of the microclimate (air temperature, air humidity and light intensity) in the mangrove forest area. The research location was chosen in the Taluak Buo mangrove forest area because the conditions and characteristics of the microclimate are not yet known. The data used is prime data obtained from direct measurements in the field. Measurements of several weather elements were carried out three times, namely in the morning (07.00-08.00 WIB), in the noon (12.00-13.00 WIB), and in the afternoon (17.00-18.00 WIB) for 7 days at three observation points using an anemometer instrument. The results obtained from this research in the Taluak Buo mangrove forest area in the Bungus Teluk Kabung sub-district are an average daily air temperature of 26.94°C in the forest, 27.94°C at the position on the edge of the forest and 28.6°C at outside the forest. The average difference in air temperature between inside the forest and outside the forest is between 1,22-2,14°C. On the other hand, the difference in air humidity is 5-6%. The average difference in sunlight intensity between inside the forest and outside the forest is between 3.923,44-22,462,66 lux. The air temperature and intensity of sunlight inside the forest is lower than at the edge and outside the forest, which is inversely proportional to the higher air humidity inside the forest.

Analysis of Carbon Stocks in Mangrove Forest Areas in Padang City

Global warming is caused by the disruption of the energy balance between the earth and the atmosphere. Carbon emission is the process of releasing greenhouse gases into the atmosphere due to human activities. High carbon emissions contribute to climate change. This climate change can have serious impacts on human life and ecosystems. Mangrove forests are one of the most carbon-rich forest types in the tropics. Mangrove areas are declining rapidly due to logging for the expansion of aquaculture ponds and infrastructure development. The data collection method used in this study is a survey method with field survey techniques (observation). Calculation of tree biomass and carbon stocks using allometric equations based on plant species and stem diameter.Carbon reserves in mangrove forests in general in the city of Padang amounted to 3,682.06 tonnes from 78 ha of mangrove forests. While the mangrove forest ditaluak buo can absorb 895.72 tonnes from 49 ha of mangrove forest. Based on carbon reserves, mangrove forests in the city of Padang are able to absorb 4,577.78 tons from 120 hectares of mangrove forest area in the city of Padang or around 38.90 ppm. Based on the results of the research, the value of Carbon Reserves in Taluak Buo is 4.97 tonnes / ha of 334 mangrove stems and is able to absorb or reduce carbon emissions by 18.28 tonnes / ha and the type of Sonneratia caseolaris is the largest contributor. Mangrove forests in Taluak Buo can absorb 9.45% of carbon emissions. The contribution of mangrove forests in the city of Padang is able to absorb 38.90 ppm while carbon emissions are 411.54 ppm. This means that the Mangrove Forest has not been able to clean up carbon emissions in the city of Padang and can be called that the city of Padang is a less healthy city

Increasing The Effectiveness Of 20 WP Solar Panel Power Absorption Using Three Angle Variations Based On The Effect Of Temperature Changes In Padang City

In this paper, a system has been successfully designed to measure the effectiveness of solar panel power absorption with three variations in location and temperature changes in the city of Padang. The performance specifications for this system use three 20-watt solar panels with varying angles of 50°, 65°, and 75°. Use of the INA219 sensor, DS18B20 sensor, and BH1750 sensor, which measure power, temperature, and light intensity parameters. The system uses a Bluetooth serial terminal as a data logger and data storage device. The design specifications for sensor accuracy are 97.5% for current, 98.3% for voltage, 98.7% for temperature, and 99.7% for light intensity. Sensor accuracy is 99.905% for current, 99.996% for voltage, 99.838% for temperature, and 99.383% for light intensity. Based on these results, the smart garden tool design can work well. The results of the increase for three variations of angles at three locations in the city are: Power absorption at an angle of 50° at 3 different locations obtained power absorption of 3447.07 Watts (urban), 2566.3 Watts (hills), and 2461 Watts (beach). Power absorption at an angle of 65 ° at 3 different locations obtained power absorption of 2324.67 Watts (urban), 1679.35 Watts (hills), and 1779.03 Watts (beach). Power absorption at an angle of 75° at 3 different locations obtained power absorption of 2162.16 Watts (urban), 1687.85 Watts (hills), and 1799.58 Watts (beach). From the measurement results, it can be concluded that increasing the effectiveness of solar panel energy harvesting can be done in urban locations at an angle of 50°.

Analysis of the Comfort Level of Climate in the Padang Coastal Tourism Area Using the Holiday Climate Index (HCI) Method

Padang city is one of the regions of Indonesia that has potential in the tourism sector, one of which is beach tourism. The tourism sector is one of the largest sectors and the main mainstay for the economy in various countries, including Indonesia. Countries that rely on the tourism sector must pay attention to several factors that attract tourists, one of which is climate comfort. Climate information is a major factor in choosing a tourist trip. This study aims to analyze the level of climate comfort in the coastal tourism area of Padang City using the Holiday Climate Index (HCI) method. HCI uses climate parameters such as air temperature, humidity, wind speed, rainfall, and cloud cover. HCI calculation data in the form of observation data obtained from the Meteorology Climatology Geophysics Agency (BMKG) station at Minangkabau International Airport and the Teluk Bayur Maritime Meteorology Station from 2011-2020, direct measurement data from August to September, and questionnaires. The results of the HCI analysis show that the city of Padang is comfortable throughout the year, with the HCI value in the range of 58.6-71.6 which is categorized as acceptable to very good. The results obtained through direct measurements also obtained comfortable results throughout the day with HCI values in the range of 70-80. Perceptions of tourists interviewed also stated that overall tourists felt comfortable with the percentage of respondents as much as 74.1%. HCI can be used as a source of information to determine the value of climate comfort in tourist areas.

Open Access
Characterization of Pig, Cow and Goat Raw Skin Using E-Nose for Visual Data Comparison of Characteristics of Halal Skin-Processed Products

The presence of questionable halal claims for various products in the market presents concerns among consumers, particularly Muslims. As a result, the need to accurately identify halal skin products has become crucial. This study focuses on differentiating pig skin from other commonly used raw materials such as cow skin and goat skin by utilizing visual characteristic data. The data was obtained through the analysis of samples using a chemometric-based electronic nose instrument, which detected volatile organic compounds (VOCs) through metal oxide semiconductor sensors (TGS 26xx and TGS8xx). The samples consisted of pig skin, cow skin, and goat skin, and their specific odors were measured and represented in line graphs, revealing distinct odor patterns detected by the sensors. The analysis revealed that pig skin exhibited the highest and increasing trend line, indicating a higher concentration of VOCs and an intense odor. Cow skin displayed a moderate trend line with lower concentrations of VOCs, while goat skin showed a lower trend line compared to cow skin but possessed strong odor properties. The analysis employed the linear discriminant analysis (LDA) method, which further confirmed these characteristics by generating line graphs that demonstrated significant differences, particularly in pig skin. The LDA plot graphs presented clear groupings of the original pig skin, cow skin, and goat skin data. Discriminant function 1 accounted for 89.13% of the grouping, while discriminant function 2 accounted for 10.87%, resulting in a total value of 100% for the discriminant function. In conclusion, this research establishes a clear distinction between pig skin and cow/goat skin based on their odor characteristics and sensor data. The LDA plot graphs serve as a valuable visual tool for identifying the characteristics of halal products. By utilizing this approach, consumers, especially those seeking halal-certified skin products, can make informed choices and have greater confidence in their purchasing decisions.

Open Access