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Pembebasan Kaum Perempuan dalam Tradisi Pendidikan Islam: Analisis Historis dan Kontemporer

This research explores complex issues related to Islamic education, social transformation, and gender inequality in society. The method used in this study is the literature review method, which is data collection by identifying relevant literature and then analyzed. The results of this research found that Islamic education not only contains religious aspects, but also reflects long socio-cultural dynamics. Problems such as slavery, colonialism, and power hegemony also influenced the complexity of Islamic education, with acculturation of values extending to various parts of the world. In addition, various views on the backwardness of women from the Structural Functionalism school to Marxist and Socialist feminism provide diverse insights. The importance of critical reflection on the values and practices of Islamic education is also highlighted in creating an inclusive society that supports gender equality. Although the concept of equality between women and men exists in Islam, social reality often does not reflect it, with strict social restrictions, especially regarding the role of women in society. However, views such as those expressed by Mernissi and Islamic historians show that women have equal rights and potential, prompting the need for a review of religious interpretations to create a more inclusive understanding and support gender equality. Keywords : Education, Women, Gender

Open Access
Orientasi Kurikulum Pondok Pesantren Nasy’atul Muta’allimin Dalam Mengembangkan Karakter Santri

 The Islamic Boarding School curriculum is seen as a plan of learning activities for students as a set of goals to be achieved. The meaning of curriculum can also refer to a document containing the formulation of objectives, teaching materials for teaching and learning activities, schedules and evaluations. In addition, the curriculum can also be described as a written document as a result of mutual agreement between curriculum makers and education policy holders with the community that covers a certain scope, be it a school, district, province or the whole country.
 As an Islamic educational institution that grows and is recognized by the surrounding community with a boarding system (pondokan) where the students receive religious education through a recitation system or madrasa which is fully under the sovereignty and leadership of one or several kyai with charismatic and independent characteristics in In all things, Islamic boarding schools thrived on Indonesian soil long before Indonesia's independence.
 The approach used in this research is a qualitative approach, namely research that uses a natural setting, with the intention of interpreting the phenomena that occur by involving various existing methods.
 The results of this study indicate that the orientation of the curriculum at the Nasy'atul Muta'allimin Islamic Boarding School in developing the character of students is to accommodate students who focus on learning two curricula, namely the pesantren curriculum and the general education curriculum. The pesantren curriculum material taught is sourced from the yellow book which includes; religious laws, the science of monotheism, morals and Arabic.

Open Access

This research is motivated by the low entrepreneurial competence of vocational students, so that it has an impact on the lack of vocational graduates who open new jobs. The approach in this study is descriptive qualitative, so the purpose of this study is to describe and analyze 1) the leadership characteristics of the principal of SMKN 1 and SMKN 4 Metro Lampung, 2) the principal's leadership strategy which includes the implementation of environmental analysis, strategy formulation, strategy implementation and strategy evaluation, 3) Superior entrepreneurship programs. SMKN, 4) the constraints faced, and 5) solutions to overcome these problems. The results of the study: 1) Principals of SMKN carry out transformational leadership 2) Principals have implemented a strategy to improve the quality of graduates but have not yet been formulated in the school RKS/RKAS. 3) The implementation of entrepreneurship programs in SMKN has been integrated with education and very high entrepreneurial values ​​and entrenched in schools. 4) There are several obstacles for school principals in an effort to improve students' entrepreneurial competencies. 5) There is a solution to overcome the obstacles for the Principal in an effort to improve the entrepreneurial competence of students.
 Keywords: Leadership, Transformational, leadership strategy

Open Access

Free school is the hope of all parents. In fact free school is not really free. Teachers are still paid, uniforms and books are still purchased, activities still require funds, and even building rentals are not free. At the beginning of its establishment, SMP Juara Bandung made its education services free for all its students, because it received financial support from its main donor, namely the National Amil Zakat Institution (Laznas) Rumah Zakat. Because the implementation of 19 sekolah juara throughout Indonesia is a permanent burden for Rumah Zakat and this is operationally challenging, the transformation of sekolah juara is needed to realize sustainable education for SMP Juara Bandung. The transformation takes a social enterprise approach which generally consists of three qualifications, namely embedded, integrated, and external. SMP Juara Bandung applies the first qualification in the implementation of its social enterprise, namely the social enterprise qualification embedded in the form of cross-subsidies between paid general students and free scholarship students from the poor. This study aims to dig deeper into the key to the successful implementation of social enterprises at SMP Juara Bandung, the obstacles faced, the challenges after implementation, and the steps to duplicate the success of the implementation. This research is a descriptive type using a case study approach, so that a lot of information and data are obtained to answer the research objectives above. The results of the study stated that the implementation of social enterprises at SMP Juara Bandung was successful and could be duplicated in similar schools that would carry out the transformation to maintain sustainable education in their schools.

Open Access