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Acoustic Measurement of Near-Bed Sediment Transport Processes

The use of acoustics to measure near-bed sediment transport processes has gained increasing acceptance within the sedimentological community over the past two decades. The idea of using sound to study fundamental sediment processes in the underwater environment is attractive, and, in concept, straightforward. A pulse of high-frequency sound is transmitted downward from a directional sound source usually mounted a meter or two above the bed. As the pulse propagates down toward the bed, sediment in suspension backscatters a proportion of the sound and the bed generally returns a strong echo. The signal backscattered from the suspended sediments can be used to obtain vertical profiles of the suspended concentration and particle size and profiles of the three orthogonal components of flow. The strong echo from the bed can be used to measure the bed forms. Further, the profiles can be obtained with sufficient spatial and temporal resolution to allow near-bed turbulence and intrawave sediment processes to be probed; this coupled with the bedform morphology observations provides sedimentologists and coastal engineers with an extremely powerful tool to advance understanding of sediment entrainment and transport. All of this is delivered with almost no influence on the processes being observed, because sound is the instrument of measurement.

Plankton and Climate

The microscopic plants and animals of our oceans known as plankton fix 100 million tons of CO2 per day, produce half the oxygen we breathe, support almost all marine life, impact human health through harmful algal blooms, contribute to cloud formation, and help to move carbon into the deep ocean. Because of these critical ecosystem roles and the sensitivity of plankton to their environment, impacts of climate change on plankton reverberate throughout marine ecosystems. Plankton have exhibited some of the largest range shifts in response to global warming of any marine or terrestrial group, expanding their distribution poleward as temperatures warm. There have also been striking examples of changes in plankton abundance as waters warm, with warm-water species increasing in abundance and replacing cold-water forms. Changes in phenology, or the timing of repeated seasonal activities, are greater for plankton than for terrestrial plants and animals. The timing of phytoplankton blooms appears to have advanced more than for zooplankton, which may disrupt the synchrony between primary and secondary production, leading to inefficient transfer of energy to fish. The increased concentration of CO2 in our oceans is turning them more acidic, potentially making it more difficult for some plankton to build and maintain their calcium carbonate shells. Observations and modeling work suggest that the large tropical oceans are becoming warmer and morestratified, with fewer nutrients in surface waters, leading to smaller phytoplankton cells. As more trophic linkages are needed to transfer energy from small phytoplankton to higher trophic levels, this ultimately results in fewer fish, marine mammals, and seabirds. This could also cause less carbon to be drawn down into the deep ocean, leading to less CO2 diffusing from the atmosphere into the oceans, and elevated atmospheric concentrations. Ultimately, impacts of climate change on plankton will not only determine the future of marine ecosystems but will also influence the pace and extent of climate change globally.
