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Internal Control, Fraud Prevention, Organizational Culture at RSPR on BLU’S Financial Performance

This research aims to determine the influence of internal control, fraud prevention, and organizational culture on the financial performance of BLU at the lung hospital Dr. H. A. Rotinsulu Bandung. The data source uses primary data and secondary data. Primary data collection uses the result of respondent’s answer from distributing questionnaires. Secondary data uses financial reports audited and performance report for the 2018-2022 period. The sampling technique uses non probability sampling with purposive sampling according to the characteristics of the respondents based on the phenomenon being studied. The population is all employees of the lung hospital Dr. H. A. Rotinsulu Bandung, totaling 389 employees. Meanwhile, the samples taken were 80 respondents. The questionnaire has been tested for validity and reliability, as well as tested for classical assumptions consisting of normality assumptions, multicollinearity assumptions, autocorrelation assumptions, and heteroscedasticity assumptions. The data analysis method uses panel data regression analysis. The research results simultaneously state that internal control, fraud prevention, and organizational culture have a significant and positive effect on BLU’s financial performance. Meanwhile, partial research result state that internal control does not have a significant and strong effect on BLU’s financial performance. On the other hand, fraud prevention has a significant and strong effect on BLU’s financial performance

Open Access
Optimizing Cost Management in Dynamic Business Environments: An In-depth Analysis of Production Cost Budgeting, Considering Specific Elements and External Factors

This research discusses the effectiveness of using budgets as a means of controlling production costs at PT. Sari Tuna Makmur in the 2017-2021 period. By examining the budget and realization of direct labor costs (salary costs), factory overhead costs, as well as differences in budgeted tuna production costs, this research aims to identify factors that influence variations between budget and realization. The research results show that the company is generally successful in controlling production costs. Although there are variations in direct labor costs during the COVID-19 pandemic, PT. Sari Tuna Makmur was able to achieve production costs that were lower than the budget in previous years. Internal factors such as business policies, production capacity, and production facilities, as well as external factors such as competition and consumer demand, play an important role in successful cost control. However, special challenges arise during the pandemic, where the decision not to reduce the workforce may result in direct labor cost deviations. Therefore, this research recommends increasing the accuracy of budget preparation and more detailed attention to factors that influence production costs, especially in unexpected situations. This research contributes to the understanding of production cost control strategies amidst the dynamics of the business environment. The practical implication is the need for companies to continue to optimize cost control strategies, consider changes in external conditions, and increase accuracy in preparing budgets to maintain the company's operational and financial sustainability.

Open Access
Analysis of the Effectiveness and Contribution of Land and Building Tax, and Land and Building Acquisition, Duty on Local Revenue in the City of Bandung Before and During the Covid-19 Pandemic

This study aims to determine the effectiveness level of the Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan(PBB) and Land and Building Acquisition Fee (BPHTB) revenues, as well as the contribution of PBB to the Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD). With the enactment of Law No. 28 of 2009 on Local Taxes and Regional Levies, the authority for collecting Local Taxes is fully implemented by the Regional Government. As a result, PBB and BPHTB, which were previously classified as Central Taxes, have now become Local Taxes. This study utilizes a quantitative research method with a descriptive research approach. The findings indicate that the Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan of the Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan(PBB) revenues in the City of Bandung over the past four years from 2018 to 2021 showed an initial increase followed by a decline, resulting in varying criteria. Similarly, the Pajak Bumi dan Bangunan of the Land and Building Acquisition Fee (BPHTB) revenues in the City of Bandung during the same period exhibited a decreasing trend, leading to a decrease in the effectiveness level from "sufficiently effective" to "ineffective". Furthermore, the Pendapatan Asli Daerah (PAD) in the City of Bandung experienced a decline from 2018 to 2019, followed by an increase from 2019 to 2020, and a significant decrease from 2020 to 2021.

Open Access