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Development of Islamic Religious Education Curriculum to Prepare Religious Attitudes, Moderate, Inclusive, and Cultured Attitudes

The purpose of the research in this article is to find out the basis for Minister of Religion Decree Number 183, namely preparing a Moderate, Inclusive, and Cultured attitude. The transition from time to time in the field of Islamic education has experienced many differences in understanding, especially in Indonesia which has a variety of recognized religions. Therefore, to face the dynamics that are constantly changing, unique innovations are needed, rooted in deep foundations, so that what is pursued can achieve its targets precisely. A foundation as a basis for curriculum development is very necessary. KMA Number 183 of 2019 has a new direction from the previous KMA, which was based on a moderate attitude. Researchers studied with a descriptive qualitative approach using content analysis techniques. This article aims to understand the philosophical basis of KMA 183 of 2019. Thus, the results of our study found that to obtain an attitude of mutual respect between understandings, as well as culture, namely by producing a generation that thinks rationally, creatively, and innovatively so that it can inherit cultural diversity and maintain it. to face the 21st Century.Tujuan penelitian pada artikel ini untuk mengetahui landasan pada Keputusan Menteri Agama Nomor 183 yaitu mempersiapkan sikap Moderat, Inklusif, dan Berbudaya. Perpindahan masa ke masa dalam bidang pendidikan Islam mengalami banyak perbedaan pemaham terutama di Indonesia memiliki ragam agama yang diakui. Oleh karena itu, untuk menghadapi dinamika yang tak henti-hentinya berubah, dibutuhkan inovasi-inovasi yang unik, berakar pada landasan yang mendalam, agar apa yang dikejar dapat mencapai sasarannya dengan tepat. Landasan sebagai dasar dalam pengembangan kurikulum sangat diperlukan. Pada KMA Nomor 183 tahun 2019 memiliki arah yang baru dari KMA sebelumnya, yang berlandaskan pada sikap moderat. Peneliti mengkaji dengan pendekatan kualitatif deskriptif menggunakan Teknik content analisis. Artikel ini bertujuan untuk memahami landasan filosofis pada KMA 183 tahun 2019. Dengan demikian hasil kajian kami lakukan ditemukan, untuk mendapatkan sikap saling menghargai antar paham, juga berbudaya yaitu dengan mencetak generasi yang berpikir rasional, kreatif, dan inovatif sehingga dapat mewariskan keragaman budaya serta menjaganya demi menghadapi Abad 21.

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Philosophical Foundations for Developing an Anti-Corruption Based Islamic Religious Education Curriculum

This research is motivated by the widespread practice of corruption, collusion, and nepotism, especially in the education sector. The purpose of this article is to describe the overall philosophical aspects underlying the development of the Islamic Religious Education curriculum which focuses on preventing corruption based on KMA 183 and 184 of 2019. This research is qualitative with a literature review approach. Data sources come from documentation in the form of books and scientific articles that review the philosophical aspects of anti-corruption-based PAI curriculum development. Data is collected through documentation techniques, which involve selecting relevant data for the research topic. Next, an investigation was carried out using various sources such as books, journals, articles, papers, and other reference materials relevant to this research. Anti-corruption education values should not only be seen as a hidden curriculum but must have reached the stage of integration with the material in PAI subjects, up to the stage of preparing specific material related to the implementation of anti-corruption education values that are in line with the mandate of the revelation. If the anti-corruption-based PAI curriculum is only seen as a hidden curriculum, concerns about its implementation will become blurred and unfocused.

Open Access
Improving the Morals of Karimah Santri at Al-Ihsan Islamic Boarding School

An effective learning environment is a very important factor in the educational process to achieve educational goals. Akhlakul Karimah is the goal to be achieved in the Islamic education process. Islamic boarding schools are educational institutions that function as institutions for spreading and developing Islamic religious knowledge as well as institutions that function as producers of national cadres who have good norms and values. So, Islamic boarding schools must be designed in such a way that they can function as they should. This research aims to determine the environment of the Al Ihsan Islamic Boarding School as an effective environment in improving the morals and morals of students. The approach used is a qualitative approach. The methods used in this research are observation and interviews. The location of this research is the Al Ihsan Islamic Boarding School. The research results show that physically Al Ihsan is a clean, comfortable, safe, and beautiful Islamic boarding school. Socially, Al Ihsan and his students have a spirit of justice, responsibility, and cooperation. In terms of social systems, it has a good administrative system. Culturally, the institution created is very good, this can be seen from the material which is a combination of traditional books and contemporary books which makes Al Ihsan students literate in moderate modern sciences and a different organizational culture which will lead the students to achieve noble morals.

Open Access
Challenges of Using Information Technology in the Needs Analysis Design Process for Islamic Religious Education Learning

In the 5.0 era, information technology has become an essential element of human life, particularly in education. With the availability of increasingly sophisticated information technology, education is rapidly evolving. The purpose of this study is to look into the usage of information technology in the needs analysis design process for Islamic religious education learning. The method employed is a qualitative approach with a case study method. This study was conducted at SDN Cengal 2 with Islamic religious education teachers as the sample. Data collection methods include observations, interviews, and documentation studies. The use of technology at SDN Cengal 2 in the learning needs analysis design process has been implemented, but there are several obstacles due to a lack of knowledge and skills in using various information technologies, as well as limited facilities and age issues. In terms of implementing information technology, laptops will be used to assist in determining Islamic religious education learning demands. In conclusion, the use of information technology can help in the process of analyzing learning needs. Still, schools must continue to make efforts to support the skills of teachers to face current challenges and to support the design of learning needs.

Open Access
Implementation of Religious Culture and Its Implications for Students' Religious Development in Junior High School 10 Bandung

This research aims to describe the development of students' religion at SMP Negeri 10 Bandung. This research was motivated by the large number of immoral cases committed by the younger generation, such as drug cases, free sex, and so on. These various problems cannot be solved, but by returning to religious teachings, one way is by making religious education more effective in schools, one of which is through religious culture. This research is a type of qualitative research. The research approach used is phenomenological (meaning of existence). The informants for this research consisted of the school principal, all Islamic religious education teachers, several teachers other than Islamic religious education teachers, and students. The results of the research show that the implementation of student religious formation through religious culture at SMP Negeri 10 Bandung has gone well and is programmed, and carried out by the school as a complete educational institution with lessons related to the development of religious culture in schools and community activities carried out by Rohis (Islamic Spirituality) as an extracurricular activity at a special shade school. This success can be achieved because of the efforts of the principal and the support of the entire school community by showing commitment, each of which occurs together and supports each other.

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