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Virtue marketing: Trends in health-, eco-, and cause-oriented claims on the packaging of new alcohol products in Australia between 2013 and 2023.

Some claims on alcohol labels highlight virtuous aspects of brands or products, including in health-, eco-, and cause-oriented domains (including charity partnerships, or ethical or humanitarian certifications). This virtue marketing may create a 'halo' whereby consumers generalise from specific attributes to a more favourable overall appraisal of the product, brand, or even alcohol or the alcohol industry in general. This study aims to describe the prevalence of and trends over time in virtue marketing on the packaging of new alcohol (including lower and zero alcohol) products on the Australian market. Records of N=4,024 new alcohol products released in Australia between 2013 and 2023 were extracted from Mintel Global New Products Database. Health-, eco-, and cause-oriented claims on packaging were summarised across product types and time, and co-occurrence between claims was assessed. Virtue marketing appeared on 36.5% of new alcohol products, of which health-oriented claims were most common (32.5%), followed by eco- (6.3%) and cause-oriented claims (2.0%). The prevalence of each claim category and virtue marketing overall significantly increased over time (each p<.001) and varied by product type. New alcohol products displayed as many as eight different types of claims and all claims tended to co-occur with at least two others. Virtue marketing is prevalent on new alcohol products in Australia and has recently increased. While product packaging can provide useful consumer information, health-, eco-, and cause-oriented claims may exploit consumers' motivation to make healthy, sustainable, and socially responsible choices despite alcohol being detrimental in these areas.

Tobacco packaging littering behaviours among Australian adults who smoke: findings from cross-sectional and observational studies to inform the implementation of cigarette pack inserts

BackgroundCigarette pack inserts are small cards that highlight the benefits of quitting and promote use of smoking cessation support. With evidence from Canada that they increase self-efficacy to quit, quit attempts and sustained cessation, inserts are set to be introduced into tobacco packs sold in Australia. Some people have expressed concern that the introduction of inserts may create more litter if incorrectly disposed of on pack-opening.MethodsWe used a cross-sectional survey to assess self-reported pack-opening location and waste disposal behaviours of people who smoke to determine the potential for littering to occur when tobacco packs are first opened. We also visited a sample of supermarkets, convenience stores and tobacconists located throughout Melbourne, Australia, to discreetly collect observational data regarding pack-opening and waste disposal behaviours at the point of purchase.ResultsAmong participants in the cross-sectional study (N=369), the majority reported that they opened their most recent tobacco pack at home (70.9%) where there is little potential for littering, and this proportion was higher among those who smoke daily (78.6%) and men (74.3%). Self-reported behaviours that could result in littering were rare; 1.0% reported that they left tobacco packaging where they believed it would be collected for disposal. Of the 128 individuals observed at the point of purchase across 46 stores, 96.9% did not open the tobacco product immediately after purchase. One incident of littering was observed (0.8%).ConclusionThe introduction of cigarette pack inserts in Australia is unlikely to create a substantial amount of additional litter.

Genotoxic colibactin mutational signature in colorectal cancer is associated with clinicopathological features, specific genomic alterations and better survival.

The microbiome has long been suspected of a role in colorectal cancer (CRC) tumorigenesis. The mutational signature SBS88 mechanistically links CRC development with the strain of Escherichia coli harboring the pks island that produces the genotoxin colibactin, but the genomic, pathological and survival characteristics associated with SBS88-positive tumors are unknown. SBS88-positive CRCs were identified from targeted sequencing data from 5,292 CRCs from 17 studies and tested for their association with clinico-pathological features, oncogenic pathways, genomic characteristics and survival. In total, 7.5% (398/5,292) of the CRCs were SBS88-positive, of which 98.7% (392/398) were microsatellite stable/microsatellite instability low (MSS/MSI-L), compared with 80% (3916/4894) of SBS88 negative tumors (p=1.5x10-28). Analysis of MSS/MSI-L CRCs demonstrated that SBS88 positive CRCs were associated with the distal colon (OR=1.84, 95% CI=1.40-2.42, p=1x10-5) and rectum (OR=1.90, 95% CI=1.44-2.51, p=6x10-6) tumor sites compared with the proximal colon. The top seven recurrent somatic mutations associated with SBS88-positive CRCs demonstrated mutational contexts associated with colibactin-induced DNA damage, the strongest of which was the APC:c.835-8A>G mutation (OR=65.5, 95%CI=39.0-110.0, p=3x10-80). Large copy number alterations (CNAs) including CNA loss on 14q and gains on 13q, 16q and 20p were significantly enriched in SBS88-positive CRCs. SBS88-positive CRCs were associated with better CRC-specific survival (p=0.007; hazard ratio of 0.69, 95% CI=0.52-0.90) when stratified by age, sex, study, and by stage. SBS88-positivity, a biomarker of colibactin-induced DNA damage, can identify a novel subtype of CRC characterized by recurrent somatic mutations, copy number alterations and better survival. These findings provide new insights for treatment and prevention strategies for this subtype of CRC.

Open Access
Messages about climate, pollution and social justice harms of tobacco as motivators to quit: an untapped communication opportunity?

BackgroundCampaigns highlighting the health harms of smoking have demonstrated success in motivating people who smoke to quit. Tobacco production and use also exert a toll on the environment, sustainable development and human rights. However, messages highlighting these harms of tobacco have been relatively unexplored as a cessation motivation strategy. In this study, we examined the extent to which a range of messages about climate, pollution and social justice harms of tobacco are perceived as motivating among people who smoke, overall and by sociodemographics.Data and methodsAustralian adults who smoke (n=395) aged 18–59 years reported the ‘extent to which each of the following motivated them to quit smoking’ and were then presented with messages about climate (four items), pollution (three items) and social justice (three items) harms of tobacco, which they rated on a 5-point scale ranging from 1 ‘Not at all’ to 5 ‘Very much so’ in this online cross-sectional survey. Differences by age, education, gender, socioeconomic status (SES) and geographical region were examined using prevalence ratios from generalised linear models with log-link (Poisson regression).ResultsFor each of the 10 messages, between one-half and two-thirds of the overall sample perceived them as motivating (49–65%), particularly messages highlighting harms to human or animal life and welfare (all ≥60%). Across all message themes, younger adults (18–35 years) and those who completed tertiary education were more likely to perceive some messages as motivating. Perceived motivation did not vary significantly by gender, SES or geographical region.ConclusionFindings suggest that value-based messaging featuring the environmental and social justice footprint of tobacco is perceived as motivating for smoking cessation, especially among younger people and those with higher education who may be more engaged with these issues. Inclusion of such messages as part of a comprehensive antitobacco communication strategy may provide an untapped opportunity by potentially providing people who smoke with additional compelling reasons to quit.

Registry-derived stage (RD-Stage) for capturing cancer stage at diagnosis for endometrial cancer

BackgroundCapture of cancer stage at diagnosis is important yet poorly reported by health services to population-based cancer registries. In this paper we describe current completeness of stage information for endometrial cancer available in Australian cancer registries; and develop and validate a set of rules to enable cancer registry medical coders to calculate stage using data available to them (registry-derived stage or ‘RD-Stage’).MethodologyRules for deriving RD-stage (Endometrial carcinoma) were developed using the American Joint Commission on Cancer (AJCC) TNM (tumour, nodes, metastasis) Staging System (8th Edition). An expert working group comprising cancer specialists responsible for delivering cancer care, epidemiologists and medical coders reviewed and endorsed the rules. Baseline completeness of data fields required to calculate RD-Stage, and calculation of the proportion of cases for whom an RD stage could be assigned, was assessed across each Australian jurisdiction. RD-Stage (Endometrial cancer) was calculated by Victorian Cancer Registry (VCR) medical coders and compared with clinical stage recorded by the patient’s treating clinician and captured in the National Gynae-Oncology Registry (NGOR).ResultsThe necessary data completeness level for calculating RD-Stage (Endometrial carcinoma) across various Australian jurisdictions varied from 0 to 89%. Three jurisdictions captured degree of spread of cancer, rendering RD-Stage unable to be calculated. RD-Stage (Endometrial carcinoma) could not be derived for 64/485 (13%) cases and was not captured for 44/485 (9%) cases in NGOR. At stage category level (I, II, III, IV), there was concordance between RD-Stage and NGOR captured stage in 393/410 (96%) of cases (95.8%, Kendall’s coefficient = 0.95).ConclusionA lack of consistency in data captured by, and data sources reporting to, population-based cancer registries meant that it was not possible to provide national endometrial carcinoma stage data at diagnosis. In a sample of Victorian cases, where surgical pathology was available, there was very good concordance between RD-Stage (Endometrial carcinoma) and clinician-recorded stage data available from NGOR. RD-Stage offers promise in capturing endometrial cancer stage at diagnosis for population epidemiological purposes when it is not provided by health services, but requires more extensive validation.

Open Access
Genetic and Environmental Causes of Variation in an Automated Breast Cancer Risk Factor Based on Mammographic Textures.

Cirrus is an automated risk predictor for breast cancer that comprises texture-based mammographic features and is mostly independent of mammographic density. We investigated genetic and environmental variance of variation in Cirrus. We measured Cirrus for 3,195 breast cancer-free participants, including 527 pairs of monozygotic (MZ) twins, 271 pairs of dizygotic (DZ) twins, and 1,599 siblings of twins. Multivariate normal models were used to estimate the variance and familial correlations of age-adjusted Cirrus as a function of age. The classic twin model was expanded to allow the shared environment effects to differ by zygosity. The SNP-based heritability was estimated for a subset of 2,356 participants. There was no evidence that the variance or familial correlations depended on age. The familial correlations were 0.52 (SE, 0.03) for MZ pairs and 0.16(SE, 0.03) for DZ and non-twin sister pairs combined. Shared environmental factors specific to MZ pairs accounted for 20% of the variance. Additive genetic factors accounted for 32% (SE = 5%) of the variance, consistent with the SNP-based heritability of 36% (SE = 16%). Cirrus is substantially familial due to genetic factors and an influence of shared environmental factors that was evident for MZ twin pairs only. The latter could be due to nongenetic factors operating in utero or in early life that are shared by MZ twins. Early-life factors, shared more by MZ pairs than DZ/non-twin sister pairs, could play a role in the variation in Cirrus, consistent with early life being recognized as a critical window of vulnerability to breast carcinogens.
