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Political Geography of Indonesian Nationalism and Ethno Nationalism: A Reflective Study From Indonesian Generation Z

Debates on nationalism and ethno nationalism have intensely developed during the early decade of political reformation in Indonesia, that is, in the early 2000s. At that point, the demand for segregation from the Republic of Indonesia emerged from several districts, such as Riau and Papua. In this era, the sentiment to decentralised from the Republic of Indonesia has been well suppressed, particularly in some areas, Aceh included. On the other side of the coin, the process of welfare distribution is going well. It is supported by the balance of power between the central and local authorities, which has successfully reduced this sentiment. These observations were conducted through a qualitative method by conducting interviews with Generation Z, which were divided into two clusters: based on gender and the respondent’s status either as a student or a fresh graduate. This paper investigates the extent of understanding the nationalism and ethno nationalism among Generation Z in Indonesia. In-depth interviews were reflectively conducted in which the research participants were asked to answer some questions and share their views and understanding of this discussion. This study concludes that Generation Z Indonesian proved to have a comprehensive understanding of nationalism. They viewed that modules about nationalism should be officially included in elementary and high school curricula; thus, the students will be exposed and have a solid understanding of nationalism from an early age.

Open Access
A bibliometric analysis of E-Democracy on government research

ABSTRACTThis study aims to determine the development of research with the theme E-Democracy on Government in the last ten years from 2011 to 2020. The research method uses qualitative research with literature review or literature review. Data were collected by accessing journals on Scopus and obtaining 120 high-citation articles with ten years from 2010 to 2020. Data analysis used the Vosviewer and Nvivo 12 Plus applications. The results showed that 120 journals studied E-Democracy on Government from 2010 to 2020, with the most significant contributor being the United States. Government Information Quarterly is a popular journal with the most discussion on e-democracy. This study's limitation is that the articles reviewed were only obtained from the Scopus database, so they did not have comparable data. Consequently, future studies need to use a comparative analytical approach involving the Scopus database and the Web of Sciences (WoS).
 ABSTRAKAnalisis Bibliometrik E-Demokrasi pada Riset Pemerintah. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui perkembangan penelitian dengan tema E-Democracy on Government dalam kurun waktu sepuluh tahun terakhir dari tahun 2011 hingga 2020 .Metode penelitian menggunakan penelitian kualitatif dengan kajian pustaka atau literature review. Data dikumpulkan dengan mengakses jurnal di Scopus dan diperoleh 120 artikel bersitasi tinggi dengan rentang waktu 10 tahun dari 2010 hingga 2020. Analisis data menggunakan aplikasi Vosviewer dan Nvivo 12 Plus. Hasil penelitian menunjukan terdapat 120 jurnal yang mengkaji E-Democracy on Government pada tahun 2010 hingga 2020 dengan negara penyumbang terbesar ialah United States. Government Information Quarterly menjadi jurnal yang populer dengan pembahasan e-demokrasi terbanyak. Keterbatasan dari penelitian ini adalah artikel yang direview hanya diperoleh dari database Scopus sehingga tidak memiliki data pembanding. Akibatnya, studi masa depan perlu menggunakan pendekatan analisis komparatif yang melibatkan database Scopus dan Web of Sciences (WoS)

Open Access
The student legal awareness against the hazards of smoking for health in school

ABSTRACTThe purpose of this study was to find out about (1) The level of legal awareness regarding the dangers of smoking for the health of junior and senior high school students (2) Strategies that need to be done to increase legal awareness regarding the dangers of smoking for the health of junior and senior high school students in the capital city of Jakarta. This research is a research using descriptive qualitative. The method of collecting data is through online interviews. Respondents in this study were 13 civic education teachers at the junior and senior high school levels and 10 junior high school students. The data analysis technique uses data reduction, data display and data verification. The results showed (1) The level of legal awareness of students against the dangers of smoking was very good, this can be seen from the majority of students obeying the smoking prohibition rules in schools. Even so, there are still some unscrupulous students who are caught smoking and bringing vapes (e-cigarettes) to school. (2) The strategy that has been carried out by teachers in schools to increase the legal awareness of students regarding the dangers of smoking for the health of junior high and high school students in the capital city of Jakarta is by increasing legal knowledge and awareness of students through repressive, preventive and maximally repressive through learning civic education.
 ABSTRAKTujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui tentang (1) Tingkat kesadaran hukum terkait bahaya merokok bagi kesehatan siswa-siswi SMP dan SMA di DKI Jakarta dan Banten; (2) Strategi yang perlu dilakukan untuk meningkatkan kesadaran hukum terkait bahaya merokok bagi kesehatan siswa-siswi SMP dan SMA di DKI Jakarta dan Banten. Penelitian ini adalah penelitian dengan menggunakan kualitatif deskriptif. Metode pengumpulan data melalui wawancara dan analisis datanya menggunakan reduksi data, display data dan verifikasi data. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan (1) Tingkat kesadaran hukum berlalu lintas peserta didik di Kota Makassar tergolong cukup baik, hal ini terlihat dari mayoritas siswa-siswi mematuhi aturan larangan merokok di sekolah. Meskipun demikian, masih ada beberapa oknum siswa yang ketahuan merokok dan membawa vape (rokok elektrik) ke sekolah. (2) Strategi yang telah dilakukan oleh para guru di sekolah untuk meningkatkan kesadaran hukum peserta didik terkait bahaya merokok bagi kesehatan siswa-siswi SMP dan SMA di DKI Jakarta dan Banten adalah dengan cara meningkatkan pengetahuan dan kesadaran hukum para siswa-siswi melalui upaya preemtif, preventif dan represif secara maksimal.

Open Access
Pengaruh Media Pembelajaran Berbasis Animasi terhadap Minat Belajar Peserta Didik Kelas VII SMP Islam Alimuddin Kabupaten Probolinggo

This research aims to find out the effect of the use of animation based learning media on the learning interest of students in grade VII Alimuddin Islamic High School in Probolinggo regency. The use of animation based learning media is expected to help the learning process and improve student learning outcomes.This study used the research method namely quantitative research with correlation analysis. While the sample taking technique used Sampling where the sample used was grade VII Alimuddin Islamic High School non Probability Sampling, which amounted to 45 students. The research instrument in this research damaged the likert scale with Aangket inserts 10 questions with 4 questions. Data collection techniques use archivist based observation and angkets. Research obtained in this study indicates that this calculation t is uncountable -35.206 and t table calculation (-)1,68. So calculate (-35.206) > t table 1.68 or significant 0,000 < from 0,05 So there is the animated learning media influence over class learners interest in grade VII Alimuddin Islamic High School. Meaningless H0 : rejected and Ha : received. Which means that there,s an animated learning media influence over class learners interest in grade VII Alimuddin Islamic High School Probolinggo Regency.

Open Access