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Effective natural science teaching in primary schools helps students to form and change their conceptions about nature and natural processes. This is only possible through communicating about learners’ existing misconceptions and the process of transforming them into correct scientific concepts – using a socio-constructivist learning approach. The aim of this study was to find out what happens when the natural science teaching/learning process moves into digital learning environments. Immediately after the end of the Covid-induced school lock down, a sample of 183 first-, second- and third-grade teachers in Slovenia were asked to report about what happened in their science classes during the 11-week school lock down. The results reveal problems originating in very limited digital literacy competences as well as a lack of basic skills (in the first grade), and slowly emerging basic literacy in grades two and three. This had a great impact on the communication between teachers and students and between students themselves. According to research results, the problem significantly affects science teaching and is particularly urgent in didactics of chemistry and physics. Keywords: basic literacy, communication competence, digital literacy, primary school, science class, socio-constructivist learning approach

Open Access
Medkulturna priredba mednarodnega Vprašalnika telesne dejavnosti (IPAQ) za rabo na področju izobraževanja

Background: Regular moderate and vigorous-intensity physical activity (PA) is very important for health promotion and prevention of diseases. Frequency and the amount of PA can be monitored with direct and indirect measurements; the former is more accurate than the latter, which is, on the other hand, easier to use and more cost-effective. One of the most commonly used indirect methods is a self-report International Physical Activity Questionnaire (IPAQ), which comes in short (SF) and long forms (LF). Despite its wide cross-cultural use, IPAQ has not yet been adapted for use in the Slovenian language. The main purposes of the study were to produce a reliable Slovenian version of IPAQ-LF for use in education. 
 Methods: A back-translation method involving four translators and one native English-speaking reviewer was used to adapt an IPAQ-LF questionnaire from English into the Slovenian language. The ease of use and comprehensibility of Slovenian IPAQ-LF was first pilot-tested on four teachers, then the reliability of a questionnaire was tested and retested on a sample of sixty-eight preschool and primary school teachers. 
 Results: Collected data were analysed with several statistical methods, and the results revealed a high degree of test-retest reliability and internal consistency for both groups of teachers. Preschool teachers reported higher levels of moderate (1138±265 min/week vs. 870±1074 min/week) and vigorous-intensity (446±430 min/week vs. 106±157 min/week) PA as well as walking (996±337 min/week vs. 690±1173 min/week) than primary school teachers. 
 Conclusions: The study has proven that the Slovenian IPAQ-LF version is reliable for use in education.

Open Access
Comparative cost and benefit analysis of parking systems regarding the type of parking offer

In developed countries, sustainable forms of transport are increasingly evolving and encouraged. Despite this, and due to the growing trend of urbanization and urban development, there are higher demands for mobility in a smaller spatial coverage. That is why a large number of personal vehicles in urban centres are still present. As a result, there is an increase in external costs in transport such as traffic congestion, climate change and air pollution caused by gas and noise emission. To change such negative trends in the transport system in favour of sustainability, it is necessary to optimally manage the transport system, especially the supply and demand for mobility. Today, optimal management of the parking system in urban areas is one of the most important measures in the process of achieving sustainable transport organization for the purpose of reducing the negative impacts of mobility on humans and the environment. Accordingly, when assessing the quality of the parking system, it is no longer enough to analyse classic financial indicators such as the average time spent in the parking lot, the coefficient of vehicle change per parking space, the number of generated parking hours etc., but it is also necessary to analyse the social loss caused by missed opportunities for more adequate use of urban space in order to increase the quality of human life. Therefore, the purpose of this paper is to evaluate the economic costs and benefits of the parking system considering the type of parking offer. In addition to the classic indicators, the external costs that the parking system has on society through inadequate use of public urban space will be considered. After evaluating all costs and benefits there will be a comparative study showing the results of cost-benefit analysis of individual parking system regarding the type of parking offer, for the purpose of improving the process of optimizing the urban parking system. In this way, another important variable is introduced into the management and planning processes of the parking system, which refers to the optimal use of public space in urban areas.

The accessibility of rail transport to people with reduced mobility – case study

The means of rail transport as well as other modes of transport primarily enable people to easily overcome certain distances over a period of time. This implies the need for it to be adapted to such specificities, together with other elements in places where high concentrations of passengers are exchanged. This paper deals with a common problem of accessibility of rail transport to people with reduced mobility (PRM). PRM refers to people whose mobility is reduced due to physical incapacity, an intellectual deficiency, age, illness or any other cause of disability when using transport. Therefore, a thorough analysis of accessibility of rail transport to this group of passengers will be conducted for the city of Zagreb according to certain indicators. The rail station is considered to be accessible if a PRM passenger can enter passenger terminal, consume services available there and if is able to get to the platform from where the train will depart. The rolling stock is accessible if a PRM passenger can buy a ticket, enter the train and have predicted and available space in the train. By determining the real state of accessibility to PRM passengers of all railway stations and used rolling stock in suburban rail transit in the city of Zagreb, measures will be proposed to increase accessibility to these passengers and thus facilitate their integration into society in this segment and increase their quality of life.

Didaktičko i tehničko vrednovanje platforme Arduino

S obzirom na sve češću primjenu platforme Arduino u nastavi mnogih školskih predmeta nameće se pitanje njene didaktičke i tehničke vrijednosti. Zbog toga je provjereno u kojoj mjeri platforma Arduino omogućuje konstruktivističko, samoregulirano, kontekstualno i suradničko učenje te podupire li navedene oblike učenja njeno tehničko oblikovanje. Na uzorku učitelja i nastavnika iz tzv. STEM područja (N=40) s iskustvom u radu na platformi anketnim upitnikom su provjereni didaktički i tehnički elementi vrednovanja. Uz to, procjena didaktičke i tehničke vrijednosti platforme dodatno je provjerena intervjuom s obrazovnim stručnjacima koji imaju iskustvo u primjeni platforme u nastavi. Ukupno gledajući, dobiveni rezultati pokazuju da učitelji i nastavnici pozitivno procjenjuju sve didaktičke sastavnice učenja i tehnička obilježja platforme, a osobito visoko konstruktivističku i kontekstualnu mogućnost učenja pomoću platforme. Rezultati intervjua dodatno su potvrdili njenu obrazovnu vrijednost i pokazali da platforma omogućuje aktivno učenje u realnom okruženju, kontekstualno učenje koje potiče motivaciju, suradnju s ostalim učenicima i samoučenje podržano velikom bazom online projekata. Doprinos prikazane evaluacije je ukazati na didaktičke i tehničke mogućnosti platforme s ciljem značajnijeg korištenja njezinog obrazovnog i znanstvenog potencijala.

Open Access