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Honey vs. Mite-A Trade-Off Strategy by Applying Summer Brood Interruption for Varroa destructor Control in the Mediterranean Region.

In this study, we investigated the effect of queen caging on honey bee colonies' post-treatment development and the optimal timing of method application on honey production during the main summer nectar flow. We conducted the study in nine apiaries (N = 9) across six Mediterranean countries, with a total of 178 colonies. The colonies were divided into three test groups: QC1, QC2, and C. The QC1 group involved queens caged for a total of 28 days before the expected harvesting day. In the QC2 group, queens were caged for 28 days, but only 14 days before the expected harvesting day. The C group consisted of queens that were not caged, and the colonies received common local treatments. In both the QC1 and QC2 groups, the colonies were treated with a 4.2% oxalic acid (OA) solution by trickling after the queen release. Our findings revealed no significant adverse effects (p > 0.05) on colony strength at the end of the study resulting from queen caging. However, significantly lower amounts of honey were extracted from the QC1 group compared to both the QC2 group (p = 0.001) and the C group (p = 0.009). Although there were no initial differences in Varroa destructor infestation between the groups, ten weeks later, a significantly higher infestation was detected in the C group compared to both the QC1 group (p < 0.01) and the QC2 group (p = 0.003). Overall, our study demonstrates that queen caging, in combination with the use of OA, is an effective treatment for controlling V. destructor. However, the timing of caging plays a crucial role in honey production outcomes.

Open Access
Impact of Different Storage Temperature on the Enzymatic Activity of Apis mellifera Royal Jelly

Royal Jelly is a nutrient secretion of nurse bees and a high interest functional food in human nutrition. Very little information is available on its chemical composition integrity and enzymatic activity during shelf life and assessment of new freshness markers are desirable for its conservation. In this study, the activity of glucose oxidase, five proteases and two antioxidant enzymes in refrigerated and frozen Royal Jelly for different storage times was preliminary investigated. Refrigeration determined a significantly reduction in glucose oxidase and carboxypeptidase A-like activity in Royal Jelly after one year of storage while no differences were recorded in the activity of these enzymes in frozen samples. After one year of storage glucose oxidase and carboxypeptidase A-like activity resulted higher in frozen samples frozen than in refrigerate ones. Results obtained suggest that the activities of these enzymes may be good markers of Royal Jelly freshness within 1 year at refrigeration condition. Freezing could be a valid alternative storage method to ensure a higher preservation of glucose oxidase and carboxypeptidase A-like activities for at least 1 year. Further investigation to determine the timing of glucose oxidase inactivation/degradation under refrigerated conditions and the enzymatic activity trend under prolonged frozen conditions are desirable.

Open Access
Business Strategy on the Success of Sharia Securities Crowdfunding: Indonesian Sharia Crowdfunding Pioneer

Purpose: Internet-based fundraising or commonly known as crowdfunding (CF) is currently a popular means for entrepreneurs to raise funds. The huge potential of the sharia economy encourages startup companies to establish sharia-based securities crowdfunding (SCF) companies. The purpose of this study is to provide an understanding of business strategies in order to achieve success in Islamic SCF companies in Indonesia.&#x0D; Design/methodology/approach: This research employed a qualitative research design with a case study approach on the first sharia SCF company in Indonesia named Shafiq. The data were collected by conducting in-depth interviews with the board of directors at Shafiq.&#x0D; Results: The research found that the success of Islamic SCF companies is triggered by the presence of teams, content, videos, platforms, use of social media, project quality, legality, business selection, and selection of sharia systems. In other words, this indicates that the factors of trust and security for both business actors and investors are the main factors that drive the success of sharia SCF companies. The novelty of this research is obtained by using a qualitative case study method to analyze the business strategy of Islamic securities crowdfunding, and there are no researchers who have investigated the strategy of Shafiq's company as the first sharia SCF company in Indonesia.&#x0D; Paper type: Research paper&#x0D;

Invasion genetics of the Asian hornet Vespa velutina nigrithorax in Southern Europe

In 2004, Vespa velutina was first seen in France. Since then, this fierce honey bee predator spread across many countries, giving rise to one of the most phenomenal insect invasions in Europe. An early study in France showed a genetically depauperate population, originating from a single multi-mated queen introduced from China. Here, we further unveil V. velutina invasion genetics in Europe by surveying the Iberian and Italian peninsulas using cytonuclear markers. Our results show that the French population acted as the colonists’ source in Spain, Portugal and Italy, leading to rejecting the hypothesis of multiple introductions from the native range. While Spain and Italy were colonized predominantly by leading-edge expansions from the French core population, in Portugal the invasion started from long-distance jump. Both processes were accompanied by a significant reduction in genetic diversity, with stronger losses for Portugal (Ar = 17.4%; uHe = 42.3%) than for Spain (Ar = 9.0%; uHe = 20.6%) or Italy (Ar = 16.3%; uHe = 26.8%). Signatures of differentiation and population structure, associated to the founding event in Portugal, enabled detection of secondary contact between the front derived from the primary propagule introduced in France and the front derived from the secondary propagule introduced in Portugal. Detection of first-generation migrants in the three countries suggests continuous gene flow that is bringing in new alleles, and this effect is stronger in Portugal, as reflected by a 20.3% increase in allelic richness. Overall, this study provides further insights into the invasion genetics of V. velutina in Europe, which can aid developing strategies to manage this major threat to beekeeping.

Open Access

The Imelda Workers General Hospital of Indonesia does not yet have specific routines regarding the release of medical record information to third parties. however, they have used regular procedures for providing information and borrowing medical records in general, This study aims to determine the number of requests for medical record information. This type of research is descriptive, namely the research method carried out with the aim of making an objective state. The population was 4 people and the sample size was 4 people as the total sampling with the research methodology using quantitative methods. How to collect data by interview and observation. The results showed that the services of the Imelda Hospital for Indonesian Workers in Medan according to legalized death certificates amounted to 34 percent (0.56%), claims for raharja services amounted to 56 percent (0.92%), audits and insurance claims were 69 percent (1.14%) , research or education as much as 54 percent (0.89), post mortem as much as 28 percent (0.46%), BPJS as much as 5,790 percent (99.00%). Based on the results of the study, it is known that knowing the data on the number of requests for medical record information in January-June 2020 is 6,224 with a percentage (99.97%). As well as the absence of a special SPO on procedures and utilization of medical record information of deceased patients, however, they have used the permanent procedure of providing information and borrowing medical records in general. It is recommended that hospitals and medical record officers provide regular training or coaching to officers. And to health workers, especially medical records, in order to maintain the confidentiality of patient medical record information and carry out the established procedures properly.

Pelaksanaan Penyimpanan Rekam Medis Berdasarkan Unsur Manjemen 5M di Puskesmas Medan Johor

The implementation of medical records carried out at the puskesmas requires management in managing all existing activities with the aim of creating good health services, in accordance with procedures and guidelines. To achieve the goal of processing medical records, 5 elements of management are needed, namely man, money, material, machine, and method. The purpose of this study was to determine the management elements of man, money, material, machine, and method in the implementation of medical records carried out at the Medan Johor Health Center. This type of research uses qualitative research methods with a phenomenological approach. The study was conducted from May to July 2020. The population was all medical record officers at the Medan Johor Health Center. The research sample amounted to 5 people who were taken by saturated sampling. The research instrument is an interview guide and recorded using an audio recorder and a check list sheet for observation. The results showed that the man element was 5 people and none of them had a medical record background and had never received training, the money element was the funding obtained from JKN and APBD, the material element was that a family folder was used to store all patient forms, while the use of tracers and register books has not been used to control the borrowed files out of the storage rack, and the filling cabinet is used as a tool to store medical record files, the machine element is a primary care application to register patients, the SIMPUS application is used for reporting, the method element is Not all SOPs in medical records exist. The advice given is to provide training to medical record officers so that their officers better understand the importance of medical records.
