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French practice for design of embedded walls: history and background, overview of limitations of different models and design approaches

French practice for the design of embedded walls intensively relies on active and passive limit equilibrium analyses, in the tradition of the work by Coulomb, Caquot, Kérisel and Absi, as well as on the more recent method involving spring coefficients, the use of which has become almost systematic, in the continuity of the approaches initiated by Terzaghi and Ménard. This latter method has ever since been improved and refined by intensive geotechnical monitoring, and is of course substantiated, as needed, by the finite element method. The parameters needed to check the serviceability limit states are most often derived from pressuremeter tests, interpreted in accordance with the principles initially established by Ménard, but here again refined by the feedback of monitoring. The ultimate limit states are traditionally checked using global safety factors (approach 2 or now RFA as defined in EC7), the partial factors on the soil resistance parameters (approach 3 or now MFA) being used only for certain situations or types of structures. This tradition, built up on pragmatism, that excludes the unconditional use of a systematic approach and a single method, is based on the belief, every day strengthened by observation and measurement of the behavior of structures, that there is no unique model that would apply to all situations, and that, on the contrary, identification of the limits of existing models is essential. In this lecture, we propose to present the different aspects of this national practice by explaining not only the backgrounds, but also the limits, as well as the way they are taken into account, or at least they should be when this is not the case.

An adaptation of Limit Equilibrium Methods for the design of soil-nailed walls facings

Soil nailing is a technique developed in France during the 1970s for the retainment of excavations. The nails are steel bars introduced in the soil and preventing the soil mass to fail. Such structures are often designed through classical slope stability analysis software, i.e. based on Limit Equilibrium. The tension in the nails is generally considered equal to the maximum tensile forces admissible in the reinforcement. Yet, the service loads in the reinforcements are generally smaller than the calculated ones, especially at the bottom of the excavation because of the construction phasing. This is critical for the design of the facing and Limit Equilibrium based software need to be adapted by considering the construction phasing to modulate the mobilization of reinforcements. Based on the study of soil nailed walls through real-scale experiments, centrifuge and numerical modelling, an improvement of the limit equilibrium classical design is proposed. The software used was PROSPER, developed by Laboratoire Central des Ponts et Chaussées in the 1990s. The particularity of PROSPER is to derive the reactions of the nail by imposing a displacement of the failing soil mass. This displacement is generally considered as homogenous along the failure surface. However, considering a high displacement for the top nails (fully mobilized) and a small one for the bottom nails (partially mobilized) provide a relevant distribution of soil nail tensile forces. A distribution is proposed for such displacement and this design approach has been tested on an experimental wall, providing an efficient and time-saving design of soil-nailed walls.

Charles Augustin de Coulomb, the artisan of modern geotechnical engineering

The paper puts in perspective the influence of Charles-Augustin de Coulomb on the research and practice of modern geotechnical engineering. In his “Essai” (1773), Coulomb presented clear propositions on friction and cohesion on a sliding plane, giving birth to today’s soil mechanics. Coulomb’s theory started with the suggestion that the strength on a slip plane must involve a combination of friction and cohesion. Coulomb used calculus to obtain active earth pressure and show how friction and cohesion together affect lateral earth pressure. Coulomb was a gifted experimental scientist and wrote, when discussing friction, cohesion and interlocking that “only experiment can help us to decide the reality of the different causes” [for resistance]. With his fundamental equation [±t = c + µσ = c + tanϕ σ], Coulomb brought his theory to design. Design guidelines and standards are written in terms of cohesion and friction, and Coulomb’s fundamental slip plane model still dominates today’s soil mechanics. Coulomb’s insight led to further developments by Terzaghi, Hvorslev, Skempton, and the ensuing work at Imperial College and Cambridge University in the UK, at Harvard and at MIT (Lambe, Whitman, and Ladd) in the USA. Coulomb’s work, originally for masonry, has enabled the geotechnical profession to map soil behaviour, and continues to inspire new generations of researchers to look into improved and novel models and interpretations of the shear strength of soil and rock.

Rock salt creep: a cross-check test to cover the full relevant range of deviatoric stresses

The time-dependent response of rock salt has been mainly investigated using confined creep tests covering a differential stress range between 5 and 20 MPa. In recent years, efforts have been made to investigate the range 0.1–4.5 MPa, using dead-end drifts in underground mines to take advantage of the very stable ambient conditions (temperature, relative humidity). Up to now, the combination of experimental data in the two ranges is difficult because of the use of different salt facies, sample preparation methods, test temperatures and experimental conditions (e.g., confined vs. unconfined tests, scale of measurements). In this work, we conduct two long-term creep tests on two natural salt samples from the same origin and prepared using the same protocol. The thermo-mechanical loading path is the same for the two tests, with only a small difference in the lateral load. One test is performed in a remote drift in a salt mine and the other test is performed in a climatic chamber in the laboratory. The comparison of the results is consistent, allowing to investigate a large range of deviatoric stresses by combining results in the two facilities. The final goal of this approach is to reduce stress extrapolation by investigating the whole deviatoric range that is relevant for underground operations. Next steps include investigating in more detail the effect of intergranular fluids, testing different temperatures and performing confined tests in the mine.
