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A positive feedback regulation of Heme oxygenase 1 by CELF1 in cardiac myoblast cells

As an RNA binding protein, CUG-BP Elav-like family (CELF) has been shown to be critical for heart biological functions. However, no reports have revealed the function of CELF1 in hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (HCM). Hinted by RNA immunoprecipitation-sequencing (RIP-seq) data, the influence of the CELF protein on heme oxygenase-1 (HO-1) expression was tested by modulating CELF1 levels. Cardiac hypertrophy is related to oxidative stress-induced damage. Hence, the cardiovascular system may be protected against further injury by upregulating the expression of antioxidant enzymes, such as HO-1. During the past two decades, research has demonstrated the central role of HO-1 in the protection against diseases. Thus, understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying the modulation of HO-1 expression is profoundly important for developing new strategies to prevent cardiac hypertrophy.To elucidate the molecular mechanisms underlying HO-1 regulation by the CELF protein, we performed RNA immunoprecipitation (RIP), biotin pull-down analysis, luciferase reporter and mRNA stability assays. We found that the expression of HO-1 was downregulated by CELF1 through the conserved GU-rich elements (GREs) in HO-1 3′UTR transcripts. Correspondingly, CELF1 expression was regulated by controlling the release of carbon monoxide (CO) in H9C2 cells. The CELF1-HO-1-CO regulation axis constituted a novel positive feedback circuit. In addition, we detected the potential involvement of CELF1 and HO-1 in samples from HCM patients. We found that CELF1 and CELF2, but not HO-1, were highly expressed in HCM heart samples. Thus, a manipulation targeting CELF1 could be developed as a potential therapeutic option for cardiac hypertrophy.

Complications Associated with Distraction Osteogenesis for the Correction of Brachymetatarsia

Congenital brachymetatarsia is often treated with callus distraction. This technique is associated with a variety of complications. We investigated complications encountered in treatment of brachymetatarsia in four female patients and reviewed adjunctive procedures performed to treat these complications. We reviewed five distraction osteogenesis procedures performed in four female patients with congenital shortening of the fourth metatarsal over a 3-year period. Serial radiographs were obtained weekly until bone consolidation was achieved, at which time the external fixator was removed. Follow-up ranged from 5 to 10 months. Three patients (four metatarsals) were satisfied with the cosmetic and functional outcomes of their procedure. One patient was dissatisfied with the cosmetic result owing to a short digit from a short proximal phalanx but was completely functional and resumed all of her normal activities. Complications associated with callus distraction were decreased range of motion and stiffness at the metatarsophalangeal joint, flexion deformity of the digit, angulation of the metatarsal, prolonged distraction time due to pain, fracture of the bone callus, pin-site infection, and an undesirable cosmetic appearance due to a short proximal phalanx. Adjunctive procedures were needed in some of these cases and yielded good results. Callus distraction is an effective treatment for congenital shortening of the fourth metatarsal, but the procedure is associated with a number of complications. Because most patients proceed with surgery for cosmetic reasons, it is important to present the possible complications and the adjunctive surgical procedures that may be necessary for a desirable outcome.
