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Blood Cells Morphometry and Descriptive Morphology of Captive Changeable Hawk Eagles (Nisaetus chirratus) at Wildlife Rescue Centre Jogja

Providing qualitative and quantitative haematologic references of neglected captive wild animals is pivotal for the sanctuary health management and improvement. Changeable hawk eagles (Nisaetus chirratus) are abundantly kept in sanctuary in which no haematologic reference is ever reported. This study aimed to present the visual keys and morphometric references of changeable hawk eagles’ blood cells as the standard for further haematologic count. The peripheral blood smears were prepared and collected from eight changeable hawk eagles kept at Wildlife Rescue Centre Jogja then stained with 10-fold diluted Giemsa stain following the standard manners. All slides were inspected and captured under camera-equipped microscope which then were morphologically and morphometrically evaluated using ImageJ version 1.52a. As the changeable hawk eagles are naturally present in dark and bright morph, we statistically compared the blood cells morphometric parameters between morph-based groups. Changeable hawk eagles’ erythrocytes were oval shaped with occasional morphologic variation. Leukocyte consisted of polymorphonucleated granulocytes - with exception of basophils which lacked nuclear lobulation - and mononucleated agranulocytes. There were significant differences (P<0.05) of all erythrocyte morphometric parameters, heterophils diameter, and lymphocytes diameter between dark and bright morph group. Overall, the morphologic properties of changeable hawk eagles’ blood cells were visually identical to other avian species though the blood cells morphometry might be comparatively different.

Open Access
Seroprevalence and detection of H5N1 avian influenza virus in local chickens in Tabanan Regency, Bali, Indonesia

Aim: Avian Influenza (AI) is a zoonotic disease that causes death in poultry and humans. Monitoring the virus needs to be carried out continuously to prevent outbreaks of the disease. Seroprevalence and detection of H5N1 and H9N2 AI virus antigen were intended to monitor the presence of viruses in local chickens in Tabanan, a Regency of the Indonesian island Province of Bali. The research aims were to detect the presence of H5N1 AI virus, and to know the distribution of this virus in Tabanan Regency. Materials and Methods: Research located in six districts of Tabanan regency namely Baturiti, Penebel, Marga, Kediri, Tabanan, and Kerambitan. A total of 1,398 local chickens that never been vaccinated with AI were randomly sampled in this study. The samples collected were serum, cloacal and tracheal swabs. Serum samples were tested with hemagglutination inhibition (HI) assay. While samples of cloacal and tracheal swabs were isolated in 9-day-old germinated chicken eggs, followed by hemagglutination assay and RT-PCR test using H5N1 and H9N2 primers. Results: AI seroprevalence in local chickens in Tabanan Regency was 1% with the distribution in each district as follows; Penebel 1.6%, Kerambitan 1.2%, Marga 1%, while Tabanan, Kediri, and Baturiti 0.7% each. H5N1 AI virus was detected in 11 samples, i.e. five in Marga district and three in Penebel district, two in Kediri, and one in Tabanan, while the H9N2 AI virus was not detected. Conclusion: These results indicate that H5N1 AI virus may still circulate in local chickens in Tabanan Regency, Bali.

Open Access
Persepsi Dokter Hewan Praktisi Hewan Kecil terhadap Telemedicine di Masa Pandemi Covid-19

 Telemedicine is defined as remote diagnose and patient care using telecommunications technology. Recently telemedicine technology was introduced to the field of veterinary medicine. Due to the nature of telecommunications, a veterinarian will utilize telemedicine technology as a means of assessing patient severity and providing medical advice. The perception of veterinarians, especially small animal practitioners, to telemedicine is influenced by many factors, for example: age, desire (expectation), attention (focus), information obtained, and other factors. This study aims to determine the factors that influence veterinarians' perceptions of telemedicine. This research is expected to be an input in implementing telemedicine in practice. The design of this study is descriptive method, where the sampling method uses a questionnaire filled out by small animal practitioners online. The results showed that the pandemic had no impact on veterinary services. But there is an adaptation of practice procedure. Respondents are neutral towards the application of telemedicine, but the majority of respondents who have implemented telemedicine think that the application of telemedicine has a good impact on health services. There are many obstacles felt by respondents in implementing telemedicine.

Open Access