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Strategi Pengelolaan Limbah Padat Infeksius di Rumah Sakit Ibu dan Anak Family Jakarta Utara

The hospital is a health service that produces various infectious wastes that can endanger the officers who handle the waste and visitors and the community around the hospital. The purpose of the study was to determine the performance of infectious solid waste management at the Family Mother and Child Hospital, to determine the internal and external factors in the management of infectious solid waste at the Family Mother and Child Hospital, and to obtain the formulation of infectious solid waste management strategies at the Mother's Hospital. and Child Family. This research was conducted at the Mother and Child Family Hospital, North Jakarta, related to infectious solid waste management strategies. Data collection methods used are interviews, focus group discussions (FGD) and questionnaires. To get the main priority strategy using the IFE- EFE- IF- SWOT matrix. Research Results Based on the analysis of the QSPM matrix, there were 6 strategies that could be prioritized based on the highest ranking, namely (1) Implementing infectious solid waste management systems and procedures in a professional manner, (2) Improving the quality and competence of officers to prevent environmental pollution, (3) Conducting periodic socialization/training to employees related to infectious solid waste management, (4) Preparing medical waste management plans in accordance with the standards of the Minister of Health, (5) Providing sanctions to employees who do not follow the rules in handling infectious solid waste, (6) Optimizing the budget in infectious solid waste management. Keywords: Infectious Solid Waste Management Strategy

Open Access
Dukungan Sosial dan Stress Reduction pada Ibu Hamil di Era Pandemi COVID-19: Studi Pendekatan Literature Review

The COVID-19 pandemic has restricted human activities or a person's mobilization. Activity restrictions can make people experience psychological disorders, including pregnant women. This certainly makes it easier for pregnant women to experience stress and the lack of direct social support by those closest to them during the pandemic. The purpose of this study is to examine social support and stress reduction for pregnant women in maintaining health during the COVID-19 pandemic era. Search literature using journal databases, namely Science Direct, Scopus, and Proquest. The journal search strategy aims to retrieve research articles that are by the research topic so that 9 journal articles are discussed in this study. The results of this research study found that social support is important for pregnant women by the closest people such as husbands, family, and friends. Social support can be provided through virtual support to improve the quality of life of pregnant women. Activities for pregnant women that can reduce stress include communicating with others, physical activity, seeking entertainment, rest, alternative therapy, nature recreation, doing home activities such as cooking, doing favorite hobbies, organizing (including studying, preparing for the arrival of the baby), and controlled eating/drinking activities.

Open Access

The Covid-19 pandemic in recent years has been a global crisis and a non-natural disaster which has had a profound impact on all sectors of life, not only threatening people's physical health, but can also have an impact on mental and social health. Very significant changes like this can cause some negative responses such as fatigue, discomfort and anxiety.Adolescence is a period said to be a period of adolescent transition from childhood to adulthood. Many individuals who are in their teenage years will usually experience significant changes both physically, socially and psychologically in adolescence. Conditions like this are very disturbing mentally for adolescents, where adolescents feel uncomfortable, easily get emotional with their environment if it doesn't suit their wishes, the influence of geekjet also plays an important role in the emotional condition of adolescents. According to WHO lately the number of depression in adolescents shows that 80-90% of adolescents experience depression to the point of suicide, one of the causes of teenage depression is due to bullying, and emotions due to social media.This research focuses on early planning related to mental health in adolescents through initial screening using the SDQ as a movement effort to reduce the number of mental health disorders. Mental health is very important in supporting the productivity and quality of physical health in adolescents because where adolescence is a golden period in its development, it is expected that adolescents can manage stress and anxiety in themselves.Keywords: Mental, Health and Adolescent

Open Access
Ability To Pay Dan Willingness To Pay Iuran BPJS Kesehatan Pada Pedagang Pasar Bulu Semarang Di Era Pandemi

Market traders were included in the informal workers with the second largest proportion of 3.31 million people. The purpose of this study was to calculate the ability to pay and willingness to pay fur market traders for BPJS Health contributions during the pandemic. This type of research was descriptive through quantitative methods, there are 96 respondents to the fur market traders who were registered in the PBPU segment. Subjects were determined using Systematic Random Sampling. The results showed that most of the respondents' household income per month was classified as medium which was in the interval ? IDR 2.067.295,00 to ? IDR 5.168.237,00. The average total expenditure of household respondents was IDR 3.668.339,00. The biggest type of expenditure was non-food expenditure with an average total expenditure of IDR 1.756.523.00. The real amount of Ability To Pay (ATP) for Fur Market traders had an average value of IDR 84.792,00 per person per month. Most of the respondents (88.5%) were able to pay BPJS Health contributions. There were 11 respondents unable to pay BPJS Health contributions. Calculation of the estimated average Willingness To Pay (WTP) obtained was IDR 26.411.00. The researcher's suggestion is for BPJS Health to collaborate with the UPTD Semarang City market in the BPJS Health socialization program in order to increase the knowledge and awareness of traders about the importance of health insurance.

Open Access
Dampak Pandemi COVID-19 Terhadap Kualitas Pelayanan dan Pengelolaan Keuangan di Rumah Sakit

ABSTRACTThe COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on economic growth, the restrictions imposed also have a negative impact on hospital revenues, resulting in hospitals depending on financing and financial support which can also cause hospital services to be less than optimal. In addition, a heavy workload is also the factor that has the most negative impact on the quality of health services. This literature review starts from topic selection, keyword selection, to searching for journal references from several sources, namely Pubmed and Google Schoolar. The keywords used are services quality impact, economy impact, hospital, during the COVID-19 pandemic. Based on the search results, there were 276 articles which were then selected for up to 6 articles that were included in the discussion. The results of this study are the COVID-19 pandemic has an impact on the economy and operations of the country and the health care system as well as the quality of services in hospitals. The decrease in visitors resulted in hospitals cutting revenue from services so that it could disrupt patient care. The pressure that occurred and the isolation because many health workers were exposed to Covid-19 also caused the quality of service at the hospital to deteriorate.Keyword : Services Quality Impact, Economy Impact, Hospital, COVID-19 Pandemic

Open Access