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The Introduction of a Framework for the Implementation of Civil Rights Based on Public Policy in Iranian Government Organizations

As one of the most important components of individual rights and a representative of the inequality of rights, citizenship rights contributes greatly to the sense of social justice and ultimately results in political development. If citzenship rights continue to be observed, they will accomplish the main pillars of sustainable development in the system and government. The purpose of this study is to develop a framework for the implementation of civil rights based on public policy in Iranian government organizations. This research is exploratory in terms of purpose and employed the method of building data theory and the method of Strauss and Corbin. Participants in the study, who were selecetd using the method of purposeful judgment sampling, included experts, policymakers, managers, and researchers active in the field of civil rights. Based on the results of open and central coding, causal factors affecting the implementation of citizenship rights include: employee quality of life, freedom of expression, accountability, organizational culture and upstream documents; factors including background and developmental skills and team building; cultural requirements consisting of social and legal requirements, executive power and information technology infrastructure; and intervening factors comprimising of managerial challenges, organizational challenges, legal barriers, and policy-governance. Furthermore, the strategies required to enforce civil rights include discovering talent, thinking, self-confidence, new media, networking, and constructive communication. In addition, the consequences of enforcing civil rights consisted of responsibility and love of work, cohesiveness, uplifting behaviour, maintaining dignity, self-esteem, and the human values of the employees.

The Role of Judicial Criminal Policies in Protecting Natural Resources (Based on the Viewpoints of Judges)

Addressing the level of support provided for natural resources given the speed of their destruction and the threats they face, can be considered as one of the priorities in criminal justice policies. In this study, the legal aspects of criminal justice policies in regards to criminal and non-criminal protection of natural resources is analyzed. The present study deals with an applicable and problem-oriented subject and uses an analytical and descriptive method for its research. The purpose of this study is, to explore and present a solution under the jurisdiction of criminal justice policies to help protect natural resources and to identify the shortcomings and gaps in this field. Information was gathered via interviews and the study of judicial procedures was employed to ensure the protection of natural resources.Having assessed the current state of Iran's criminal justice policies regarding the subject under investigation, an appropriate model of criminal and non-criminal judicial prevention in the field of natural resource protection is presented. This paper concludes that it is necessary to abolish the old, inefficient and comprehensive laws regarding the protection of natural resources and that it is vital to complement the laws in this field. This would in turn lead to the creation of a coherent and unified inter-judicial criminal policy.

The Infrastructures Required to Strengthen the Seed Industry in Iran as a Result of Becoming a Member of the UPOV Convention

The purpose of this research is the identification and prioritization of required infrastructures to strengthen the Iranian seed sector, which affects the decisions related to the observance of plant breeders' rights. This paper has used semi-structured interviews with practitioners to extract the essential infrastructures. The results are based on the considerations mentioned by the opponents and supporters of the UPOV Convention. After the interviews were carried out, a survey was taken where a researcher-made questionnaire was employed. The data from 106 questionnaires, which were answered by various stakeholders, were then analyzed. The significance of the Freedman test (p <0.0001) confirmed the difference in rank and importance of infrastructures. Comparison of the average scores shows, creating a cultural infrastructure based on building respect for Intellectual Properties is attributed the highest importance with a score of 21.07 and the protection of traditional knowledge is given the least with a score of 13.67; these scores were based on the study of 33 identified items. This paper found that the following were among the top ten priorities: Improving and establishing legal infrastructures for biodiversity conservation, access to genetic resources and benefit sharing, registration and protection of national genetic resources, farmers' rights and a holistic seed system, research infrastructures focused on purposeful RandD and using native bioresources, and supporting the RandD units and experts.Moreover, Items involving economic infrastructures mostly have a middle of ranking (10-20) and the rest, including political infrastructures and several items in cultural and research infrastructures are at the bottom.

An Introduction to the Ethics of Belief in the Criminal Justice System

In this article, by adopting a descriptive-analytical method, using library tools, carrying out an interdisciplinary study and taking the general meaning of ethics into consideration, the terms thought and belief, their relationship with the ethics of criminal justice and their application in some pillars, are first explained. Then, with an emphasis on a new reading of William Kingdon Clifford's theory of morality, as well as some moral concepts such as, rational responsibility and self-deception, the intellectual, epistemological foundations and beliefs of some elements of the criminal justice system is critiqued. Furthermore, the development and advancement of his moral logic in the application of this important matter in related issues is addressed.The explanation provided is, we believe that in decision-making bodies, and especially in important professions which deal with legislation and litigation, the holders of these rights are morally responsible to be prudent and criticize a belief based on a justifiable reason, and consequently observe the decision, seek the truth and make the right decision based on the facts. This is because they are morally responsible to think more carefully, find more realistic evidence, and to make more informed decisions and judgments in order to achieve a correct and right belief. Furthermore, they must ensure that there is a logical and rational relationship between their belief and reason. Fuzzy Logic was the criterion and logic employed in order to evaluate the ethics of belief.

The Future Role of the Layout of Civil Institutions in Optimizing the Political Power of the Islamic Republic of Iran

The increasing complexity of today's societies is placing more and more of a burden on developmental and political stability, and with developing countries and civil institutions this seems to particularly stand out.Whether they are civil or state-made civil institutions, if they have a layout that can serve all social and political capacities, they bring with them a political order that gradually progresses to sustainable development, reduces the likelihood of political deterioration, enhances the country's political power and will at best increase it to the optimal level.The current arrangement of civil society organizations in Iran is such that, they are not only not in a position to provide the optimal level of political power for the Islamic Republic, but, on the contrary, due to their weaknesses in utilizing all social capacities, they have placed unabsorbed sectors on the path of the declining political power of the Islamic Republic, thus creating serious obstacles to political development. However, the question which arises is, what role will the layout of civil society play in optimizing the political power of the Islamic Republic of Iran in the future?The present study investigates the layout of civil society organizations and their trends. This is done using the scripting method of scenario writing and by determining the necessary indicators to find answers to the above question, to identify the possible scenarios and to achieve the optimal scenario. The propellants were identified by analyzing the effects of the variables using the Mac software.The results of this study show that among all the scenarios, the scenario, where civil society organizations have the highest degree of benevolence, influence, and have the most for-profit purposes, is the one most likely to increase, create and optimize political power.

The Implementation of Social Innovations in Macro Policy Documents to Increase Social Participation in Science and Technology (Case Study of Strategic Transformation of Science and Technology Document)

Introduction: due to the inefficiency of social participation practices in science, contemporary science policy discourses seek innovative models to increase public participation and cooperation between governments and the public. This is because, socially innovative practices can increase citizen participation in a more appealing way. The present study aims to implement socially innovative practices to increase social participation in the Strategic Transformation of Science and Technology Article.Method: This research is carried out in three steps (description, challenge-finding and solution presentation). First, after interviewing the experts and using the thematic analysis technique, the framework for social participation in science and technology in macro documents was extracted and then calibrated using Fuzzy Delphi to reach theoretical saturation. Subsequently, in the challenge-finding phase, the text of the Strategic Transformation of Science and Technology Article was evaluated using the quantitative content analysis technique. In the third step, after reviewing the views of people familiar with social participation solutions in science and technology, a number of solutions were identified.Findings: The various components found in the evaluation of social participation in macro documents of science and technology, include: 1. direct reference to social participation, 2. indirect reference to social participation, 3. objectives pursued by social participation, 4. instruments for the realization of social participation and 5. tools used by stakeholder to encourage social participation. The results showed that social participation in science and technology were not adequately addressed in this document, and finally, according to research findings, 25 innovative social solutions were suggested to solve the challenges.Discussion: According to research results, one of the main priorities in science and technology programs should be the promotion of the individual’s awareness which in turn leads to social participation in science and technology. Several studies point out social innovation as one of the ways to achieve this.

Develop an Appropriate Model for the Role of Pressure Groups in the linear Formation of Iran's General Policy

Politics involves decision-making, and decisions are the result of group conflict. Political decisions are nothing but the result of the interaction of pressure groups and the relationship of power between them. Pressure groups try to present their demands to the political system and public policy. To. A pressure group is a group of people who have political goals and want to influence the law, and a stakeholder group is a group of people who have common interests and do not have political goals. Pressure groups can be examined from two perspectives. The classical view that the performance of pressure groups disrupts the political system and public policy; and the modern view that not only does not reject the performance of pressure groups, but also considers the existence of these groups as a dynamic aspect of the organization and a tool to improve public participation. brings. One of the biggest areas of action for pressure groups is the legislature and parliaments. The role of pressure groups in shaping public policy with the foundation data theory approach is through the three stages of open, central and selective coding. The statistical participants are the current and periodic members of parliament in the country. Using purposive sampling method, semi-structured interviews were conducted with 22 members of parliament in an 18-month period until the data saturation stage was reached. Members were validated by matching methods. The present research is a mixed type, so data analysis consists of two phases, qualitative and quantitative. In the qualitative phase, to analyze and interpret (codify) the concepts expressed by members of parliament and experts. Iran is covered, which includes open, axial and selective coding. In addition, Delphi method has been used for localization and screening of indicators. Data analysis has been used using MaxQDA2012, Excel2016 and SPSS software. Open, axial and selective coding was used to analyze the data. During the data comparison process in the open, axial and selective coding path, 132 concepts, 71 subcategories and 24 general categories were obtained and presented in the form of a paradigm model. The integration of categories, based on the existing relationships between them, around the involvement of groups in professional activities, formed a paradigm model that reflected the development of an appropriate model of the role of pressure groups in shaping public policy. Causal conditions (influence of pressure groups on decisions, indirect influence on public opinion, party orientation, incorrect structure of democracy, lack of holistic view, etc.), central category (gaining benefits and advantages, adaptation of pressure groups to policy needs General (intervention) conditions (use of coercive tools of influence, behind-the-scenes issues and interference of officials in each other) strategies (dissemination of information, use of powerful people, transparency and defeat of monopolies) and consequences (promise, policy-making citizen and unity and integrity) emerged and Relationships between different dimensions were shown through the formation of a conceptual model. Finally, legal propositions and strategic hypotheses of the research were developed.

An Analysis of the Formalisation Policies Regarding Street Vending

Policies on street vending can play a significant role in inclusive urban governance via securing the livelihoods of the urban poor and hence reducing poverty, and by considerably reducing the budget that is annually spent on managing or relocating street vendors,. Therefore, this paper analyses the formalisation policies of street vending, which have been a dominant discourse among national and city authorities during the past five years in the country. This paper studies two types of suggested programs, which are in line with formalization policies: 1. Licensing street vendors; 2. Relocating street vendors to formal commerce centres. This study employs WPA as its analytical framework for policy analysis and adopts content and discourse analysis, using Atlas.ti as its methods of data analysis. This study also looks into similar policies and programmes and their impacts in twenty one countries in the global south. The results show that by overlooking the interwoven relationship between ‘formal policies’ and ‘informal policies’, the formalization of policies often fail to achieve their objectives. In particular, these policies and programmes fail to target and assist the most vulnerable groups. Furthermore, they fail to plan or take into consideration numerous street vendors, who do not benefit from these programmes and have no other way in which to earn their livelihoods. As a result, with most vendors coming back to urban spaces, these policies and programmes are likely to waste the country’s budget and make street vendors even more vulnerable than before.
