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The Impact of Integrated Business Communications on the Success of Enterprises and Organizations

This paper evaluates the impact of business communications on the performance of companies and organizations and briefly outlines the history of the formation of the conceptual apparatus in the process of integrating integrated communications. Their role in corporate governance, as well as in the implementation of the ESG agenda in Russia, is considered. The relevance of the study is determined by the accelerated changes in the concepts of communication integration, the constant updating of forms, methods, tools and technologies, as well as the ambiguity of interpretations and the insufficient development of methodological approaches, which requires a new understanding of their content and implementation possibilities. The similarities and differences between integrated marketing communications and integrated communications are analyzed, the uncertainty in the use of these concepts is shown, as well as the distinctive features of the latter, which interact with all groups of stakeholders. The subject of the study is the system of relations in the process of interaction of companies and organizations with all groups of stakeholders. The purpose of the article is to show the advantages and possibilities of practical application of integrated communications, as well as new approaches to management strategizing. The article uses such research methods as content analysis of scientific periodicals, comparative analysis of semantic constructions of terms, study of practical experience in managing communications of companies and organizations, criteria and indicators for assessing their quality. The current trends in the development of integrated communications and their growing influence on the performance of companies and organizations are shown. The scientific novelty of the publication is justified by the author’s interpretation of the process of communication integration. The analysis showed that in the methods for compiling ESG ratings, the set of criteria for assessing the quality of block “G” is limited to the indicators of corporate governance codes. Therefore, the authors propose to expand this set using metrics for assessing the effectiveness of integrated communications management taken from the “corporate management” and “communications management” systems. The practical significance of the work is the opportunity to attract the attention of stakeholders to the problem of integrated communications and expand the horizon of their perception in theory and practice. Further directions of research may be related to the consideration of the characteristics of Russian communications practices in the business environment. Effective integrated communications can play a key role in the development of sustainable corporate governance in Russia.

Open Access
Public-type MFOs as an element of financial system

The subject of the research is to define the structure of microfinance organizations (MFOs) with the Russian Region’s authorities within the founders (participants, shareholders). The aim of the paper is to define the role of the public-type MFOs, including the problems of their accounting, identification and supervision as an independent element of the MFOs market. The relevance of the research is due to the lack of list of public-type MFOs, the need of State Entrepreneurship Financial Support Policy control and measurement in the context of the new coronavirus infection and sanctions. The scientific novelty emerges, as there is no research about the public-type MFOs as the solid part of the Russian MFO market. The author develops an algorithm to identify public-type MFOs, analyzes the composition of this segment compared to the MFO Market structure in general. The author uses methods of statistical and content analysis, public data bases (the State Register of Legal Entities, registers of MFOs by the Bank of Russia, the Register of Infrastructure for SME Support). The results are the list of public-type MFOs, determination of the composition of this segment compared to the MFOs system as a whole. The author concludes that public-type MFOs have greater non-commercial orientation of this segment, its geographical distribution and its compositional unity in terms of organizational and legal forms and forms of ownership. The author recommends: to identify the RSMB Corporation in charge of the List of the public-type MFOs, to involve MFOs, created by the local authorities, into the SME Support activities, and public-type MFOs — into the preferential bank-loans Programs.

Open Access
National Scientific Information Infrastructure: Problems, Tasks and Prospects

Introduction. Large volumes of scientific data and the development of the Data-Driven Science paradigm create a need for fundamentally new tools with which to work with information and conduct scientific communication. The emergence of such tools is only possible given the prerequisite technological foundation – a well-developed digital infrastructure for the storage and exchange of a large variety of scientific data, intended for use not only by researchers but also by software agents. The article analyzes the problems in the established practices of scientific information management in Russia and the existing barriers that prevent the creation of a new generation of tools. Overcoming them is a very complex and large-scale task, due to the diversity of actors involved in scientific information, the types of scientific information, the specificity of various subject areas, and other factors. To do so, we need a Strategy for the Development of a National Scientific Information Infrastructure, a set of systemic changes in the standards and practices for working with scientific information which will affect a significant part of the scientific community. Results and Discussion. The main provisions of the Strategy are formulated, including the goal, objectives and principles of development, its main mission (creating an environment for the formation of value chains of scientific information) and key results – new highly intelligent services for informational support of various types of scientific activity. Conclusion. The implementation of the proposed Strategy should result in new highly intelligent services offering informational support for various types of scientific activity; development of digital competencies among researchers; a significant increase in the use of scientific content; development of the market for scientific information services; improvements in the system of division of scientific labor.

Open Access