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Genetically engineered human embryonic kidney cells as a novel vehicle for dual patch clamp study of human gap junction channels.

Mutations in more than half of human connexin genes encoding gap junction subunits have been linked to inherited human diseases. Functional studies of human gap junction (GJ) channels are essential for revealing mechanistic insights on the etiology of disease-linked connexin mutants. However, the commonly used Xenopus oocytes, N2A, HeLa, and other model cells for recombinant expression of human connexins have different and significant limitations. Here we developed a human cell line (HEK293) with each of the endogenous connexins (Cx43 and Cx45) knocked out using the CRISPR-Cas9 system. Double knockout HEK293 cells showed no background GJ coupling, were easily transfected with several human connexin genes (such as those encoding Cx46, Cx50, Cx37, Cx45, Cx26, and Cx36) which successfully formed functional GJs and were readily accessible for dual patch clamp analysis. Single knockout Cx43 or Cx45 HEK cell lines could also be used to characterize human GJ channels formed by Cx45 or Cx43, respectively, with an expression level suitable for studying macroscopic and single channel GJ channel properties. A cardiac arrhythmia linked Cx45 mutant R184G failed to form functional GJs in DKO HEK293 cells with impaired localizations. These genetically engineered HEK293 cells are well suited for patch clamp study of human GJ channels.

Open Access
Mechanisms and pathologies of human mitochondrial DNA replication and deletion formation.

Human mitochondria possess a multi-copy circular genome, mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA), that is essential for cellular energy metabolism. The number of copies of mtDNA per cell, and their integrity, are maintained by nuclear-encoded mtDNA replication and repair machineries. Aberrant mtDNA replication and mtDNA breakage are believed to cause deletions within mtDNA. The genomic location and breakpoint sequences of these deletions show similar patterns across various inherited and acquired diseases, and are also observed during normal ageing, suggesting a common mechanism of deletion formation. However, an ongoing debate over the mechanism by which mtDNA replicates has made it difficult to develop clear and testable models for how mtDNA rearrangements arise and propagate at a molecular and cellular level. These deletions may impair energy metabolism if present in a high proportion of the mtDNA copies within the cell, and can be seen in primary mitochondrial diseases, either in sporadic cases or caused by autosomal variants in nuclear-encoded mtDNA maintenance genes. These mitochondrial diseases have diverse genetic causes and multiple modes of inheritance, and show notoriously broad clinical heterogeneity with complex tissue specificities, which further makes establishing genotype-phenotype relationships challenging. In this review, we aim to cover our current understanding of how the human mitochondrial genome is replicated, the mechanisms by which mtDNA replication and repair can lead to mtDNA instability in the form of large-scale rearrangements, how rearranged mtDNAs subsequently accumulate within cells, and the pathological consequences when this occurs.

Open Access
Ring finger protein 138 inhibits transcription factor C/EBPα protein turnover leading to differentiation arrest in acute myeloid leukemia.

E3 ubiquitin ligase, ring finger protein 138 (RNF138) is involved in several biological processes; however, its role in myeloid differentiation or tumorigenesis remains unclear. RNAseq data from TNMplot showed that RNF138 mRNA levels are highly elevated in acute myeloid leukemia (AML) bone marrow samples as compared with bone marrow of normal volunteers. Here, we show that RNF138 serves as an E3 ligase for the tumor suppressor CCAAT/enhancer binding protein (C/EBPα) and promotes its degradation leading to myeloid differentiation arrest in AML. Wild-type RNF138 physically interacts with C/EBPα and promotes its ubiquitin-dependent proteasome degradation while a mutant RNF-138 deficient in ligase activity though interacts with C/EBPα, fails to down-regulate it. We show that RNF138 depletion enhances endogenous C/EBPα levels in peripheral blood mononuclear cells (PBMCs) isolated from healthy volunteers. Our data further shows that RNF138-mediated degradation of C/EBPα negatively affects its transactivation potential on its target genes. Furthermore, RNF138 overexpression inhibits all-trans-retinoic acid-induced differentiation of HL-60 cells whereas RNF138 RNAi enhances. In line with RNF138 inhibiting C/EBPα protein turnover, we also observed that RNF138 overexpression inhibited β-estradiol (E2)-induced C/EBPα driven granulocytic differentiation in C/EBPα inducible K562-p42C/EBPα-estrogen receptor cells. Furthermore, we also recapitulated these findings in PBMCs isolated from AML patients where depletion of RNF138 increased the expression of myeloid differentiation marker CD11b. These results suggest that RNF138 inhibits myeloid differentiation by targeting C/EBPα for proteasomal degradation and may provide a plausible mechanism for loss of C/EBPα expression often observed in myeloid leukemia. Also, targeting RNF138 may resolve differentiation arrest by restoring C/EBPα expression in AML.

Open Access
Biochemical and structural impact of two novel missense mutations in cystathionine β-synthase gene associated with homocystinuria.

Homocystinuria is a rare disease caused by mutations in the CBS gene that results in a deficiency of cystathionine β-synthase (CBS). CBS is an essential pyridoxal 5'-phosphate (PLP)-dependent enzyme in the transsulfuration pathway, responsible for combining serine with homocysteine to produce cystathionine, whose activity is enhanced by the allosteric regulator S-adenosylmethionine (SAM). CBS also plays a role in generating hydrogen sulfide (H2S), a gaseous signaling molecule with diverse regulatory functions within the vascular, nervous, and immune systems. In this study, we present the clinical and biochemical characterization of two novel CBS missense mutations that do not respond to pyridoxine treatment, namely c.689T > A (L230Q) and 215A > T (K72I), identified in a Chinese patient. We observed that the disease-associated K72I genetic variant had no apparent effects on the spectroscopic and catalytic properties of the full-length enzyme. In contrast, the L230Q variant expressed in Escherichia coli did not fully retain heme and when compared with the wild-type enzyme, it exhibited more significant impairments in both the canonical cystathionine-synthesis and the alternative H2S-producing reactions. This reduced activity is consistent with both in vitro and in silico evidence, which indicates that the L230Q mutation significantly decreases the overall protein's stability, which in turn, may represent the underlying cause of its pathogenicity.

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