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Manifestations of Epistemic Violence in Assumptions of Students in an Undergraduate Classroom in Bangladesh

Epistemic violence refers to the silencing and displacing of a system of knowledge deemed to be inferior by another system of knowledge self-perceived as superior. In postcolonial context, it refers to the dominance and imposition of Western ways of perceiving the world by displacing the non-Western ways of perceiving the world. Colonial discourse is so encompassing in the postcolonial countries that students come to the classroom with assumptions that carry baggage of epistemic violence. According to Freire, the manifestations of this global “theme” may take particular dimensions in particular societies. Critical interrogation of epistemic violence requires identification of the particular manifestations of epistemic violence in particular societies. Following the approach of critical discourse analysis, this paper attempts to explore how epistemic violence manifests itself in the student assumptions exposed in their classroom interactions in an undergraduate classroom in Bangladesh, a postcolonial country. The findings reveal that besides the Western form of epistemic violence, there are local varieties of epistemic violence in Bangladesh. The discourses contributing to epistemic violence have been so ingrained in society that they appear as symbolic capital exercising symbolic violence where education plays a big role. The manifestations of epistemic violence in the context of Bangladesh revealed in this study have implications for framing critical instruction for problematising epistemic violence in postcolonial countries like Bangladesh.

Educational Enrichment Beyond Academics: Investigating the Impact of Co-Curricular Activities on Cognitive Abilities, Motivation, and Managerial Skills in Students

The study delves into the impact of co-curricular activities on students’ cognitive abilities, academic performance, and managerial skills, emphasising the distinction between externally and internally focused learning. It underscores the pivotal role of cognitive abilities, intrinsic motivation, and Asian cultural values in student success. Managerial skills are identified as crucial for future career readiness, aligning with leadership development. Despite the emphasis on academic achievements, the study argues for the necessity of co-curricular activities for holistic student development. Addressing a research gap, the research quantifies the specific influence of these activities on cognitive abilities, motivation, leadership, and academic outcomes. A longitudinal study involving 2,000 students utilised action research, implementing a “Principle of Management” course with real-life projects. The cyclic nature of planning, implementation, evaluation, and adaptation aligns with action research principles. Findings challenge prescriptive strategies, advocating for descriptive strategies in managing 21st-century challenges. The study concludes that co-curricular activities significantly enhance learning capabilities, recommending an integrated approach for educational institutions and policymakers. The study also stresses diverse activities, intentional learning objectives, communication, inclusivity, as well as a balance between academics and extracurricular pursuits for comprehensive student success.

Assessment of Customers’ Awareness of Sustainable Practices in Selected Hotels in Lagos State, Nigeria

The limited public dissemination about environmental and sustainable practices is a contributing factor to the low awareness amongst customers. The objective of this paper is to determine customers’ awareness of sustainable practices in selected hotels in Lagos State, Nigeria. Hotels were selected from four categories (International, National, Urban and Suburban hotels) as the research locale. Primary data was obtained from a questionnaire that was administered to guests staying at the selected hotels, while secondary data was drawn from relevant journals, materials and periodicals. Of a total of 500 questionnaires distributed, 403 were returned. The collected data were subjected to analysis using descriptive statistics which included measures like frequency, percentage, mean and standard deviation. Additionally inferential statistical tools such as Chi–square and logistic regression were employed to test the research hypotheses. The results reveal that that study model is statistically significant at the 0.05 significant level (x2 =314.038 > x2 =0.09, p > 0.05). The sustainable practices identified included various aspects such as the use of energy-saving bulbs, the reuse of towel or bed linens, non-smoking rooms, use of water-saving showers, and hotel designs that harmonise with natural environment. The study therefore recommends that hotels owners should consistently promote the sustainable practices implemented in their hotels to enhance customer satisfaction and improve retention at all times.

Open Access
The Effectiveness of Graphic Organisers for Improving Reading Comprehension in ESL Learners: A Systematic Literature Review

The objective of this study is to examine the effects of graphic organisers (GOs) as an instructional tool for enhancing reading comprehension among ESL learners. This paper presents a systematic review of related topics over the past decade, from 2015 to 2020, and found 31 journal papers that fulfilled the research criteria, representing the scholarly work in this field. These studies were published in journals indexed in Google Scholar, Eric, ProQuest, and JStor, and were selected according to a set of inclusion and exclusion criteria. The current literature review reveals that graphic organisers help learners visually organise and structure information, making complex concepts and relationships more accessible. They promote active engagement with the content as well as support the identification of main ideas, supporting details, and relationships between concepts. This enhanced comprehension leads to better retention and understanding of the material. However, the effectiveness of graphic organisers is influenced by issues such as visual literacy challenges, lack of familiarity with GOs, low cognitive level, and selection of an appropriate GO. In conclusion, our findings suggest that incorporating graphic organisers in language learning can be a valuable tool for educators to enhance their students’ reading comprehension skills. By considering the influencing factors, educators can tailor their teaching methods to optimise the benefits of graphic organisers.

Open Access
Digital Future of the Global Hospitality Industry and Hospitality Education: Review of Related Literature

The hospitality and tourism industries are changing dramatically as a consequence of the application of information technology (IT) to managerial, and strategic and operational tasks. This is stimulated by the competition within the industry as well as the development of new, creative technological advancements. Digital revolution constitutes one of the most significant developments in the volatile business market. Hence, utilising digital technology is essential to maintain competitiveness and keep up with the changing world. Advancements of modern technology, has the potential to replace human labour with artificial intelligence and robotics. Thus, hospitality graduates need to be equipped with the right skills and abilities to meet the needs of the evolving hospitality industry. Further, they need to always upgrade themselves with the right competencies to thrive in the job market. With the goal of evaluating recent developments and technology advancements in the hospitality education and industry, this study analyses past research works in the field as well as theories of skill development, particularly for hospitality graduates. Using the content analysis method, the study examined previous research on how hospitality graduates can enhance their skills. Based on the findings, a conceptual framework for fourth-generation technological abilities was developed for the hospitality sector. The proposed conceptual framework can serve as a basis and guideline for future research efforts as well.

Open Access