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Pelatihan Al-Banjari untuk Meningkatkan Semangat Kegiatan Rutinan Pembacaan Al-Barzanji Santri Pondok Pesantren Ar-Roudotussibyan Desa Cihanjawar

Al-Banjari music has become a highly popular art form among students at Pondok Kampung Gunung Bakti in Cihanjawar Village, Bojong District, Purwakarta Regency, especially at the Ar-Roudotussibyan Islamic Boarding School. Al-Banjari is often used as an accompaniment in activities such as reading al-barzanji, circumcision, wedding, or the birthday of Prophet Muhammad. However, the lack of understanding and skills in innovating rhythms and melodies make al-Banjari less effective and rarely used as an accompaniment. This problem is caused by the lack of special training accompanied by those who master the art of al-Banjari. The objective of this community service is to improve the understanding and creativity of students in using al-Banjari musical instrument and to increase their enthusiasm in routine activities such as reading al-barzanji at the Ar-Roudotussibyan Islamic Boarding School. The method used in this community service is special training and mentoring in playing the al-Banjari musical instrument. The training is conducted using appropriate teaching techniques to improve the understanding and skills of the students in playing the musical instrument. The al-Banjari training carried out in the community service activities at the Ar-Roudotussibyan Islamic Boarding School in 2023 succeeded in improving the understanding and skills of the students in using and playing the al-Banjari. In addition, the enthusiasm of the students in routine activities such as reading al-barzanji also increased after the training.

Open Access
Analisis Permasalahan Pemerintahan, Pengembangan Bumdes, Kemisikinan Masyarakat desa dan Solusi yang ditawarkan Melalui Edukasi Kepada Masyarakat dan Praktek Kuliah Lapangan

Field practice lectures conducted by lecturers of Government Science study program, FISIP University of Pattimura to the second semester students of the Government Fundamentals class A. A total of 44 students. The targets of field practice for second semester students are (1). Increase students' knowledge about actual issues related to village government problems and the development of Village Owned Enterprises (BUMDES). (2). Increase student knowledge about Bumdes management and settlement models that can be carried out by the Village Government (Pemdes). (3). Increasing students' knowledge of understanding the strength of Bumdes' position as a training ground and developing democracy in a country's life. The field practice method is carried out in stages, namely (1). The survey stages include an initial assessment to the Financial and Development Supervisory Agency (BPKP) of Maluku Province to become one of the FGD resource persons, compiling materials and activity times (2). The implementation stages are activities carried out in Study Room 10 FISIP campus, Pattimura University, Focus Grub Discussion (FGD), problem analysis of Maluku Village Owned Enterprises (Bumdes). The field practicum used an approach, namely the training method and FGD for FISIP students, Pattimura University. The primary data carried out is a literature review and analysis of students' understanding of the discussion. The findings obtained are (1) the Realization of Village Funds (DD) has increased and can facilitate development programs and village community empowerment. (2). The distribution of village funds has the impact of reducing the poverty rate from 2014-2019, which has decreased by 1.32 percent. (3). The factors that become problems in the management of Bumdes in Maluku are (1). Extremely poor (2). Dependence on Central Government Transfer Funds. (3). Natural Resources Potential Not yet managed optimally. (4). Village Owned Enterprises (Bumdes) have not operated as they should. (5). The King/To the State Village Hasn't Been an Economic Driver. (6). Misuse of Village Funds

Open Access

Boyolayar Tourism is one of the tourist destinations in the Kedung Ombo reservoir area, which was forced to close due to the Covid 19 pandemic. The implementation of PPKM has resulted in no visitors to this tourist destination, resulting in abandoned locations and tourist rides and declining popularity. Therefore, intensive promotion is needed to help restore the popularity of Boyolayar tourism and encourage tourists to come. This PKM activity aims to help tourist destination managers re-strengthen Boyolayar's tourist attractions through the development of digital promotional media. Activities carried out to include 1. counseling on digital marketing for tourism; 2. training on account creation and social media content management, and 3. development of the Boyolayar tourist village website. The methods used are lecture, discussion, and practice. The activity was followed by the manager of the Boyolayar tourist village and carried out in one of the Boyolayar tourist spots for six days. The activity has resulted in 1. understanding of the management of the Boyolayar tourism village about the importance of digital-based marketing and promotion; 2. the formation of interesting and informative Facebook and Instagram social media accounts; and 3. the establishment of the Boyolayar website.

Open Access
Penyuluhan E-Commerce sebagai Peluang Ekonomi Karang Taruna Desa Sukmajaya Kabupaten Bogor

In today's economic development, knowledge and information are developing into one of the main production factors that require technological improvement and innovation to create sustainable economic development. One of its forms is the presence of e-commerce as a means that can help economic activities run more easily and quickly. The improvement of information and technology in supporting e-commerce activities is important to be followed by the community today. In this regard, community service is focused on educating the understanding of e-commerce to increase the economic opportunity of Karang Taruna Sukmajaya Village. This activity was carried out based on the results of discussions with the management of Karang Taruna Sukmajaya Village who wanted to find out more about the economic opportunities of e-commerce. want to find out more about the economic opportunities of e-commerce. In addition, some karang Taruna administrators also have businesses such as in the field of workshops and fisheries, it's just that the marketing method is not based on digital technology. Through this activity, it is hoped that digital literacy related to e-commerce can be a provision in taking advantage of existing economic opportunities. In this case, at least the businesses that have been carried out by the Karang Taruna management can use digital technology to promote their business more broadly. The method used in this service is by providing counseling to the Sukmajaya Village Cadet Reef. The result of this activity is the increasing knowledge and understanding of partners about e-commerce as one of the applications in building the economy of its citizens.

Open Access
Pemanfaatan Buah Mangrove Menjadi Prodak Makanan Di Desa Hurip Jaya Bekasi

Mangrove forest is the main ecosystem supporting the life of coastal communities. In addition to having an ecological function as a food provider for marine life, coastal abrasion barrier, tidal wave and tsunami barrier, waste absorber, preventing sea water intrusion, mangrove forests can also serve to provide food needs for the surrounding population. The potential of mangrove fruit can be processed into food and drinks that can increase the welfare of the people who have only depended on marine products for their lives. The objectives of community service are (1) educating the public about the types of mangrove fruit, (2) identification of mangrove fruit, the benefits of mangroves for the environment and society; (3) Practicing the processing of mangrove fruit into food and beverages (syrup, jam and candy). This community service is carried out using the lecture method and practicing how to process mangrove fruit into syrup, candy and jam then documented in the form of photos and videos stored on a compact disk (CD). Participants in community service were attended by 25 mothers and teenagers. The results of this service activity show that residents are very interested in processing various foods and drinks made from mangrove fruit. This can be seen from the results of the questionnaire, that the increase in participants' knowledge increased by 100% after the training showed that the community understood the benefits of mangroves for the environment and the community and were interested in practicing making syrup, jam and candy from mangrove fruit

Open Access