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MEG Microstates: An Investigation of Underlying Brain Sources and Potential Neurophysiological Processes.

Microstates are transient scalp configurations of brain activity measured by electroencephalography (EEG). The application of microstate analysis in magnetoencephalography (MEG) data remains challenging. In one MEG dataset (N = 113), we aimed to identify MEG microstates at rest, explore their brain sources, and relate them to changes in brain activity during open-eyes (ROE) or closed-eyes resting state (RCE) and an auditory Mismatch Negativity (MMN) task. In another dataset of simultaneously recorded EEG-MEG data (N = 21), we investigated the association between MEG and EEG microstates. Six MEG microstates (mMS) provided the best clustering of resting-state activity, each linked to different brain sources: mMS 1-2: left/right occipito-parietal; mMS 3: fronto-temporal; mMS 4: centro-medial; mMS 5-6: left/right fronto-parietal. Increases in occipital alpha power in RCE relative to ROE correlated with greater mMS 1-2 time coverage (Ï„bs < 0.20, ps > .002), while the lateralization of deviance detection in MMN was associated with mMS 5-6 time coverage (Ï„bs < 0.16, ps > .012). No temporal correlation was found between EEG and MEG microstates (ps > .05), despite some overlap in brain sources and global explained variance between mMS 2-3 and EEG microstates B-C (rs > 0.60, ps < .002). Hence, the MEG signal can be decomposed into microstates, but mMS brain activity clustering captures phenomena different from EEG microstates. Source reconstruction and task-related modulations link mMS to large-scale networks and localized activities. Thus, mMSs offer insights into brain dynamics and task-specific processes, complementing EEG microstates in studying physiological and dysfunctional brain activity.

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Investigating the Effects of Repetitive Paired-Pulse Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation on Visuomotor Training Using TMS-EEG.

I-wave periodicity repetitive paired-pulse transcranial magnetic stimulation (iTMS) can modify acquisition of a novel motor skill, but the associated neurophysiological effects remain unclear. The current study therefore used combined TMS-electroencephalography (TMS-EEG) to investigate the neurophysiological effects of iTMS on subsequent visuomotor training (VT). Sixteen young adults (26.1 ± 5.1 years) participated in three sessions including real iTMS and VT (iTMS + VT), control iTMS and VT (iTMSControl + VT), or iTMS alone. Motor-evoked potentials (MEPs) and TMS-evoked potentials (TEPs) were measured before and after iTMS, and again after VT, to assess neuroplastic changes. Irrespective of the intervention, MEP amplitude was not changed after iTMS or VT. Motor skill was improved compared with baseline, but no differences were found between stimulus conditions. In contrast, the P30 peak was altered by VT when preceded by control iTMS (P < 0.05), but this effect was not apparent when VT was preceded by iTMS or following iTMS alone (all P > 0.15). In contrast to expectations, iTMS was unable to modulate MEP amplitude or influence motor learning. Despite this, changes in P30 amplitude suggested that motor learning was associated with altered cortical reactivity. Furthermore, this effect was abolished by priming with iTMS, suggesting an influence of priming that failed to impact learning.

Neuroplasticity of Speech-in-Noise Processing in Older Adults Assessed by Functional Near-Infrared Spectroscopy (fNIRS).

Functional near-infrared spectroscopy (fNIRS), a non-invasive optical neuroimaging technique that is portable and acoustically silent, has become a promising tool for evaluating auditory brain functions in hearing-vulnerable individuals. This study, for the first time, used fNIRS to evaluate neuroplasticity of speech-in-noise processing in older adults. Ten older adults, most of whom had moderate-to-mild hearing loss, participated in a 4-week speech-in-noise training. Their speech-in-noise performances and fNIRS brain responses to speech (auditory sentences in noise), non-speech (spectrally-rotated speech in noise) and visual (flashing chequerboards) stimuli were evaluated pre- (T0) and post-training (immediately after training, T1; and after a 4-week retention, T2). Behaviourally, speech-in-noise performances were improved after retention (T2 vs. T0) but not immediately after training (T1 vs. T0). Neurally, we intriguingly found brain responses to speech vs. non-speech decreased significantly in the left auditory cortex after retention (T2 vs. T0 and T2 vs. T1) for which we interpret as suppressed processing of background noise during speech listening alongside the significant behavioural improvements. Meanwhile, functional connectivity within and between multiple regions of temporal, parietal and frontal lobes was significantly enhanced in the speech condition after retention (T2 vs. T0). We also found neural changes before the emergence of significant behavioural improvements. Compared to pre-training, responses to speech vs. non-speech in the left frontal/prefrontal cortex were decreased significantly both immediately after training (T1 vs. T0) and retention (T2 vs. T0), reflecting possible alleviation of listening efforts. Finally, connectivity was significantly decreased between auditory and higher-level non-auditory (parietal and frontal) cortices in response to visual stimuli immediately after training (T1 vs. T0), indicating decreased cross-modal takeover of speech-related regions during visual processing. The results thus showed that neuroplasticity can be observed not only at the same time with, but also before, behavioural changes in speech-in-noise perception. To our knowledge, this is the first fNIRS study to evaluate speech-based auditory neuroplasticity in older adults. It thus provides important implications for current research by illustrating the promises of detecting neuroplasticity using fNIRS in hearing-vulnerable individuals.

Open Access
Effects of Inversion and Fixation Location on the Processing of Face and House Stimuli - A Mass Univariate Analysis.

Most Event Related Potential studies investigating the time course of visual processing have focused mainly on the N170 component. Stimulus orientation affects the N170 amplitude for faces but not for objects, a finding interpreted as reflecting holistic/configural processing for faces and featural processing for objects. Furthermore, while recent studies suggest where on the face people fixate impacts the N170, fixation location effects have not been investigated in objects. A data-driven mass univariate analysis (all time points and electrodes) was used to investigate the time course of inversion and fixation location effects on the neural processing of faces and houses. Strong and widespread orientation effects were found for both faces and houses, from 100-350ms post-stimulus onset, including P1 and N170 components, and later, a finding arguing against a lack of holistic processing for houses. While no clear fixation effect was found for houses, fixation location strongly impacted face processing early, reflecting retinotopic mapping around the C2 and P1 components, and during the N170-P2 interval. Face inversion effects were also largest for nasion fixation around 120ms. The results support the view that facial feature integration (1) depends on which feature is being fixated and where the other features are situated in the visual field, (2) occurs maximally during the P1-N170 interval when fixation is on the nasion and (3) continues past 200ms, suggesting the N170 peak, where weak effects were found, might be an inflexion point between processes rather than the end of a feature integration into a whole process.

Decoding the Preparation Stage of Target Shooting under Audiovisual Restricted Conditions: Investigating Neural Mechanisms Using Microstate Analysis.

Shooting is a fine sport that is greatly influenced by mental state, and the neural activity of brain in the preparation stage of shooting has a direct influence on the level of shooting. In order to explore the brain neural mechanism in the preparation stage of pistol shooting under audiovisual restricted conditions, and to reveal the intrinsic relationship between brain activity and shooting behavior indicators, the electroencephalography (EEG) signals and seven shooting behaviors including shooting performance, gun holding stability, and firing stability, were experimentally captured from 30 shooters, these shooters performed pistol shooting under three conditions, normal, dim, and noisy. Using EEG microstates combined with standardized low-resolution brain electromagnetic tomography (sLORETA) traceability analysis method, we investigated the difference between the microstates characteristics under audiovisual restricted conditions and normal condition, the relationship between the microstates characteristics and the behavioral indicators during the shooting preparation stage under different conditions. The experimental results showed that microstate 1 corresponded to microstate A, microstate 2 corresponded to microstate B, and microstate 4 corresponded to microstate D; Microstate 3 was a unique template, which was localized in the occipital lobe, its function was to generate the "vision for action"; The dim condition significantly reduced the shooter's performance, whereas the noisy condition had less effect on the shooter's performance; In audiovisual restricted conditions, the microstate characteristics were significantly different from those in the normal condition. Microstate 4' parameters decreased significantly while microstate 3' parameters increased significantly under restricted visual and auditory conditions; Dim condition required more shooting skills from the shooter; There was a significant relationship between characteristics of microstates and indicators of shooting behavior; It was concluded that in order to obtain good shooting performance, shooters should improve attention and concentrate on the adjustment of collimator and target's center leveling relation, but the focus was slightly different in the three conditions; Microstates that are more important for accomplishing the task have less variation in their characteristics over time; Similar conclusions to previous studies were obtained at the same time, i.e., increased visual attention prior to shooting is detrimental to shooting performance, and there is a high positive correlation with microstate D for task completion. The experimental results further reveal the brain neural mechanism in the shooting preparation stage, and the extracted neural markers can be used as effective functional indicators for monitoring the brain state in the shooting preparation stage of pistols.

Cortical Generators and Connections Underlying Phoneme Perception: A Mismatch Negativity and P300 Investigation.

The cortical generators of the pure tone MMN and P300 have been thoroughly studied. Their nature and interaction with respect to phoneme perception, however, is poorly understood. Accordingly, the cortical sources and functional connections that underlie the MMN and P300 in relation to passive and active speech sound perception were identified.An inattentive and attentive phonemic oddball paradigm, eliciting a MMN and P300 respectively, were administered in 60 healthy adults during simultaneous high-density EEG recording. For both the MMN and P300, eLORETA source reconstruction was performed. The maximal cross-correlation was calculated between ROI-pairs to investigate inter-regional functional connectivity specific to passive and active deviant processing.MMN activation clusters were identified in the temporal (insula, superior temporal gyrus and temporal pole), frontal (rostral middle frontal and pars opercularis) and parietal (postcentral and supramarginal gyrus) cortex. Passive discrimination of deviant phonemes was aided by a network connecting right temporoparietal cortices to left frontal areas. For the P300, clusters with significantly higher activity were found in the frontal (caudal middle frontal and precentral), parietal (precuneus) and cingulate (posterior and isthmus) cortex. Significant intra- and interhemispheric connections between parietal, cingulate and occipital regions constituted the network governing active phonemic target detection. A predominantly bilateral network was found to underly both the MMN and P300.While passive phoneme discrimination is aided by a fronto-temporo-parietal network, active categorization calls on a network entailing fronto-parieto-cingulate cortices. Neural processing of phonemic contrasts, as reflected by the MMN and P300, does not appear to show pronounced lateralization to the language-dominant hemisphere.
