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Genetic engineering and genome editing technologies as catalyst for Africa's food security: the case of plant biotechnology in Nigeria.

Many African countries are unable to meet the food demands of their growing population and the situation is worsened by climate change and disease outbreaks. This issue of food insecurity may lead to a crisis of epic proportion if effective measures are not in place to make more food available. Thus, deploying biotechnology towards the improvement of existing crop varieties for tolerance or resistance to both biotic and abiotic stresses is crucial to increasing crop production. In order to optimize crop production, several African countries have implemented strategies to make the most of this innovative technology. For example, Nigerian government has implemented the National Biotechnology Policy to facilitate capacity building, research, bioresource development and commercialization of biotechnology products for over twodecades. Several government ministries, research centers, universities, and agencies have worked together to implement the policy, resulting in the release of some genetically modified crops to farmers for cultivation and Commercialization, which is a significant accomplishment. However, the transgenic crops were only brought to Nigeria for confined field trials; the manufacturing of the transgenic crops took place outside the country. This may have contributed to the suspicion of pressure groups and embolden proponents of biotechnology as an alien technology. Likewise, this may also be the underlying issue preventing the adoption of biotechnology products in other African countries. It is therefore necessary that African universities develop capacity in various aspects of biotechnology, to continuously train indigenous scientists who can generate innovative ideas tailored towards solving problems that are peculiar to respective country. Therefore, this study intends to establish the role of genetic engineering and genome editing towards the achievement of food security in Africa while using Nigeria as a case study. In our opinion, biotechnology approaches will not only complement conventional breeding methods in the pursuit of crop improvements, but it remains a viable and sustainable means of tackling specific issues hindering optimal crop production. Furthermore, we suggest that financial institutions should offer low-interest loans to new businesses. In order to promote the growth of biotechnology products, especially through the creation of jobs and revenues through molecular farming.

Open Access
Advancing crop disease resistance through genome editing: a promising approach for enhancing agricultural production.

Modern agriculture has encountered several challenges in achieving constant yield stability especially due to disease outbreaks and lack of long-term disease-resistant crop cultivars. In the past, disease outbreaks in economically important crops had a major impact on food security and the economy. On the other hand climate-driven emergence of new pathovars or changes in their host specificity further poses a serious threat to sustainable agriculture. At present, chemical-based control strategies are frequently used to control microbial pathogens and pests, but they have detrimental impact on the environment and also resulted in the development of resistant phyto-pathogens. As a replacement, cultivating engineered disease-resistant crops can help to minimize the negative impact of regular pesticides on agriculture and the environment. Although traditional breeding and genetic engineering have been instrumental in crop disease improvement but they have certain limitations such as labour intensity, time consumption, and low efficiency. In this regard, genome editing has emerged as one of the potential tools for improving disease resistance in crops by targeting multiple traits with more accuracy and efficiency. For instance, genome editing techniques, such as CRISPR/Cas9, CRISPR/Cas13, base editing, TALENs, ZFNs, and meganucleases, have proved successful in improving disease resistance in crops through targeted mutagenesis, gene knockouts, knockdowns, modifications, and activation of target genes. CRISPR/Cas9 is unique among these techniques because of its remarkable efficacy, low risk of off-target repercussions, and ease of use. Some primary targets for developing CRISPR-mediated disease-resistant crops are host-susceptibility genes (the S gene method), resistance genes (R genes) and pathogen genetic material that prevents their development, broad-spectrum disease resistance. The use of genome editing methods has the potential to notably ameliorate crop disease resistance and transform agricultural practices in the future. This review highlights the impact of phyto-pathogens on agricultural productivity. Next, we discussed the tools for improving disease resistance while focusing on genome editing. We provided an update on the accomplishments of genome editing, and its potential to improve crop disease resistance against bacterial, fungal and viral pathogens in different crop systems. Finally, we highlighted the future challenges of genome editing in different crop systems for enhancing disease resistance.

Open Access
The potential of genome editing to create novel alleles of resistance genes in rice.

Rice, a staple food for a significant portion of the global population, faces persistent threats from various pathogens and pests, necessitating the development of resilient crop varieties. Deployment of resistance genes in rice is the best practice to manage diseases and reduce environmental damage by reducing the application of agro-chemicals. Genome editing technologies, such as CRISPR-Cas, have revolutionized the field of molecular biology, offering precise and efficient tools for targeted modifications within the rice genome. This study delves into the application of these tools to engineer novel alleles of resistance genes in rice, aiming to enhance the plant's innate ability to combat evolving threats. By harnessing the power of genome editing, researchers can introduce tailored genetic modifications that bolster the plant's defense mechanisms without compromising its essential characteristics. In this study, we synthesize recent advancements in genome editing methodologies applicable to rice and discuss the ethical considerations and regulatory frameworks surrounding the creation of genetically modified crops. Additionally, it explores potential challenges and future prospects for deploying edited rice varieties in agricultural landscapes. In summary, this study highlights the promise of genome editing in reshaping the genetic landscape of rice to confront emerging challenges, contributing to global food security and sustainable agriculture practices.

Open Access
A gene edited pig model for studying LGR5+ stem cells: implications for future applications in tissue regeneration and biomedical research.

Recent advancements in genome editing techniques, notably CRISPR-Cas9 and TALENs, have marked a transformative era in biomedical research, significantly enhancing our understanding of disease mechanisms and helping develop novel therapies. These technologies have been instrumental in creating precise animal models for use in stem cell research and regenerative medicine. For instance, we have developed a transgenic pig model to enable the investigation of LGR5-expressing cells. The model was designed to induce the expression of H2B-GFP under the regulatory control of the LGR5 promoter via CRISPR/Cas9-mediated gene knock-in. Notably, advancements in stem cell research have identified distinct subpopulations of LGR5-expressing cells within adult human, mouse, and pig tissues. LGR5, a leucine-rich repeat-containing G protein-coupled receptor, enhances WNT signaling and these LGR5+ subpopulations demonstrate varied roles and anatomical distributions, underscoring the necessity for suitable translational models. This transgenic pig model facilitates the tracking of LGR5-expressing cells and has provided valuable insights into the roles of these cells across different tissues and species. For instance, in pulmonary tissue, Lgr5+ cells in mice are predominantly located in alveolar compartments, driving alveolar differentiation of epithelial progenitors via Wnt pathway activation. In contrast, in pigs and humans, these cells are situated in a unique sub-basal position adjacent to the airway epithelium. In fetal stages a pattern of LGR5 expression during lung bud tip formation is evident in humans and pigs but is lacking in mice. Species differences with respect to LGR5 expression have also been observed in the skin, intestines, and cochlea further reinforcing the need for careful selection of appropriate translational animal models. This paper discusses the potential utility of the LGR5+ pig model in exploring the role of LGR5+ cells in tissue development and regeneration with the goal of translating these findings into human and animal clinical applications.

Open Access
Pigs lacking TMPRSS2 displayed fewer lung lesions and reduced inflammatory response when infected with influenza A virus.

Influenza A virus (IAV) infection is initiated by hemagglutinin (HA), a glycoprotein exposed on the virion's lipid envelope that undergoes cleavage by host cell proteases to ensure membrane fusion, entry into the host cells, and completion of the viral cycle. Transmembrane protease serine S1 member 2 (TMPRSS2) is a host transmembrane protease expressed throughout the porcine airway epithelium and is purported to play a major role in the HA cleavage process, thereby influencing viral pathogenicity and tissue tropism. Pigs are natural hosts of IAV and IAV disease causes substantial economic impact on the pork industry worldwide. Previous studies in mice demonstrated that knocking out expression of TMPRSS2 gene was safe and inhibited the spread of IAV after experimental challenge. Therefore, we hypothesized that knockout of TMPRSS2 will prevent IAV infectivity in the swine model. We investigated this hypothesis by comparing pathogenesis of an H1N1pdm09 virus challenge in wildtype (WT) control and in TMPRSS2 knockout (TMPRSS2 -/-) pigs. We demonstrated that TMPRSS2 was expressed in the respiratory tract in WT pigs with and without IAV infection. No differences in nasal viral shedding and lung lavage viral titers were observed between WT and TMPRSS2 -/- pigs. However, the TMPRSS2 -/- pig group had significantly less lung lesions and significant reductions in antiviral and proinflammatory cytokines in the lung. The virus titer results in our direct challenge model contradict prior studies in the murine animal model, but the reduced lung lesions and cytokine profile suggest a possible role for TMPRSS2 in the proinflammatory antiviral response. Further research is warranted to investigate the role of TMPRSS2 in swine IAV infection and disease.

Open Access
CRISPR-Cas9 immune-evasive hESCs are rejected following transplantation into immunocompetent mice.

Although current stem cell therapies exhibit promising potential, the extended process of employing autologous cells and the necessity for donor-host matching to avert the rejection of transplanted cells significantly limit the widespread applicability of these treatments. It would be highly advantageous to generate a pluripotent universal donor stem cell line that is immune-evasive and, therefore, not restricted by the individual's immune system, enabling unlimited application within cell replacement therapies. Before such immune-evasive stem cells can be moved forward to clinical trials, in vivo testing via transplantation experiments in immune-competent animals would be a favorable approach preceding preclinical testing. By using human stem cells in immune competent animals, results will be more translatable to a clinical setting, as no parts of the immune system have been altered, although in a xenogeneic setting. In this way, immune evasiveness, cell survival, and unwanted proliferative effects can be assessed before clinical trials in humans. The current study presents the generation and characterization of three human embryonic stem cell lines (hESCs) for xenogeneic transplantation in immune-competent mice. The major histocompatibility complexes I- and II-encoding genes, B2M and CIITA, have been deleted from the hESCs using CRISPR-Cas9-targeted gene replacement strategies and knockout. B2M was knocked out by the insertion of murine CD47. Human-secreted embryonic alkaline phosphatase (hSEAP) was inserted in a safe harbor site to track cells in vivo. The edited hESCs maintained their pluripotency, karyotypic normality, and stable expression of murine CD47 and hSEAP in vitro. In vivo transplantation of hESCs into immune-competent BALB/c mice was successfully monitored by measuring hSEAP in blood samples. Nevertheless, transplantation of immune-evasive hESCs resulted in complete rejection within 11days, with clear immune infiltration of T-cells on day 8. Our results reveal that knockout of B2M and CIITA together with species-specific expression of CD47 are insufficient to prevent rejection in an immune-competent and xenogeneic context.

Open Access
Where does the EU-path on new genomic techniques lead us?

Recently, the European Commission (EC) published a regulatory proposal on plants generated with new genomic techniques (NGTs) (5 July 2023). According to this proposal, NGT plant applications are categorized into category 1 NGT (NGT1) and category 2 NGT (NGT2) based on their molecular characteristics, which diverges from the current legislation centered around Directive 2001/18/EC. To demonstrate where the path of the proposal leads to in practice, we applied the proposed criteria for categorization to a list of NGT plant applications currently in the commercialization pipeline. Combining literature research and a descriptive statistical approach, we can show that 94% of the plant applications affected by the EC proposal, would be classified as NGT1 and thus would receive market approval without risk assessment, monitoring, and sufficient labeling provisions. The remaining 6% of applications would be classified as NGT2 plants, for which, in deviation from the current regulation, an adapted risk assessment is proposed. Screening of the intended traits in the pipeline highlights that certain NGT1 plants can pose similar environmental risks (e.g., invasiveness) to other genetically modified organisms (GMOs), as defined in Directive 2001/18/EC. For example, NGT1 applications based on RNA interference technology can exhibit insecticidal effects with potential side effects on non-target organisms (i.e., other insects). Our quantitative and case-specific elaboration of how the current EC regulatory proposal would affect the environment, health, and consumer protection will be informative for decision-makers and politicians.

Open Access