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ABSTRACT Schools have the duty to manage finances based on the applicable financial management principles. School financial management in SMK throughout Batang Regency has not fully implemented the principles of accountability and efficiency even though the existing budget is received from various sources and issued to several posts. Vocational High School Education Institutions have an obligation to report their activities to the public or related parties. Accountability and reporting of funds raised is a manifestation of accountability. This study aims to 1) determine the effect of budgeting quality on school financial performance; 2) analyze the effect of budgeting quality on school financial performance; 3) analyze the competence of financial human resources on the school's financial performance and 4) analyze the effect of the quality of budgeting and human resource competence on finance together on the school's financial performance.This research is an explanatory research with a quantitative approach. The study population consisted of 86 teachers at SMK in Batang Regency. The research sample was 86 people with total sampling technique. The research instrument used a questionnaire. Data analysis used descriptive and multiple linear regression. The descriptive data shows that 1) the quality of budgeting is in the fairly good category with a mean value of 114.22; 2) the competence of human resources in the field of finance is in the fairly good category with a mean value of 114.21 and 3) the school's financial performance is in the good category with a mean value of 125.06. The results of the hypothesis test show that 1) there is an effect of the quality of budgeting on the financial performance of the schools studied. state with the equation Ῡ=80.444+0.378X₂, a correlation strength of 0.366 with a contribution of 0.134 or 13.4%; 3) there is an effect of human resource competence in the field of finance on school financial performance which is expressed by the equation Ῡ= 48.313+0.659X₃, a correlation strength of 0.622 with a contribution of 0.387 or 38.7%.There is a positive influence on the quality of budgeting and the competence of human resources in the field of finance which jointly affect the financial performance of schools which is expressed by the equation Ῡ= 36.175 + 0.109Xₗ + 0.158X₂ + 0.415 X₃, output correlation 0.649 with a contribution of 0.400 or 40% Keywords: Quality of budgeting, competency of financial human resources, and school's financial performance.


The formulation of the problem in this research is 1) is there any effect of academic supervision on the performance of SMP and MTs teachers in Subah and Pecalungan Districts, Batang Regency, 2) is there an effect of work motivation on the performance of SMP and MTs teachers in Subah and Pecalungan Districts, Batang Regency, 3) is there any effect of academic supervision and work motivation on the performance of teachers in SMP and MTs in Subah and Pecalungan Districts, Batang Regency.This study uses a quantitative correlation approach. Data mining using a questionnaire instrument. The research locations were public junior high schools and MTs in Subah and Pecalungan sub-districts. Test Instrument is a test of validity and reliability. Prerequisite test using normality test, linearity test, multicollinearity test, homogeneity test. Data analysis used correlation test, simple linear regression test and multiple linear regression test.The results of the study (1) the effect of academic supervision on the performance of SMP and MTs teachers in Subah and Pecalungan Districts, Batang Regency. Based on the Fcount value of 134.127 > Ftable 3.93 with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05. which means H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. The hypothesis which reads "there is an influence of academic supervision on teacher performance in SMP and MTs in Subah and Pecalungan Districts, Batang Regency" is accepted. (2) the effect of work motivation on the performance of SMP and MTs teachers in Subah and Pecalungan Districts, Batang Regency. Based on the Fcount value of 148.330 > Ftable 3.93 with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05. which means H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. The hypothesis which reads "there is an influence of work motivation on teacher performance in SMP and MTs in Subah and Pecalungan Districts, Batang Regency" is accepted. (3) the effect of academic supervision and work motivation on teacher performance in SMP and MTs in Subah and Pecalungan Districts, Batang Regency. Based on the Fcount value of 81.128 > Ftable 3.08 with a significance value of 0.000 <0.05. Which means H0 is rejected and Ha is accepted. In other words, the hypothesis that reads "there is an influence of academic supervision and work motivation on teacher performance in SMP and MTs in Subah and Pecalungan Districts, Batang Regency" is accepted.

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ABSTRACT The formulation of the problem in this study are: 1) is there any influence of principal's leadership on the quality of graduates in Elementary Schools in Reban District, Batang Regency?, 2) Is there an influence of teacher competence on the quality of graduates in Elementary Schools of Reban District, Batang Regency?, 3) Is there any influence of principal's leadership school and teacher competence together on the quality of graduates in the Reban District Elementary School, Batang Regency?. This type of research is descriptive correlation study or descriptive association study, which is to examine the relationship between two things, two or more variables. The population in this study were all elementary school teachers in Reban District as many as 249 people. With a research sample of 153 people using a simple random sampling technique with the Slovin formula. The data collection method used is the questionnaire method. Analysis of the data used descriptive analysis, test requirements and hypothesis testing which includes simple linear regression analysis and multiple regression analysis. To analyze the data, the SPSS for windows version 25 program was used. The results of this study are: 1) Principal leadership has a strong influence on the quality of graduates (Y) in elementary school teachers throughout Reban sub-district with a value of 64.6%, 2) Teacher competence has a moderate effect on the quality of graduates (Y) in elementary school teachers throughout Reban sub-district with a score of 63.6%, 3) Principal leadership and teacher competence have a strong influence on the quality of graduates (Y) in elementary school teachers in Reban sub-district with a value of 74%. Suggestions in this research are the principal should be able to provide encouragement to all school members by providing advice and improving the work competence of teachers so as to improve the quality of graduates. Keywords: principal leadership, teacher competence, and quality of graduates

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Setyaji, Rofi 2021. "The Influence of the Role of the Head as a Leader and Organizational Culture on Teacher Job Satisfaction in the Private MA of Pekalongan City". Thesis. Advisor I Dr. Noor Miyono, M.Si. And Advisor II Dr. Endang Wuryandini, M.Pd. The background of this research is teacher dissatisfaction in working at the Private MA of Pekalongan City. The aims of this study were: (1) to determine the effect of the role of the principal as a leader on teacher job satisfaction (2) to determine the effect of organizational culture on teacher job satisfaction (3) to determine the effect of the role of the principal and organizational culture together with job satisfaction. teacher work. The population of this study were all teachers of the Private MA of Pekalongan City, totaling 109 people, with a sample of 86 people using proportional random sampling. The data collection method used is the questionnaire method. The data analysis used is descriptive data analysis, prerequisite test and hypothesis testing which includes simple linear regression analysis, as well as multiple linear regression. The results of the research are expressed by the equation Y = 21,235 + 0,830 X1 ; correlation strength of 0.821 with a contribution of 0.674 or 67.4%. There is an influence of organizational culture on teacher job satisfaction which is expressed by the equation Y = 18,874 + 0,831X2; correlation strength of 0.837 with a contribution of 0.71 or 70.1%. There is an effect of the role of the principal and organizational culture together on teacher job satisfaction which is expressed by the equation Y = 12.114 + 0.397X1 + 0.498 X2; correlation strength is 0.862 with a contribution of 0.743 or 74.3%. Keywords: the role of the principal as a leader, organizational culture, and teacher job satisfaction.

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Learning Management for Productive Technical and Motorcycle Business Subjects at Public Vocational High School 1 Warungasem

This research was motivated in the midst of limited face-to-face learning restrictions that took place during the covid 19 pandemic, but the Warungasem State Vocational High School 1 was still able to excel in the Student Skills Competition at the Central Java Province, by winning 2nd place for the bicycle engineering and business competition. Motorcycle. This study aims to determine the Learning Management of Productive Subjects of Motorcycle Engineering and Business at Public Vocational High School 1 Warungasem. This study uses qualitative research methods, located at the Public Vocational High School 1 Warungasem. Research time in July 2022. Data collection techniques with the method of observation, interviews, and documentation. Test the validity of the data using triangulation. Data analysis includes: data collection, data condensation, data presentation and drawing conclusions. Research results 1) Planning includes (a) preparing the vision, mission and objectives of skill competence (b) preparing work programs (c) preparing planning for productive practice tools and budgets (d) planning for industrial work practices (e) preparing plans for skill competency tests. 2) Organizing includes: (a) formation of management, (b) division of work tasks according to their respective potentials, (c) standard SOPs for implementing tasks (d) coordination and communication in all fields. 3) Implementation includes: (a) theoretical learning in the classroom and (b) practical learning in practice rooms and industrial internships. 4) Supervision includes: (a) internal supervision is carried out by the Principal, and the Deputy Head of Curriculum. (b) external supervision is carried out by Supervisors from the Branch Office of Education Region XIII. Keywords: management, productive learning, motorcycle business engineering

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Pedagogic competence must be possessed by all teachers in managing learning in the classroom so that learning objectives can be achieved. The aims of this study were to: 1) determine the magnitude of the influence of academic supervision on teachers' pedagogic competence, 2) determine the magnitude of the influence of organizational culture on teachers' pedagogical competence, and 3) determine the magnitude of the influence of academic supervision and organizational culture together on teachers' pedagogical competence. The research approach used is quantitative. This type of research uses associative research. The population of this study was 471 teachers and the research sample was 216 teachers. Data collection is done by using a questionnaire. The data analysis technique used in this research is descriptive data analysis, prerequisite test which includes normality test, multicollinearity test, heteroscedasticity test, linearity test and hypothesis testing including simple and multiple linear regression. The results showed that: (1) The correlation between academic supervision and teacher pedagogic competence was 0.907. The effect of academic supervision on teacher professionalism is 82.2%, (2) The correlation between organizational culture and teacher pedagogic competence is 0.605. The influence of organizational culture on teachers' pedagogic competence is 66.6%, (3) The correlation between academic supervision and organizational culture on teachers' pedagogic competence is 0.907 and 0.605. The influence of academic supervision and organizational culture on teacher professionalism is 82.2%. The conclusion of this study is that academic supervision and organizational culture affect teacher professionalism by 0.822 or 82.2%. The author suggests that the principal provide direction and guidance, especially regarding the development of students, then the teacher must also pay attention to the talents and interests of students. The principal can reflect and evaluate by increasing the intensity of supervision. Principals can motivate and provide guidance to encourage teachers to complete work well and be oriented towards stability so as to improve teacher performance. Keywords: Pedagogic Competence, Academic Supervision, Organizational Culture.

Open Access

The problems in this study are: 1) whether there is an influence of the role of the school principal on teacher work motivation; 2) whether there is an influence of the school climate on teacher work motivation; 3) whether there is an influence on the role of the principal and the school climate on the motivation of the teacher's work.The purpose of this study is to analyze and find out: 1) the influence of the role of the principal on teacher motivation to work; 2) the influence of the school climate on teacher work motivation; 3) the influence of the role of the principal and the school climate on teacher motivation.This type of research is survey research with a quantitative approach. The population in this study were all public elementary school teachers in Kaliwungu District with a total of teachers. The sampling technique used proportionate stratified random sampling, with a sample of teachers. Data collection techniques use interviews and questionnaires. While the data analysis technique uses simple regression analysis and multiple regression analysis.The results of the study concluded that: 1) The role of the principal has a significant effect on the motivation of the work of public elementary school teachers in Kaliwungu District. The influence of the principal's role on teacher work motivation is 17.5% and 82.5% is influenced by other variables outside of the role of the principal; 2) The school climate has a significant effect on the motivation of the work of public elementary school teachers in Kaliwungu District. The influence of the school climate on teacher work motivation is 14.3% and 85.7% is influenced by other variables outside of the school climate; 3) The role of the head as if and the school climate together have a significant effect on the competency of professional SD teachers in Kaliwungu District. The influence of the role of the principal and the school climate together is 21.9%. The role of the principal has a greater influence than the school climate, although the difference is not too far away.Keywords: School Principal's Role, School Climate, Motivation of Teacher's work

Open Access

School is one place to shape the character of students. Character education in schools can succeed optimally if the implementation is integrated through school rules and regulations, classroom learning processes, and extracurricular activities. In addition, educators are also required to provide good behavior or character models for their students.This research aims to find out: 1) the implementation of strengthening character education in improving the religious attitudes of students in Muhammadiyah 3 Ampel Middle School Ampel District Boyolali District, 2) implementation of strengthening character education in improving student responsibility in Muhammadiyah 3 Ampel Middle School Ampel District Boyolali District , 3) barriers to implementation of strengthening character education in Muhammadiyah 3 Ampel Middle School, Ampel District, Boyolali Regency.This research uses a qualitative approach. Data collection techniques are carried out through interviews, observation and documentation studies. Procedure for data analysis with data collection, data reduction, data presentation and data verification. While the research subjects were principals, teachers, parents of students, students and alumni.The results of the research show that: 1) the implementation of strengthening character education in improving the religious attitudes of students by incorporating religious character education into the school curriculum both in school and outside the school. 2) implementation of strengthening character education in improving student responsibility by being integrated into the learning process and school programs. Integration of character education in schools is carried out with integration in self-development programs, subjects, and school culture, 3) barriers to the implementation of strengthening character education are require continuous processes and are carried out continuously. In addition, students do not have a high awareness of themselves. The conclusions of this research are: 1) strengthening character education is carried out well and continuously in an effort to improve the religious attitudes of students, 2) strengthening character education is carried out well as in an effort to improve the attitude of responsibility of students, 3) obstacles faced in implementing education reinforcement whose main character is requiring time to cultivate self-awareness. Suggestions are aimed at: 1) Teachers to motivate and assist students in strengthening character and becoming role models for students, 2) Principals are more intensive in monitoring the development of school programs related to character education. 3) students can instill more responsibility in all aspects of life.

Open Access

The problems in this study are: (1) is there an influence of organizational climate on the performance of junior / MTs teachers in Susukan District, Semarang Regency; (2) is there any influence of work motivation on the performance of SMP / MTs teachers in Susukan District, Semarang Regency; (3) is there an influence of organizational climate and work motivation on the performance of SMP / MTs teachers in Susukan District, Semarang Regency.The purpose of this study is: (1) to find out whether there is an influence of organizational climate on teacher performance; (2) to find out whether there is an effect of work motivation on teacher performance; (3) to find out whether there is an influence of organizational climate and work motivation on the performance of SMP / MTs teachers in Susukan District, Semarang Regency.The population in this study were SMP / MTs teachers in Susukan District, Semarang Regency, which amounted to 157 people, with a sample of 113 people determined by proportional random sampling technique. Data collection using a questionnaire. The data analysis used was descriptive analysis, requirements test, single regression analysis and multiple regression analysis which was calculated using the SPSS for Windows version 21 program.From the results of the study, it can be seen that the average score of the organizational climate score of 120.58 is quite good; the average work motivation score of 126.16 includes a fairly good category; the average score of the teacher's performance score of 117.30 is quite good. Prerequisite test results from the research data obtained normal distribution data, homogeneous, linear, not multicollinear, and heteroscedasticity did not occur. From the hypothesis test it was found that there was a positive influence of the organizational climate on teacher performance as stated by the equation Y = 68.786 + 0.402X1; correlation strength of 0.405 with a contribution of 0.164 or 16.4%. There is a positive effect of work motivation on teacher performance which is expressed by the equation Y = 69.409 + 0.380X2; correlation strength of 0.389 with a contribution of 0.151 or 15.1%. There is a positive influence of organizational climate and work motivation together on teacher performance which is expressed by the equation Y = 49,624 + 0,290X1 + 0,259X2; with contributions of 0.221 or 22.1%.The performance of junior high school / MTs teachers in Susukan District, Semarang Regency is influenced by the organizational climate and work motivation of teachers. Aspects of warmth, personal relationships between school members, and the task of teachers in terms of training students still need to be improved. The principal must make efforts to improve the condition.

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