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The use of mineral trioxide aggregate for treatment of children with complications of dental trauma

Jf the study was to assess the efficacy of mineral trioxide aggregate for treatment of children with complicated permanent teeth trauma. The study comprised 29 children aged 6-13 years (mean age 8.6±1.7 years) with 36 injured constant teeth, from which 30 had immature roots, 27 (75%) teeth had necrotic pulp at baseline examination, 12 (33.3%) teeth showed radiological signs of external imflammatory root resorbtion, 2 teeth were diagnosed with of the root fracture (5.6%). MTA was used for pulp regeneration procedure in 25 (69.5%) teeth, external closure of resorbtion site in 3 (8.3%) teeth, root canal filling in 4 (11.1%) teeth, apical plug creation in 4 teeth (11.1%). The patients were folowed up for 1 to 9 years. From 36 teeth only one was extracted 9 years after regenerative endodontic procedure because of cervical root fracture. In 2 teeth with external imflammatory resorbtion progession of replacement resorption took place, in 1 tooth necrosis of regenerated pulp tissue occurred 2 years after the procedure because of restoration marginal seal failure. In 25 teeth favorable outcome was registered with stabilisation of external root resorbtion, continous root growth in 24 teeth and radioluscent lesions healing in 6 teeht showing them at baseline examination. Change of external imflammator root resorbtion to replacement resorption was detected in 1 teeth from 3 with external closure of resorbtion site. Root calan filling with MTA was performed in 3 avulsed teeth with replantation delayed for more than 1 day and in 1 tooth with root fracture. All teeth were clinically asymptomatic during more than 5 years follow-up. Favorable outcome was received in all cases of apicl plug formation. MTA is highly effective for preservation of constant teeth in children with clinically complicated situations. In many cases with hopeless long-term prognosis for a teeth MTA allows stabilization of dental tissue level with the teeth being an object for guided tissue regeneration.

Physical and mechanical properties of materials used in the technology of computer production of surgical templates

The physical and mechanical properties of samples printed from different materials subjected to post-processing in a clinic were evaluated. Studied hardness and modulus of elasticity before and after sterilization by autoclaving. Based on the analysis of the literature and monitoring of the dental materials market, our choice fell on the most popular materials for 3D printing of surgical templates for dental implantation, such as: material 1 (FormLabs Dental SG Resin (Formlabs, USA)) and material 2 (NextDent SG (NextDent, Netherlands)). In connection with the events of recent years, we also took into the study a domestically produced polymer - material 3 (HARZLabs Yellow Clear PRO (HARZLabs, Russia)). As a result of the study, it was found that in each of the groups of materials studied, the values of the elastic modulus of sterilized samples are higher than the elastic modulus of samples that have not undergone sterilization. According to GOST 31572-2012 (ISO 1567:1999 Polymeric materials for denture bases, non-sterilized samples of group 2 are considered not to have passed the test, since all three samples of the studied group have a crack resistance index of less than 1 MN/m1.5. Crack resistance index of sterilized samples of the group of materials 2 is also close to 1. Samples of group 1 (both sterilized and non-sterilized) have the highest crack resistance. This group also has the highest flexural strength. On non-sterilized samples of material 1, there was no crack initiation along the cut and groove. The samples of other groups were mainly destroyed along the axis of the groove. Analyzing the obtained data and considering that all studies carried out were in accordance with dental standards, the researchers concluded that the increase in flexural strength after sterilization by autoclaving and the feasibility of using material 1 for the production of surgical templates in accordance with all manufacturer's recommendations.

The use of magnetic therapy in the treatment of children with lower micrognathia using compression-distraction osteosynthesis

To study the effect of magnetic therapy on the formation of distraction regenerate of the lower jaw in patients with lower micrognathia. The study comprised 159 patients with inferior micrognathia of congenital and acquired etiology. The patients were divided into 2 groups. The main group consisted of 112 patients who received magnetic therapy: 55 patients with congenital micrognathia and 57 patients with acquired micrognathia. The control group included 47 patients who did not undergo magnetic therapy: 20 patients with congenital micrognathia and 27 patients with acquired micrognathia. Magnetic therapy was performed daily starting from day 1 or 2 after surgery. Ultrasound monitoring began on the 7th day of distraction and was carried out every 3-4 days, which made it possible to assess the dynamics of the formation of the distraction regenerate. Ultrasound examination on the 7th day of distraction revealed that in the main group the number of distraction regenerates of the normotrophic type was 36.5%, hypotrophic type 18%, hypertrophic type 54.5%. In the control group, the corresponding rates were 53%, 31% and 22%. Magnetic therapy induces osteogenesis and accelerates the maturation of the distraction regenerate. This makes it possible to accelerate the pace of distraction without reducing the quality of the regenerate.

Assessment of the condition of organs and tissues of the oral cavity in people with dentition defects against the background of metabolic syndrome

The aim of the study is comparative analysis of the condition of oral organs and tissues in people with metabolic syndrome (MS) of varying severity before orthopedic dental rehabilitation based on dental implants. 255 patients (151 women and 104 men) aged from 35 to 65 years were examined. 3 groups were formed: 2 study groups and a comparison group. Groups 1 and 2 included individuals with excess body weight and MS. The control group consisted of 88 people without MS. An index assessment of the condition of the periodontium and tissue structures of the alveolar bone (according to cone-beam computed tomography), microcirculation in the gingival mucosa was carried out using laser Doppler flowmetry. The analysis of the periodontal condition indicators showed that in all groups of patients with MS, periodontal pathology occurred, the value of which was significantly higher than in patients of the control group (p <0.05). The analysis of bone tissue according to CBCT data showed that the most favorable conditions (type 1 and type 2 of bone according to Misch) for dental implantation are found in people without MS, respectively 3.5% and 35.1% of cases. The intensity of blood flow (σ) was 21.2% lower in group 1 and 48% in group 2, compared with the control group. Vasomotor activity (Kv) was 13.2% lower in the first group and 35% lower in the second group. A decrease in amplitudes in the area of all rhythms in the LDF gram was found: low-frequency - by 15.6%, high-frequency - by 16.9%, pulse - by 3.6%. Changes occurring in the organs and tissues of the mouth against the background of MS of varying severity lead to a decrease in tissue perfusion with blood and blood flow activity, a local decrease in bone density, and as a result, pathological changes in periodontal tissues. Before performing dental rehabilitation, it is necessary to take into account all the risks of possible complications caused by the general condition of organs and systems of people with MS.

The condition of the mandibular bone regenerate in the remote period after compression-distraction osteosynthesis

Was to assess the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the bone regenerate in the distant period following compression-distraction osteosynthesis. Results from the treatment of 30 patients with mandibular micrognathia, were analyzed. Compression-distraction osteosynthesis (CDO) was performed in the area of the mandibular angle. The patients were divided into two groups: group 1 consisted of 16 patients with congenital micrognathia, and group 2 comprised 14 patients with acquired (post-traumatic) micrognathia. For the assessment of qualitative and quantitative characteristics of the bone regenerate, three-dimensional modeling, morphometric measurements of the regenerate, and evaluation of bone density using the Hounsfield scale through multislice computed tomography were used. The study of the bone regenerate parameters in group 1 yielded the following results: the length of the bone regenerate decreased by 2.14%; the thickness of the bone regenerate increased by 8.75%; the height of the bone regenerate increased by 1.75%. In group 2, the values were 3.14; 3 and 3.76%, correspondingly. In patients of group 1, the length of the mandibular branch increased by 4%; the length of the mandibular body increased by 5.35%. In group 2, the length of the mandibular branch increased by 1.94%; the length of the mandibular body increased by 2.2%. The density of the cortical bone of the regenerate corresponds to the density of the intact bone, while the density of the cancellous bone is slightly reduced. Qualitative and quantitative characteristics of bone regenerate in the long-term period after CDO correspond to the parameters of intact bone. CDO can be considered not only as a preparatory stage for reconstructive operations after the growth of the skull bones has completed, but also as an independent stage of treatment.

Laboratory evaluation of the effectiveness and safety of the Chairside Light Whitening System fläsh

Optimization of methods for treating dental discoloration using whitening systems based on hydrogen peroxide by laboratory studying their chemical properties. The effectiveness of the bleaching system was assessed by quantitatively assessing the color change of model samples of hydroxyapatite (HAP) in the CIE L*a*b* system on a Spectron-M color analyzer after exposure to coloring food media. Safety assessment was carried out on samples made from teeth removed according to indications. The results of laboratory tests allow us to conclude that the Chairside Light Whitening System professional teeth whitening system fläsh. (WHITEsmile GmbH, Germany) has high whitening efficiency with a whitening degree of ~84%, which significantly exceeds the norm of GOST R 702.3.004-2021. the microhardness of the enamel of samples exposed to the whitening gel for 15 minutes changes extremely little. After exposure of the studied samples to the Chairside Light Whitening System fläsh whitening system for 45 minutes, an increase in digital microhardness indicators is observed, which indicates the dynamics of processes demineralizing the hard tooth structure. Chairside Light Whitening System fläsh professional teeth whitening system has high whitening efficiency with minimal impact on the teeth structure and high safety.
