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Chapter 4 - Extended Fictitious Crack Model for Multiple-Crack Analysis

This chapter introduces the computational theory for analyzing multiple discrete cracks of the mode-I type (EFCM). In many engineering applications involving an aging or partially damaged concrete structure, the available information on structural integrity is often limited to the crack-opening widths of cracks in the structure. What compels a seemingly ordinary surface crack to grow into a major structural crack is a complex problem involving crack interaction, and obviously its solution requires a discrete crack approach. Following the development of the fictitious crack model (FCM) by Hillerborg and his colleagues for analyzing the cracking behavior of a single crack, less progress was made in extending the method to multiple-crack problems despite extensive research efforts. The core issue here is the difficulty in determining the true cracking mode for the nonlinear crack problem, which requires the most active crack or cracks to be identified among a group of potentially active cracks during each load increment in numerical analysis. The complexity of the problem solution also stems from its computational aspect. Apparently, the numerical treatment of several varying crack surfaces requires a certain degree of flexibility and sophistication in the modeling techniques. The numerical formulation begins with a single-crack problem, and the crack equation that leads to the solution of the unknown boundary condition is established using a crack-tip-controlled modeling method. Then the crack equations for a multiple-crack problem are formulated with the crack interactions taken into account explicitly, and the validity of the numerical solutions is discussed. As illustrative examples, crack analysis are carried out on three types of structures or structural members: simple beams, tunnel linings, and concrete dams.

Chapter 2 - Linear Elastic and Nonlinear Fracture Mechanics

This chapter introduces fundamental concepts from both linear fracture mechanics (LEFM) and nonlinear fracture mechanics (NLFM) of concrete that are essential for understanding the subsequent development of the computational theories on multiple-crack analysis. The theory of the fracture mechanics of concrete, which is a branch of NLFM with its governing law for crack propagation drawn from the inelastic material behavior exhibited in an extensive fracture process zone (FPZ) ahead of an open crack, is largely developed from the theory of linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM). The chapter introduces the elastic theories of the crack-tip stress fields. Under the assumption of elasticity, the crack-tip stresses have an invariant form of distribution with an inverse-square-root singularity at the tip of the crack. A crack may be subjected to three different types of loading that cause displacements of the crack surfaces. In Mode I loading, the load is applied normal to the crack plane. Mode II loading refers to in-plane shear and causes the two crack surfaces to slide against each other. In Mode III loading, out-of-plane shear is applied which tends to tear the two crack surfaces apart. After defining the crack-tip fields in terms of the stress intensity factor, an energy description of the fracture process needs to be explained using Griffith's fracture theory, whose innovative concept of introducing fracture energy into the study of cracked materials laid a solid foundation for the later development of fracture mechanics. The fracture energy required for creating a unit surface of an open crack has a close relationship with the stress intensity factor. Consequently, the stress intensity factor loses its physical significance as a fracture parameter. This implies that LEFM is no longer valid, and the problem has to be analyzed based on NLFM.

Chapter 5 - Crack Interaction and Localization

This chapter examines the application of the computational theory for analyzing multiple discrete cracks of the mode-I type (EFCM) to study crack interaction and localization in concrete. Crack interaction is an important issue in the crack analysis of concrete. Because the local stress field and the crack driving force for a given flaw can be significantly affected by the presence of one or more neighboring cracks, clarifying the effect of crack interaction is the key to a clear understanding of various cracking behaviors, including crack localization. In linear elastic fracture mechanics (LEFM), it is known that depending on the relative orientation of the neighboring cracks, the crack interaction can either magnify or diminish the stress intensity factor. Many studies have examined the interaction effects of multiple cracks in the fracturing process of concrete. In the discrete approach that allows the interaction of multiple cracks to be studied most straightforwardly, an explicit mathematical formulation of the crack interaction is possible. Such an approach enables crack interaction to be quantified and various cracking behaviors (such as why some cracks are active, while others are not and why crack localization begins early in some cases and is delayed in others) to be studied based on the nature and the intensity of the crack interactions involved. In order to derive the coefficient of interaction, a numerical formulation of three discrete cracks can be carried out based on the extended fictitious crack model (EFCM).

Chapter 7 - Mixed-Mode Fracture

This chapter discusses the issue of mixed-mode fracture. In establishing the fictitious crack model (FCM) for analyzing the mode-I type of cracks in concrete, Hillerborg et al. (1976) had also indicated the possibility of applying the concept to model other types of fracture, such as the shear fracture of the mode-II or mode-III type. Much effort has since been made to extend the fictitious crack model to mixed-mode fracture because most practical fracture problems in concrete are mixed-mode, involving modes I and II. In modeling the shear transfer mechanism in the fracture process zone (FPZ), numerical studies in this category often rely on interface elements: The stiffnesses of interface connections in the normal and tangential directions are assumed to be functions of the crack surface deformation. However, this approach to introducing shear to the crack surface is inexplicit and approximate. An accurate specification of tangential tractions based on a given shear transfer law can hardly be achieved through regulating the stiffness of tangential connections that lack clear physical meaning. Since the shear transfer law defines the mode-II fracture energy, the lack of accuracy in implementing the law in numerical analysis could lead to erroneous results and misleading conclusions on the role and influence of the mode-II fracture parameters. Hence, a straightforward extension of the FCM is needed. To apply the mixed-mode FCM and EFCM to engineering problems, the fracture tests on scale models of a gravity dam are remodeled as mixed-mode fracture, focusing on the influence of shear on the crack path in dams.
