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The use of Design Thinking Method in applied research to integrate the library in distance learning platforms with a learning object

This work aimed to integrate the most in-demand library services and resources in distance education platforms through the creation of a learning object for the Natural Sciences Faculty, at the University of Puerto Rico, Río Piedras Campus. For this object, the Design Thinking Method was applied, which consists of the following steps: empathizing, defining, ideating, prototyping, and testing. The research approach was mixed. Some information was gathered from participatory observation and netnography, as qualitative methodologies, to identify the needs of the academic community. In addition, the visits statistics to the Centro de Información y Tecnología web pages were considered from the quantitative perspective to contrast them with the findings of the qualitative part. The study found that the resources and services with the greatest demand were journals, databases, remote access, and interlibrary loan. Identifying needs early on helps design solutions that satisfy the user. When applying the Design Thinking Method and, in its first step, empathy considered the library services needs from the beginning. This helped the rest of the steps of the method to be responsive to the needs and to make an informed decision. The product, a learning object, responded to the needs of the Natural Sciences Community, but can be reusable by other organizations by making the necessary adjustments as needed.

Open Access
Lecciones aprendidas de la implementación de un Sistema de Información Gerencial diseñado en la Universidad de Otavalo, Ecuador

The purpose of this paper is to analyze the essential features of a Management Information System (MIS), designed and implemented at the Universidad de Otavalo to support strategic planning, institutional evaluation, and decision making. A five-phase and fifteen-stage process was applied, along with their corresponding techniques and expected results. Based on the literature review and their experience with the implementation, the authors devised a novel MIS implementation approach, comprising the following phases: planning, information analysis, MIS design, implementation and evaluation. The MIS consisted of four main modules: teaching, research, linkages with society, and management, and was based on the client-server model. The literature review did not yield any publications that discussed truly integrated management information systems applied to university management covering the four main modules, thus confirming the originality of the work described in this paper. The MIS implementation results contributed to the improvement of the management of the university through the automation of most of the processes and activities related to institutional planning and evaluation, and considerably accelerated the processing and analysis of useful information for decision making.

Open Access
Análisis bibliométrico y de redes sociales de la Revista Peruana de Medicina Experimental y Salud Pública (2010-2019)

El objetivo de este artículo fue realizar un estudio bibliométrico de las publicaciones de la RPMESP (2010-2019) con el fin de posibilitar el mejoramiento de los procesos de gestión editorial y toma de decisiones de esta y otras revistas científicas con similar comportamiento. Es un estudio descriptivo con metodología bibliométrica que analiza por medio de indicadores de productividad, colaboración y de redes las principales tendencias de la revista. Los registros fueron recuperados de Scopu, del cual, luego de un proceso de normalización, se obtuvieron 565 documentos. El 96% de documentos se publicaron en idioma español y en colaboración (dos o más autores), esto refleja que hay mayor interés de autores latinoamericanos de publicar en colaboración en los últimos años. Se observó un incipiente grado de apertura internacional al recibir documentos de países como Estados Unidos, Colombia y España, tendencia que es necesario continuar trabajando en la búsqueda de un mayor grado de internacionalidad. Perú como país y la Universidad Peruana Cayetano Heredia como institución tuvieron las mayores medidas de centralidad y poder en el análisis de redes. La posición estratégica de estos nodos puede ser aprovechada por la RPMESP para establecer estrategias y fortalecer relaciones de colaboración con todos los miembros de estas redes. Este paso podría mejorar el rol importante que cumple la RPMESP en la divulgación científica de estudios médicos en respuesta a las grandes demandas actuales.

Open Access
Normalization by second order graphs: A visual alternative to simplify systems

This issue stems from the need for tools to analyze and make decisions around complex systems, where they apply the rules for linearly dependent sets, with the purpose of providing a visual tool, which serves to support complexity reduction processes. Two great precedents are Armstrong's Axioms, which has been applied from its publication to the present for database normalization, the other is set theory, a fundamental pillar of the Structured Query Language; based on them, together with the second-order logic, which adds qualifiers for subsets or properties, this work has been prepared, with an explanatory metrology with a qualitative approach, in an axiomatic system. As a result, a support tool has been provided to analyze complex systems naturally, by breaking cycles and detecting patterns, without interfering with existing models; however, for large systems it can be difficult to address it in its entirety, so it is recommended to divide by subsystems. With this work a technique has been accomplished, repeatable by anyone, but with a strong theoretical foundation. This work has great utility for the normalization of relational databases and an enormous potential for application in the design of systems beyond computational systems, it is also useful for understanding dependencies by their axiomatic nature.

Open Access
“Library and Information Science” Literature in Web of Science: What a Decade Tells Us About Scholarly Collaboration in the Field (2007-2016)

Ensuring access to published research is increasingly important for demonstrating research impact, supporting wide readership, creating interest in collaboration, and making way for funding opportunities. This article provides a bibliometric analysis of publications from 2007-2016 in the Web of Science (WOS) database to update understanding of recent international library science research as a means of discussing research impact and scientific collaboration. The methodology is a descriptive analysis of publications retrieved from the WOS database using keywords “library science” and WOS-generated subject descriptor “Information Science & Library Science.” Analysis focused on descriptive data related to our research questions including representation of countries, languages, and journals. The findings reveal that most publications are published by researchers with institutional affiliations in the United States and in English. Library and information science research continues to be strong in collaboration, but international and interdisciplinary collaborations are still low in this sample. The dataset reflects that co- and multi-authored publications have the highest WOS citation counts, reinforcing the value of scholarly collaboration. This research provides a baseline to chart future growth in Library Science research publications and collaborations.

Open Access