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Socialization Regarding the Implementation of Electronic Medical Records Based on the Republic of Indonesia Minister of Health Regulation

Electronic Medical Records are Medical Records created using an electronic system intended for the maintenance of Medical Records. Every Health Service Facility is required to maintain Electronic Medical Records. The aim of regulating medical records is to improve the quality of health services, provide legal certainty in the administration and management of medical records, guarantee the security, confidentiality, integrity, and availability of medical record data; and organize and manage digital-based and integrated medical records. Based on the initial survey at the Nanggalo Community Health Center, information was obtained that the medical records at the community health center did not yet use electronic medical records. Therefore, it is necessary to provide socialization regarding the regulations of the Minister of Health of the Republic of Indonesia Number 24 of 2022 concerning medical records to increase the knowledge of medical record officers and all health service providers at health centers. This service aims to provide socialization regarding the application of medical records based on Minister of Health Regulation Number 24 of 2022. The expected benefits are to increase the level of knowledge of medical record officers, nurses, doctors, and other electronic health officers regarding the mandatory implementation of Electronic Medical Records in health centers. Nanggalo. This community service will be carried out in June 2023 at the Nanggalo Community Health Center. This Community Service activity is carried out by providing outreach regarding the rules for Electronic Medical Records at the Nanggalo Community Health Center. From the socialization, there was an increase in participants' knowledge and understanding regarding the material with the average pre-test assessment result being 46 points while the post-test score increased to 86 points. It is recommended that this socialization activity has a positive impact on the progress of the Nanggalo Community Health Center and can implement electronic medical records at the Community Health Center by the regulations that all health facilities including community health centers can implement the use of electronic medical records.

Open Access
Capacity Building of Dage Craftsmen Group Ciberung Village Through Organizational Governance Training

Ciberung Village is one of the villages in Ajibarang Sub-district, Banyumas Regency, Central Java, known as the center of dage production and business. The typical dage of Ciberung Village is made from copra pulp or cake. Currently, the production and marketing of dage as a village potential is still managed individually by each craftsman. Thus, dage products on the market often need to be standardized in terms of taste, quality, texture, and price. These standardization efforts then impact the uneven economic benefits felt by dage craftsmen. Therefore, this community service activity aims to increase the community's competitive advantage through mentoring and reactivating dage craftsmen groups through institutional and organizational governance training. This program consists of four main stages: analysis of partner conditions, focus group discussions, socialization and training, and evaluation. Through this activity, the understanding of the community and village government regarding the management of dage business and production in an integrated manner through groups and its benefits can increase. The program evaluation results showed that 93% of the craftsmen agreed to create a Dage Craftsmen Group. In addition, there was an increase in understanding of the organization in general to understanding the benefits of establishing dage craftsmen in terms of economic, marketing, and social aspects with an average of 92.5%.

Open Access
Training on Making Cooperation Proposals and Tour Guides for Purbayan Tourism Village Management, Kotagede, Yogyakarta

This community service aims to strengthen The Purbayan Tourist VIillage about cooperation proposals and tour guides. The Purbayan Tourist Village boasts a diverse range of tourism potential, spanning from craft tourism, historical tourism, culinary tourism, to exploring cultural heritage sites. This diverse tourism potential necessitates effective management of the Purbayan Tourist Village. The existing challenge lies in relying on tourists to visit the Purbayan Tourist Village and a lack of understanding in the tour guiding process. Community engagement is targeted towards the Purbayan Tourist Village management to be more proactive in attracting tourists by offering collaboration proposals to potential agencies and implementing added value through tour guides. The community engagement methodology began with preparation and socialization on August 5, 2023. It was followed by a collaboration proposal-making training on August 12-13, 2023. Next was the tour guide training on September 29, 2023, culminating in an evaluation for improvement and performance enhancement in the future. The results of the conducted training showed an increase in understanding the collaboration proposal-making process and tour guiding. Both trainings received positive responses from the Purbayan Tourist Village management, with an understanding increase of 58.21% for the collaboration proposal-making training and 46.05% for the tour guide training. With these two trainings, the Purbayan Tourist Village management will be better prepared to develop the existing tourism potential in the Purbayan Sub-district and drive the local economy for the surrounding community.

Open Access
Youth Empowerment of St. Stefanus Holima (OMK) Catholic Church Through the Processing and Packaging of Sweet Potato Chips

Sweet potatoes in the Papuan Mountains region are very abundant and are sold without any processed variations. It is not uncommon for sweet potatoes to not sell even though the price is relatively cheap and affordable for all levels of society. For this reason, community service activities are carried out through community empowerment in implementing technology for processing and packaging sweet potato chips. The aim of this activity is to provide education to church youth (OMK) in Isakusa village to support increasing the income of church youth, and to support government programs in the agricultural sector. The method of implementing activities starts from determining the location, scheduling, socialization, making chips, and packaging the chips. The results of the training on processing and packaging sweet potato chips received a good response from the young people of St. Catholic Church (OMK). Stefanus Holima Wamena because during training it is not uncommon for the youth involved to show facial expressions that are curious, interested, happy and full of enthusiasm. Some of them said that they were very happy and satisfied with the products they had made and felt motivated to make them independently to sell to local people and local and foreign tourists as a form of home business that could increase their income. They also said that if possible, this kind of activity would be carried out sustainably by processing various types of basic materials which are superior in Wamena in particular and Mountain Papua in general.

Open Access