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Peningkatan Substansi Penelitian Bahasa dan Sastra Bagi Dosen Bahasa Indonesia FKIP Jabal Ghafur

Community service aims to enhance the substance of research in the field of language and literature for Indonesian language lecturers at the Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP), Jabal Ghafur University. The project is implemented by involving lecturers as change agents leading community engagement activities and engaging the local community. Strategic steps include enhancing the research capacity of lecturers, providing training, and developing educational and literacy programs in the community. Through training sessions and workshops, Indonesian language lecturers are empowered to adopt innovative research methods relevant to the developments in language and literature. Additionally, they actively participate in initiating literacy and language programs that directly benefit the local community, such as writing workshops, language lectures, and creative literacy activities. The results of this community engagement show a significant improvement in the quality of research and literacy activities among Indonesian language lecturers. Lecturers are able to integrate their research findings into curriculum development and teaching materials, thereby positively impacting student learning. Furthermore, community literacy activities contribute significantly to enhancing understanding and appreciation of language and literature at the community level. This community service not only enhances the competence of lecturers but also encourages the transfer of knowledge and skills to the community. The project can serve as a model for the development of similar activities in various communities, providing sustainable benefits in enhancing the substance of language and literature research at the local level.

Open Access
Competency Improvement Through Character Education and Utilization of Digital Technology for SMA and SMK in Bandung and Tasikmalaya (Studies at Islamic Boarding School Ulul Albab Bandung and SMAN 2 Tasikmalaya)

In the Industrial Revolution 4. 0, the integration of automation and artificial intelligence has led to significant changes in various sectors, offering the potential for promising advances in efficiency and develop. Research on perception and prospective analysis of artificial intelligence and its impact on human resources in Indonesia's industry 4.0 highlights the central role of human resources (HR) in the adaptation process of Indonesia in today's industrial era. Even as artificial intelligence brings about significant technological advances, the fundamental role of human values ​​promoted by HR remains an important factor in this transformation. Faced with this challenge, the role of teachers in higher education environments becomes important as change agents capable of integrating theoretical knowledge with real-world practical experiences. To cope with these changes, specific training courses have been designed to enhance the skills of students and teachers, especially in the areas of character building and the use of digital technology. This training includes the use of social media and multimedia as educational tools, as well as applying the three dharma principles of higher education through community service activities. Through this effort, we hope universities can play an active role in preparing human resources capable of adapting and responding to global changes while preserving the values and importance of people in the era of Industry 4.0.

Open Access
Gerakan Literasi Sekolah : Sebuah Pengabdian Dosen dan Mahasiswa di SMP Negeri 2 Peukan Bada, Kabupaten Aceh Besar

Literacy refers to the ability to read, write and see the world and retain information. Libraries strive to support education by providing educational materials, information and reference materials. It was reported that there was a decrease in visits to the library, including at SMP Negeri 2 Peukan Bada in Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh Province. Reusing school libraries requires innovation and concrete steps that are appropriate to the current circumstances and conditions of educational development, especially for students who are likely to be the target of providing education in an interesting way. The aim of this community service is to reopen the SMP Negeri 2 Library during school holidays and holidays to carry out student literacy movements. There are five main types of programs implemented through this service. 1) Demonstration and practice of using Artificial Intelligence/AI applications (artificial intelligence applications) correctly based on scientific standards 2) socialization of artificial intelligence applications (AI/Artificial Intelligence joint learning movements in libraries, 4) short story writing and coloring competitions, 5) donations and book processing. The methods used in delivering the program are lectures, demonstrations and exercises. This activity was attended by 60 students.

Open Access
Pertumbuhan Ekonomi dan Lapangan Kerja Layak: Optimalisasi Social Media Marketing Tata Rias Desa Perajin

Having a job does not guarantee the ability to get out of the clutches of poverty. A persistent lack of decent work opportunities, inadequate investment and low consumption lead to an erosion of the fundamental social contract that forms the basis of a democratic society: Putting job creation at the center of economic policy-making and development plans, will not only generate decent work opportunities but also stronger growth, and can reduce poverty. This is a positive circle that is good for the economy and for society and encourages sustainable development. Indonesia has made a very strong commitment to achieving decent work and is playing an important role in ensuring that employment and workforce issues are included in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs). The importance of decent work in achieving sustainable development is highlighted by its aim to promote sustainable economic growth, productive employment opportunities and decent work for all. Social media marketing is a form of digital marketing that uses social media to market business products or services through the platforms provided by the media. Today social media is media that cannot be separated in everyday life. This is related to the cosmetology business that the author introduces in community service in Desa Perajin.

Open Access
Pelatihan dan Pendampingan Teknis Perawatan Pompa Sumur Dalam di Desa Luthu Lamweu, Kecamatan Sukamakmur, Kabupaten Aceh Besar, Provinsi Aceh

This community service aims to improve care, maintenance and repair of submersible water pumps spread across Gampong Luthu Lamweu, Aceh Besar Regency, Aceh Province. Activities begin with the preparation stage, site feasibility survey, identification of problems with partners, implementation of activities, as well as socialization and evaluation of results. Problem identification is carried out through maintenance, upkeep and repair steps for water pumps, which are delivered through training and technical assistance by the PKM implementation team to participants, with the aim of ensuring that participants are able to independently manage and maintain the water pump system. The repair process focuses on components that can be repaired, while for damaged components, they are replaced with new spare parts. Evaluation is carried out at the final stage of activities to ensure that the water pump is functioning optimally and water distribution is running normally, so that the availability of water for agricultural and rice field needs can be guaranteed. This activity was carried out successfully, as evidenced by the appreciation received from the participants, especially local farmer groups, which showed their level of satisfaction and pride in their success in independently managing the maintenance and repair of water pumps.

Open Access