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Floral ontogeny and molecular evaluation of anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway in pinwheel phenotype of Saintpaulia inontha Wendl. periclinal chimera

The color of African violet flowers (Saintpaulia ionantha Wendl.) is derived from anthocyanin pigments. A mutation in the L1 layer of the SAM suppresses the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway and eventually generates a pinwheel phenotype of periclinal chimera (cells of different genotypes). The aim of the present research was to understand the coloration pathway of petals and how color changes with phenotype. Flower development was investigated by light and scanning electron microscopy (SEM). Expression of nine genes involved in anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway in monochromatic and pinwheel phenotypes were evaluated by Real-Time PCR. Anthocyanin present in pinwheel petals was analyzed by HPLC. Microscopic studies revealed that the ventral petals were formed before the dorsal petals and that the petal primordia separated in the early stages of floral development. Saintpaulia flower is protandry and the tapetum layer is of the secretory type. The ovules are anatropous and are within the superior ovary with lateral placentation. Gene expression analysis showed that CHS and CHI genes were expressed at all stages of floral development, but hydroxylase genes increased during intermediate stages. Biosynthetic genes were highly expressed in the purple sections of the pinwheel petals, whereas the expression of F3H gene was significantly lower in the white section. The WDR transcription factor appears to have no association with the anthocyanin biosynthesis pathway genes in the white section. HPLC analysis showed that when F3H gene expression was reduced in the white part of the petals, the product of this gene (dihydrokaempferol component) did not accumulate. Color change is one of the most effective methods to create new cultivars. Details of floral pigment biosynthesis pathway and the production of new cultivars can respond to consumer demand and market preservation.

Dynamic Assessment: A Humanistic Approach of Learners’ Writing Proficiency from a Vygotskian Perspective

Abstract . “Through others, we become ourselves”. Vygotsky (1978). Dynamic Assessment which stems from Vygotsky’s ideas, challenges the conventional and traditional views on teaching and assessment by arguing that instruction and assessment should be unified. The present study is an investigation of a DA-based instruction of L2 writing proficiency. For this purpose an OPT (Oxford Placement Test) was given to a total of 80 Iranian EFL learners. Then, 40 of them who were considered as intermediate learners were selected for the purpose of the study. The participants were randomly divided into two groups i.e. an experimental group and a control group. Both groups were pretested prior to the study; the participants underwent a static and a dynamic assessment. Then, the experimental group received the treatment in the form of DA-based instruction (i.e. aided instruction such as prompting, cueing, explaining and mediating within the assessment) for ten sessions while the control group received a normal practice of writing proficiency (non-DA instruction and assessment). After ten sessions, both groups were post tested i.e. once again, the participants underwent a static and a dynamic assessment. Then the results of the posttests were subjects of statistical analysis (independent-samples t-test). The results indicated that the experimental group did better than the control group and there is a significant difference between the mean scores of the experimental group who were exposed to a DA-based instruction and the control group who received a normal practice of writing proficiency i.e. a placebo.

The Knowledge and Attitudes towards Breastfeeding of Iranian Mothers during the First Year after Delivery in 2013

OBJECTIVE: Globally less than 40% of infants less than six months of age are exclusively breastfed. Adequate breastfeeding support for mothers and families could save many young lives. This study aimed to determine knowledge and attitudes of mothers toward breastfeeding in Tonekabon, Iran.METHODS: This study was a descriptive-analytical cross sectional study with convenience sampling. The sample consisted of 200 nursing mothers who have including criteria of the study. Data was collected by a questionnaire including demographic data and questions about knowledge and attitude toward breastfeeding. Data analysis performed by using of SPSS (11.5) and appropriate statistical tests.RESULTS: Most of them (73.5%) were 21-30 age group. 50.5% of them had a diploma education. 46% of them reported the essential information about breastfeeding obtained from medical- health centers. 5% of them had poor and 42% had a medium knowledge about breastfeeding while 53% of them had good knowledge about it. Most of the mothers (79.5%) had positive attitude regarding breast feeding.CONCLUSION: According to most of the mothers had good knowledge and positive attitude about breastfeeding, with proper planning to increase awareness and promote a positive attitude towards breastfeeding can be tried for child survival.

Open Access
Establishing Kiln Drying Schedule for Beech (Fagus orientalis) at 5-cm Thickness from the Neka Region

To establish a kiln drying schedule for beech (Fagus orientalis) lumber, 5-cm-thick boards were kiln dried down to a final moisture content of 8%. Three replications were made utilizing three kiln schedules of T5-C3, T5-C4, and T6-C4. With due attention to the effect of thickness on wood drying intensity, the t-test showed no significant difference between the thicknesses of the three drying schedules at a significance level of 99%. Therefore, the results of this study can be applied for 5-cm-thick boards. The primary dry bulb temperature in each of the three schedules was adjusted to 41°C and the final dry bulb temperatures were adjusted to 71, 71, and 82°C, respectively. The schedule offering the shortest drying time for the desired quality was chosen. Specific gravity and dry specific gravity were measured as 0.52 and 0.61, respectively. Longitudinal, radial, tangential, and volumetric shrinkage were 0.46, 5.8, 10.2, 16.48%, respectively. The extent of defects including crook, bow, twist, and three longest surface checks of the lumber was determined for each drying schedule. Quality control graphs were used to analyze the lumber defects in order to determine the best drying schedule. Analysis of the results indicates that with either of three kiln schedules the extent of defects before and after drying was not statistically different. However, the distribution of defects in the third schedule (T6-C4) was more uniform with respect to the average line compared to other two schedules. At the end of this schedule, a 17-h equalization and 24-h conditioning treatment is recommended.
