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The Experiences and Unmet Supportive Care Needs of Partners of Men Diagnosed With Prostate Cancer: A Meta-aggregation Systematic Review.

Partners of men diagnosed with prostate cancer face their own emotional struggles as they navigate additional caregiver responsibilities while concurrently adjusting to the diagnosis and coping with greater illness uncertainty for their loved one. This qualitative systematic review examined the unmet supportive care needs of partners affected by prostate cancer. A meta-aggregation was conducted. Four electronic databases were searched using key words. The methodology followed the Joanna Briggs Institute for qualitative evidence synthesis. The review process followed a registered priori review protocol and was reported using the PRISMA (Preferred Reporting Items for Systematic Reviews and Meta-analysis) guidelines. Data extraction and quality assessment were conducted in parallel. Twenty-one publications were included. A total of 239 findings and 32 categories were synthesized into 7 domains of unmet needs as experienced by partners. The domains of needs expressed by the participants included interpersonal/intimacy, physical/daily living, healthcare service, family-related, psychological/emotional needs, and spiritual and social needs. There are gaps in clinical service support, despite routine clinical consultation with healthcare professionals. Partners may diminish their social networks to protect their husband at the cost to their own self-preservation and well-being. Cancer organizations, policy makers, healthcare care professionals, and researchers are slowly making progress to acknowledge the unique support needs of partners affected by cancer. Healthcare professionals should encourage partners to be included in models of prehabilitation to access timely support to address informational, intimacy, spiritual, and daily living needs support.

Open Access
Age-specific differences in cervical cancer screening rates in women using mental health services in New South Wales, Australia.

Women living with mental health conditions have lower cervical cancer screening rates and higher mortality. More evidence is needed to target health system improvement efforts. We describe overall and age-specific cervical cancer screening rates in mental health service users in New South Wales. Cervical cancer screening registers were linked to New South Wales hospital and community mental health service data. Two-year cervical screening rates were calculated for New South Wales mental health service users aged 20-69 years (n = 114,022) and other New South Wales women (n = 2,110,127). Rate ratios were compared for strata of age, socio-economic disadvantage and rural location, and overall rates compared after direct standardisation. Only 40.3% of mental health service users participated in screening, compared with 54.3% of other New South Wales women (incidence rate ratio = 0.74, 95% confidence interval = [0.74, 0.75]). Differences in age, social disadvantage or rural location did not explain screening gaps. Screening rates were highest in mental health service users aged <35 years (incidence rate ratios between 0.90 and 0.95), but only 15% of mental health service users aged >65 years participated in screening (incidence rate ratio = 0.27, 95% confidence interval = [0.24, 0.29]). Women who use mental health services are less likely to participate in cervical cancer screening. Rates diverged from population rates in service users aged ⩾35 years and were very low for women aged >65 years. Intervention is needed to bridge these gaps. New screening approaches such as self-testing may assist.

Open Access
Registry-derived stage (RD-Stage) for capturing cancer stage at diagnosis for endometrial cancer

BackgroundCapture of cancer stage at diagnosis is important yet poorly reported by health services to population-based cancer registries. In this paper we describe current completeness of stage information for endometrial cancer available in Australian cancer registries; and develop and validate a set of rules to enable cancer registry medical coders to calculate stage using data available to them (registry-derived stage or ‘RD-Stage’).MethodologyRules for deriving RD-stage (Endometrial carcinoma) were developed using the American Joint Commission on Cancer (AJCC) TNM (tumour, nodes, metastasis) Staging System (8th Edition). An expert working group comprising cancer specialists responsible for delivering cancer care, epidemiologists and medical coders reviewed and endorsed the rules. Baseline completeness of data fields required to calculate RD-Stage, and calculation of the proportion of cases for whom an RD stage could be assigned, was assessed across each Australian jurisdiction. RD-Stage (Endometrial cancer) was calculated by Victorian Cancer Registry (VCR) medical coders and compared with clinical stage recorded by the patient’s treating clinician and captured in the National Gynae-Oncology Registry (NGOR).ResultsThe necessary data completeness level for calculating RD-Stage (Endometrial carcinoma) across various Australian jurisdictions varied from 0 to 89%. Three jurisdictions captured degree of spread of cancer, rendering RD-Stage unable to be calculated. RD-Stage (Endometrial carcinoma) could not be derived for 64/485 (13%) cases and was not captured for 44/485 (9%) cases in NGOR. At stage category level (I, II, III, IV), there was concordance between RD-Stage and NGOR captured stage in 393/410 (96%) of cases (95.8%, Kendall’s coefficient = 0.95).ConclusionA lack of consistency in data captured by, and data sources reporting to, population-based cancer registries meant that it was not possible to provide national endometrial carcinoma stage data at diagnosis. In a sample of Victorian cases, where surgical pathology was available, there was very good concordance between RD-Stage (Endometrial carcinoma) and clinician-recorded stage data available from NGOR. RD-Stage offers promise in capturing endometrial cancer stage at diagnosis for population epidemiological purposes when it is not provided by health services, but requires more extensive validation.

Open Access
Pregnant women’s experiences of extreme exposure to bushfire associated smoke: a qualitative study

In 2019/2020, multiple bushfires burned across south-east Australia converging into unprecedented megafires that burned 5.8 million hectares. From October 2019–February 2020, 80% of Australians were affected by smoke from these fires, exposing them to dramatic increases of PM2.5 in the air at an average level of ∼70 μg m3 per day, well above the World Health Organisation recommendation of ∼10 μg m3. Maternal exposure to PM2.5 has been associated with negative birth outcomes and an increased rate of birth defects, yet there is a dearth of literature regarding how pregnant women deal with exposure to bushfire smoke. The aim of this study was thus to investigate how pregnant and postpartum women experienced severe bushfire smoke associated with the 2019–2020 bushfires in south-east Australia and the strategies they used to mitigate exposure to smoke for themselves and their unborn or newborn children. Forty-three women who were exposed to fire and/or smoke from the 2019–2020 bushfires participated in one-on-one semi-structured interviews via phone or videoconference. These women were selected purposively from a larger group of women who had elected to be interviewed. After interview, data were transcribed and thematically analysed using the four phases of disaster response (prevention, preparedness, response, recovery) as a frame. Overall, our results indicated that public health advice failed to meet the unique needs of this group. While many protected their properties appropriately and were reasonably well prepared for evacuation, they were unprepared for the disruption to vital services including power and communications. Women exposed to smoke inundation were unprepared for this outcome and self-initiated a variety of strategies. The support of community was also key to recovery. There is a clear need for specific recognition of the needs of pregnant women across all phases of disaster response, incorporating public health messaging, peer support, and access to resources.

Open Access
The Impact of COVID-19 Visitor Restrictions on Clinical Cancer Nurses

To explore the impact of visitor restrictions on clinical cancer nurses, their roles and duties, and the coping strategies used to address the impact. Semistructured qualitative interviews were conducted through purposive sampling with nurses working in a clinical role within cancer services at the study site for at least 1 year. Interviews were recorded and transcribed. Textual data transcribed from interviews were analyzed for themes using NVivo version 12 software, following Braun and Clarke's six phases of thematic analysis. Visitor restrictions implemented due to COVID-19 had a significant impact on clinical cancer nurses. The study found evidence of moral injury and conflict-within the role of the nurse, the implementation of organizational policies, and nurses' professional identity and personal beliefs. Despite this adversity, nurses remained committed to their clinical practice. Changes to nurses' roles and the practice environment have potentially significant impact on well-being and retention. To ensure that nurses can continue to provide high-quality nursing care in challenging environments, organizations must minimize this impact. Consistent communication and support activities, including recognizing and responding appropriately to situations, may be used in the reduction of potential moral injury and stress.

Open Access
Systematic review and longitudinal analysis of implementing Artificial Intelligence to predict clinical deterioration in adult hospitals: what is known and what remains uncertain.

To identify factors influencing implementation of machine learning algorithms (MLAs) that predict clinical deterioration in hospitalized adult patients and relate these to a validated implementation framework. A systematic review of studies of implemented or trialed real-time clinical deterioration prediction MLAs was undertaken, which identified: how MLA implementation was measured; impact of MLAs on clinical processes and patient outcomes; and barriers, enablers and uncertainties within the implementation process. Review findings were then mapped to the SALIENT end-to-end implementation framework to identify the implementation stages at which these factors applied. Thirty-seven articles relating to 14 groups of MLAs were identified, each trialing or implementing a bespoke algorithm. One hundred and seven distinct implementation evaluation metrics were identified. Four groups reported decreased hospital mortality, 1 significantly. We identified 24 barriers, 40 enablers, and 14 uncertainties and mapped these to the 5 stages of the SALIENT implementation framework. Algorithm performance across implementation stages decreased between in silico and trial stages. Silent plus pilot trial inclusion was associated with decreased mortality, as was the use of logistic regression algorithms that used less than 39 variables. Mitigation of alert fatigue via alert suppression and threshold configuration was commonly employed across groups. : There is evidence that real-world implementation of clinical deterioration prediction MLAs may improve clinical outcomes. Various factors identified as influencing success or failure of implementation can be mapped to different stages of implementation, thereby providing useful and practical guidance for implementers.

Open Access
Parity, mode of birth, and long-term gynecological health: A follow-up study of parous and nonparous women in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health cohort.

Although gynecological health issues are common and cause considerable distress, little is known about their causes. We examined how birth history is associated with urinary incontinence (UI), severe period pain, heavy periods, and endometriosis. We studied 7700 women in the Australian Longitudinal Study on Women's Health with an average follow-up of 10.9 years after their last birth. Surveys every third year provided information about birth history and gynecological health. Logistic regression was used to estimate how parity, mode of birth, and vaginal tears were associated with gynecological health issues. Presented results are adjusted odds ratios (OR) with 95% confidence intervals. UI was reported by 16%, heavy periods by 31%, severe period pain by 28%, and endometriosis by 4%. Compared with women with two children, nonparous women had less UI (OR 0.35 [0.26-0.47]) but tended to have more endometriosis (OR 1.70 [0.97-2.96]). Also, women with only one child had less UI (OR 0.77 [0.61-0.98]), but more severe period pain (OR 1.24 [1.01-1.51]). Women with 4+ children had more heavy periods (OR 1.42 [1.07-1.88]). Compared with women with vaginal birth(s) only, women with only cesarean sections or vaginal birth after cesarean section had less UI (ORs 0.44 [0.34-0.58] and 0.55 [0.40-0.76]), but more endometriosis (ORs 1.91 [1.16-3.16] and 2.31 [1.25-4.28]) and heavy periods (ORs 1.21 [1.00-1.46] and 1.35 [1.06-1.72]). Vaginal tear(s) did not increase UI after accounting for parity and birth mode. While women with vaginal childbirth(s) reported more urinary incontinence, they had less menstrual complaints and endometriosis.

Open Access
Identifying the barriers faced by obstetricians and registrars in screening or enquiry of intimate partner violence in pregnancy: A systematic review of the primary evidence.

Intimate partner violence (IPV) disproportionally affects women compared to men. The impact of IPV is amplified during pregnancy. Screening or enquiry in the antenatal outpatient setting regarding IPV has been fraught with barriers that prevent recognition and the ability to intervene. The aim of this systematic review was to determine the barriers that face obstetricians/gynaecologists regarding enquiry of IPV in antenatal outpatient settings. The secondary objective was to determine facilitators. Primary evidence was searched using Ovid MEDLINE, Ovid Maternity and Infant Care, PubMed and Proquest from 1993 to May 2023. The included studies comprised empirical studies published in English language targeting a population of doctors providing antenatal outpatient care. The review was PROSPERO-registered (CRD42020188994). Independent screening and review was performed by two authors. The findings were analysed thematically. Nine studies addressing barriers and two studies addressing facilitators were included: three focus-group or semi-structured interviews, six surveys and two randomised controlled trials. Barriers for providers centred at the system level (time, training), provider level (personal beliefs, cultural bias, experience) and provider-perceived patient level (fear of offending, patient readiness to disclose). Increased experience and the use of validated tools were strong facilitators. Barriers to screening reflect multi-level obstruction to the identification of women exposed to IPV. Although the antenatal outpatient clinic setting addresses a particular population vulnerable to IPV, the barriers for obstetricians are not unique. The use of validated cueing tools provides an evidence-based method to facilitate enquiry of IPV among antenatal women, assisting in identification by clinicians. Together with education and human resources, such aids build capacity in women and obstetric providers.

Pharmacists in Australian general practice: Discussion of the findings of an evaluation from 2016 to 2021

AbstractPharmacists embedded in general practice can improve medicines optimisation and patient safety, but Australia has been slower to adopt and fund this model than other comparable countries. Over the last decade there have been various local programs integrating pharmacists in general practice across Australia. This article summarises the results of an evaluation in Canberra from 2016–2021. Pharmacists predominantly conducted clinical activities, including medication reviews and clinical audits. General practitioner (GP) acceptance and implementation of medication review recommendations was high (75%). General practice pharmacists were able to achieve positive clinical outcomes in asthma and smoking cessation. Surveys and interviews identified that the general practice pharmacist role was welcomed by patients, GPs, and other healthcare professionals. Patient satisfaction was very high, with patients supporting the expansion of this pharmacy service. Collaboration between the pharmacists and other healthcare professionals was high. Some pharmacists left employment in general practice after less than a year. Introducing a clear job description could be beneficial in retaining pharmacists, improving trust and working relationships, and enhancing collaboration. The majority of clinical activities conducted by the pharmacists had the potential to improve patient care and decrease healthcare costs. Apart from healthcare savings, benefit–cost ratios of income generated and costs reduced by pharmacists when compared to salaries suggested that pharmacists may be cost‐beneficial in some scenarios. Absence of funding for this model of care remains a barrier to wider adoption in Australia and needs addressing. This study was approved by the University of Canberra Human Research Ethics Committee (Project number: 15–235) and funded under the Primary Health Network Program (Grant number: 25097479).

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