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Research on acoustic emission characteristics of metagabbros with different felsic development under splitting load

The acoustic emission (AE) characteristic signal can reveal the mechanical properties of rock materials and the development characteristics of internal microcracks. Rocks with different mineral development characteristics produce different AE signals during fracture. This study selected variable metagabbros with varying feldspathic development for AE tests under splitting load. The results demonstrated that the characteristics of AE ringing counts during the Brazilian fracture of metagabbro were closely correlated with the content of felsic minerals. The cumulative AE ringing count of metagabbros with feldspar nondevelopment exceeded 250 000, while those of metagabbros with feldspar development did not reach 200 000. As the feldspathic mineral content increases, the AE ringing counts of metagabbro exhibit an increasing trend in the high-energy (1e6–+∞ aJ) and high-amplitude (90–100 dB) intervals. With the development of feldspar minerals, the fracture mode of metagabbro gradually changed from shear failure to tensile failure. The higher the development of felsic minerals, the higher the stress level corresponding to the maximum fractal dimension, the greater the energy released by rock failure, and the more severe the damage. This study is of great significance for revealing the mechanism of rock rupture.

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Deflection characteristics and influencing factors of projectile oblique impact on concrete targets

The projectile deflects and even ricochets after an oblique impact on the concrete. However, research on the oblique impact of projectiles on concrete targets mainly focuses on oblique penetration and the critical ricochet angle, and there are few experimental studies on ricochets. Deflection and its influencing factors remain undefined. This study conducted experiments and LS-DYNA numerical simulations on projectiles obliquely impacting C60 concrete targets. The experimental research visually revealed deflection and ricochet phenomena after the oblique impact. The ricochet caused by large-angle impacts can effectively reduce the damaged area of concrete targets. Subsequently, the main governing parameters affecting the deflection angle of the projectile were identified through dimensional analysis, and a sensitivity analysis was performed on these parameters using an orthogonal experimental design. On this basis, the influence of the incident angle, impact velocity, and projectile length-to-diameter ratio on the projectile deflection was further clarified. The results showed that the maximum deflection angle was achieved when a 30 mm caliber projectile obliquely impacted a C60 concrete at an incident angle of ∼45°. In the case of ricochets, the deflection angle increased with an increase in the impact velocity and decreased with an increase in the length-to-diameter ratio. This study aids in predicting and controlling projectile deflection and provides a reference for the innovative design of concrete protective structures.

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Energy storage battery state of health estimation based on singular value decomposition for noise reduction and improved LSTM neural network

Accurate estimation of the State of Health (SOH) of batteries is important for intelligent battery management in energy storage systems. To solve the problems of poor quality of data features as well as the difficulty of model parameter adjustment, this study proposes a method for estimating the SOH of lithium batteries based on denoising battery health features and an improved Long Short-Term Memory (LSTM) neural network. First, in this study, three health features related to SOH decrease were selected from the battery charge/discharge data, and the singular value decomposition technique was applied to the noise reduction of the features to improve their correlation with the SOH. Then, the whale optimization algorithm is improved using cubic chaotic mapping to enhance its global optimization-seeking capability. Then, the Improved Whale Optimization Algorithm (IWOA) is used to optimize the model parameters of LSTM, and the IWOA-LSTM model is applied to the battery SOH estimation. Finally, the model proposed in this research is validated against the Center for Advanced Life Cycle Engineering (CALCE) battery dataset. The experimental results show that the prediction error of battery SOH by the method proposed in this study is less than 0.96%, and the prediction error is reduced by 49.42% compared to its baseline model. The method presented in the article achieves accurate estimation of the SOH, providing a reference for practical engineering applications.

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Decomposition characteristics and influencing mechanisms of C4F7N/CO2 gas with different metal materials

C4F7N/CO2 gas mixture, as the main new environmentally friendly gas insulation medium, is now being widely used in the ring network switchgear and other gas electrical equipment. In this paper, a test platform was constructed to simulate partial discharge in a gas medium, the decomposition characteristics of the C4F7N/CO2 gas mixture during suspended potential discharge were studied under four different metal electrode materials: stainless steel, purple copper, tungsten copper, and aluminum alloy. The results show that the main decomposition products of the C4F7N/CO2 gas mixture during suspended discharge are CO, CF4, C4F8, C3F8, C3F6, CF3CN, and C2F4 gases, which are independent of the metal material. On the whole, when the metal electrode material is stainless steel, the highest amount of decomposition products are generated from the C4F7N/CO2 gas mixture; when the metal electrode material is aluminum alloy, the amount of decomposition products produced by C4F7N/CO2 gas mixture is the least, and the content difference of some decomposition products between these two metal materials is as high as 70%. The decomposition products of the C4F7N/CO2 gas mixture decreased gradually with the increase in the gas pressure. Finally, the influence mechanism of different metal materials on the decomposition process of the C4F7N/CO2 gas mixture was analyzed from the microscopic perspectives of charge transfer between gas molecules and molecular structural characteristics. In general, the research results can provide technical reference for the design, selection, and optimization of environmental protection gas insulation equipment.

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Density functional theory study of physisorption of ionic liquid pairs on hydroxylated and oxygen terminated α-SiO2 (001) surfaces

In this work, we investigate the ion pair tetramethylphosphonium cation, [P1,1,1,1]+, and bis(oxalato)borate anion, [BOB]−, as a model system for the study of ionic liquids interacting with both hydroxylated and oxygen terminated α-SiO2 (001) surfaces, using first-principles electronic structure theory. We use a single ionic pair and clusters of ion pairs, in order to have exclusively neutral supercell slab models. We use dispersion-corrected density functional theory (DFT) to ascertain that both the strong physical binding between the ions, dominated by ionic binding, and the weaker physical binding of ions to the different surfaces are correctly described. We have found that the binding of ion pairs is stronger to the hydroxylated α-SiO2 (001) surface compared to the oxygen terminated surface, which is attributed to the formation of H-binding with the oxygen atom(s) of the [BOB]− anion. Through rotation of ionic pair(s), we estimate the surface-ions energy barrier for translational movement and, thus, the strength of H-binding of the ions. At the surface of hydroxylated α-SiO2 (001), we have studied how water molecules form a network of H-binding with the OH groups of the surface and the [BOB]− anion, which offers an explanation for the reduction in the friction of ionic liquids on the inclusion of water. We suggest modeling protocols for simulation of ion pairs on surfaces, which can open up the possibility to use DFT to aid in designing and understanding the physicochemical mechanism of interactions of ionic materials (including ionic liquids) in various technological applications.

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