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Edukasi Pengelolaan Sampah Rumah Tangga Bagi Pendidkan Anak Usia Dini

Waste is a complex and integrated problem at the upstream, service, and downstream levels. Each stage has different problems despite being inseparable. The problem is that the volume of waste reaches 100 fleets per day, carrying a supply of approximately 600 tons of waste. There is limited land for waste disposal in Yogyakarta, and the main access is a disposal route that causes air and water pollution, not to mention the problem of handling waste at landfills in terms of technical or technological. Households as waste producers (upstream), it is time not only to supply waste, but from this stage, the waste begins to be managed so that it does not accumulate in landfills. One of these efforts is the need for social engineering to change societal behavior. This mentoring activity in Serut Hamlet, Palbapang, is a miniature in handling changes in community behavior to become aware of waste. The service aims to provide awareness and understanding in managing household waste (upstream) through education. The method was to create collaboration between local institutions, specifically the Azola Waste Bank group representing waste activists with Early Childhood Education so that they can be synergistic and collaborative in changing community behavior through roles and examples among parents of students. These activities start from the stage of sorting waste from the kitchen. Then, the waste is taken to the school and collected by the waste bank, teaching the technological transformation of the use and processing of waste recycling for parents and bringing up an SPS PAUD curriculum about waste. The activity results show that public awareness and understanding of household waste management have been built. The activity patterns can provide education to students.

Open Access
Peningkatan Usaha Koperasi Wisata Berbasis Potensi Desa

The village environment in West Java presents beautiful and enchanting natural views. This natural potential can be managed in such a way that it can improve the regional economy. Management can be done through economic institutions, such as cooperatives with a specific business unit, namely tourism or Tourism Cooperatives. This community service activity aims to increase understanding of running a business through legal entity tourism cooperatives, developing tourism cooperative businesses, assisting with the legality of cooperative institutions, and assisting in obtaining business permits through online single submission (OSS). This activity uses the participatory rural appraisal (PRA) method to make conducting community economic business development activities based on village potential easier. The result of this activity is that the cooperative management community has a tourism business development plan document in accordance with the KBLI, strategic plan, work plan, and follow-up to each business development program. Tourism Cooperatives already have complete legality accompanied by various business permits such as Notarial Deeds, Ministry of Law and Human Rights Deeds, Business Permit Numbers (NIB), and Licensing for each business unit owned, with adequate cooperative organizational structure and completeness.

Open Access
Internet of Thing untuk Memantau Sistem Kelistrikkan Pembudidaya Ikan Hias

The Pondakan Alam Sari ornamental fish cultivator group has approximately 50 types of ornamental fish cultivated for domestic and foreign commodities. Market demand for ornamental fish tends to increase yearly, but the market wants stable prices. This price stability is a dilemma for ornamental fish cultivator groups. One of the determinants of the selling price of ornamental fish is operational costs, especially electricity costs. The increase in basic electricity tariffs causes operational costs to increase. Electricity is used to power the circulating water pump 24 hours non-stop daily. This circulating water pump is very important for producing oxygen in the water. If there is no oxygen in the water, ornamental fish will die. To reduce operational electricity costs, the community service team built a DC electricity system sourced from solar energy so that the circulating water pump source no longer uses PLN electricity. This community service program aims to reduce operational electricity costs by building a DC electricity system sourced from solar energy and an IoT-based monitoring process. The implementation method consists of two stages: (1) building physical capital through a solar energy electricity source and DC pump installation and (2) creating a DC electrical parameter monitoring system with the Blynk IoT platform. The evaluation technique was carried out by comparing planning with the progress of implementing activities. The results and implications of activities include the availability of DC electricity sources from renewable energy, namely solar cells with a power of 960 WP, installing 10 DC pumps, and an IoT-based DC electrical parameter monitoring system. Operational costs in managing an ornamental fish business can be reduced by 46% from before using renewable and IoT-based energy. This result will certainly increase the profit margin of ornamental fish farming.

Open Access
Pemanfaatan Bahan Bekas sebagai Alat Peraga IPA Ramah Lingkungan

Effective learning can be achieved by utilizing practical teaching aids that can challenge students to understand the material. This needs to be done to increase students' lack of learning motivation, as it will hurt learning achievement. Each student has a variety of learning styles, such as visual, audio, and kinesthetic. Therefore, teachers should try to create innovation by developing teaching aids in the form of a Pascal pressure model that can be implemented in learning experiments. The purpose of making this demonstration equipment is so students can understand the concept of Pascal pressure more concretely and in-depth, compared to relying on pictures as a visual tool. Apart from that, this innovation can also increase student motivation so that learning becomes more real and not just imagination and so that student learning outcomes can increase. The research method involves identifying old materials that can be used, designing creative and educational teaching aids, as well as testing the effectiveness of teaching aids in supporting science learning. The research results show that using used materials in natural science teaching aids can reduce negative environmental impacts by reducing waste and consuming new resources. The teaching aids developed can also facilitate understanding of science concepts visually and interactively. The trial of this teaching aid showed a positive response from students toward a more interesting and sustainable learning method.

Open Access
Pemanfatan Temu Mangga dan Sambiloto untuk Imunitas Tubuh

Indonesia is located on the equator with a rich potential of local spices, for example, white turmeric of Curcuma Mangga (Curcuma mangga Val.) and Sambiloto leaves (Andrographis paniculata). These two food ingredients are only sold in fresh form because some people do not know how to process them properly and practically. Curcuma mangga can be processed into instant, ready-to-drink powder that is easy to consume. Not only that but curcuma mangga and sambiloto leaves also contain antioxidants such as polyphenols, which can be useful for increasing immune power. The purpose of this service is for partners to understand the benefits of Curcuma Mangga and Sambiloto leaves. The outreach activity was held on November 23, 2022, and was attended by 21 Himatepa-HMPPI UMBY administrators and 54 NREC Universiti Malaysia Terengganu. This activity includes counseling and training about the benefits of Curcuma Mangga and Sambiloto leaves and how to market them. The counseling also discussed how to process instant powder and Sambiloto. This service program resulted in partners understanding the benefits of Curcuma Mangga and Sambiloto leaves to increase immunity and its marketing strategies. The panelists liked the overall instant mango powder product with a score of 3.95. Partners can also increase their entrepreneurial abilities by producing instant powder from Curcuma Mangga and Sambiloto.

Open Access
Penerapan Teknologi irigasi Tetes Pada Agrowista Anggur

Keranggan Village has a large area of land for agrotourism development, with the main attraction as an Ecotourism Village. Pokdarwis members, as partners in community service, have joined the South Tangerang Grape Community. They highlight grapes as the village's leading commodity to support its Ecotourism Village title. However, several aspects of the problems faced by Pokdarwis are aspects of agrotourism plant cultivation techniques and aspects of human resource management in applying agrotourism plant cultivation technology. The service aims to introduce grape cultivation technology and increase knowledge of grape cultivation techniques using drip irrigation techniques. Several solutions are offered to partners: (1) pioneering grape cultivation by the community, which can be used as a fruit-picking attraction; (2) applying digital drip irrigation techniques as irrigation support to support grape plant productivity; and (3) providing training and assistance to the community so that they have the skills to implement grape cultivation and apply drip irrigation technology. The results and implications of this program are that the people of Keranggan village can apply suitable technology that makes it easier to grow grapes and makes Keranggan village a pioneer of grape agrotourism in South Tangerang.

Open Access
Metode Moss Art Bryophyta untuk Pembelajaran Biologi Sekolah Menengah Pertama

Based on interviews with the Principal of SMP Negeri 2, Sungai Kakap District, Kubu Raya Regency, several pieces of information were obtained that (1) biology teachers in schools have not optimally utilized natural resources in the form of the diversity of Bryophyta around them as learning resources and (2) there is a lack of skills for students in managing the potential of natural resources around them into learning resources and marketable products. The Community Service Program (PkM) aims to train students to utilize the diversity of Bryophyta by making moss art for students of SMP Negeri 2 Sungai Rengas due to its aesthetic value. The PkM activity was conducted through training and assistance in making moss art for students. During the activity, the students who participated in the training seemed very enthusiastic in listening and following the instructions given and also obtained interesting and varied Moss Art designs from each group. The results of Moss Art-making activities can become one of the internalized activities in the development of the Pancasila Student Project at SMP Negeri 2, Sungai Kakap District, Kubu Raya Regency. The implications of this service are 1) making moss art can be used to strengthen the profile of Pancasila students in implementing the independent curriculum in schools, and 2) teachers can integrate Moss Art making into Biology learning on lower-level plant classification material.

Open Access
Accompaniment of Contextual Learning Oriented Minimum Competency Assessment of Mathematics through Lesson Study

Minimum Competency Assessment is a component of the assessment as an assessment policy established by the Indonesia government in independent learning to assess the success of formal education in schools. The junior high school of Muhammadiyah 8 Batu has implemented learning innovations. However, it still needs to be improved, especially in integrating the involvement of students in creative and critical thinking, communication, and collaboration, and refers to the Minimum Competency Assessment. This Lesson Study mentoring activity aims to improve the quality of learning mathematics by using a contextual approach oriented to Minimum Competency Assessment. This mentoring activity used workshop and simulation methods. Four mathematics teachers attended the workshop and simulation. The results showed that the Lesson Study team produced a Minimum Competency Assessment for six grade 7 groups oriented contextual learning design that integrated students’ involvement in creative and critical thinking, communication, and collaboration, which was realized through lesson design. Model teachers and observers were enthusiastic and carried out Minimum Competency assessment-oriented contextual learning activities through Lesson Study well. Students gave a positive response and were very active while participating in learning. The mentoring activities of Minimum Competency Assessment-oriented contextual learning can be said to be effective. The learning designs prepared by the teacher can be implemented in other classes with relatively the same student characteristics.

Open Access
Pendekatan Klinis Perawatan Indirect Pulp Capping bagi Pelajar

Cavities or caries are diseases of the hard tissue of the teeth. The presence of caries must not be ignored and must be treated because carious lesions can spread and result in pain, tooth loss, and infection of the tissues supporting the teeth. This community service activity aims to increase public awareness of dental and oral health through curative efforts and evaluation of the clinical picture after indirect pulp capping treatment at the State Agricultural Development Vocational School, Ikurkoto Health Center Area, Padang City. The method used in this service begins with patient screening, pulp capping treatment, and evaluation in the form of subjective and objective examinations 1 week after treatment. Participants in the activity were 403 patients who came from around the Ikurkoto Community Health Center area. This activity found that cavities were more common in the back (posterior) teeth, especially the lower molars, as much as 80%, compared to the front (anterior) teeth, as much as 20%. The material used is a bioactive material, namely Glass Ionomer Cement (SIK) type 2 with different brands, namely Fuji II LC (type II aesthetic) 70% and Fuji IX (type II reinforced) 30%. The evaluation results after treatment showed that as many as 71% of dental patients were asymptomatic and responded well to pulp capping treatment.

Open Access