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Prioritizing forest patches to enhance habitat restoration and connectivity for the endangered saproxylic beetle Rosalia alpina (Coleoptera, Cerambycidae): a modelling approach.

The cerambycid beetle Rosalia alpinais associated with temperate, broadleaved (mainly beech) forests containing dead or decaying wood. This species is protected under the Habitats Directive of the European Union. Given its narrow ecological niche and limited dispersal abilities, habitat fragmentation is a conservation concern for populations of R. alpina. In order to maximise the effectiveness of habitat restoration, a scientifically sound procedure for patch selection is needed. In Gipuzkoa (N Spain), we used Light Detection and Ranging (LiDAR) images to search for 20x20-m cells matching the parameterisation of a predictive and local habitat model for R. alpinaat the tree level. The cells selected under quantitative criteria were clustered to identify potential habitat patches. Conefor Sensinode software was used to estimate the importance of each of those patches in terms of the connectivity of the population, based on dispersal distances of R. alpinaand the probabilities of dispersing events among patches. We identified 380 potential habitat patches, mostly in the south-eastern sector of the study area, which were classified into “core areas” and “connecting areas”. The performance of the model was tested in the field (61% of correct assignations), although the actual occurrence of R. alpinawithin the habitat patches should be assessed in the future. This model represents a step forward in guiding the cost-effective implementation of conservation activities, through a strict preservation of the current core habitat patches and an increase in the size of connecting patches.Therefore, we show that connectivity models combining remote sensing data and local habitat selection can be an aid in conservation planning and restoration actions, probably outperforming less efficient strategies, such as random or expert selection.

Open Access
Presence of symptoms caused by parasitic species described in grapevine herbaria from Georgia, Spain and the United Kingdom

The present paper focuses on the presence of symptoms caused by parasitic species in samples of Eurasian grapevine (Vitis vinifera L.) belonging to different herbaria from , and the . In the Spanish case herbaria were collected by Clemente at the beginning of the 19th century and preserved at the Royal Botanical Garden of Madrid. This material was used as the basis for the publication in 1807 of the famous book “Ensayo sobre las variedades de la vid común que vegetan en Andalucía” (Essay on the varieties of common grapevine that vegetate in ). The Georgian herbaria originated from three institutions: National Museum of Georgia, National Herbarium of Georgia and . The time period of the Georgian herbaria dates from mid-19th century. The herbaria came from Kew Royal Botanical Gardens and contain samples dated as of 1843. According to observations, in the Spanish herbarium, 98 samples out of 185 show erinea, symptoms caused by Colomerus vitis (Pagenstecher) (Acari, Eryophiidae), from a total of 185 samples there. Meanwhile in other herbaria its presence was detected in 3 samples, which also showed spots caused by powdery mildew, Erysiphe necator (Schweinitz). Symptoms caused by downy mildew, Plasmopara viticola Berl. & De Toni, were only detected in one sample collected in . Results attest the frequent presence of this monophagous mite pest on Southern Spanish cultivars and wild exemplars for more than two centuries.

Open Access
Breeding population trends and recent changes in the nesting behaviour of the White Stork Ciconia ciconia L., 1758 in Navarre, north of Spain

The white stork Ciconia ciconia is one of the most emblematic birds in rural habitats of Europe. Its populations showed a drastic decline during the 20th century, followed by a rapid recovery in the last decades. The population increase has led to a relaxation in the specie’s monitoring effort, the last Spanish national official census having been conducted more than 15 years ago. In order to update this knowledge, this study shows the results of a breeding population census conducted in Navarre during the spring of 2018, describing the preferences in nest location, and comparing the current breeding population size with that described in the literature published since 1960. Our results show a breeding population of 739 pairs, which is the highest value ever recorded. However, this increase in the number of pairs has not been associated with a significant expansion of the specie’s distribution area, which is still limited to the southern half of Navarre. The only relevant colonisation would be the 5 pairs established in the Pamplona district. Most pairs (86.3%) nested in colonies, with an average size of 9.2 nests. Most of the nests were located in trees (49.0%), followed by buildings (28.8%), cut trees (10.0%), pylons (6.9%) and other types of structures (antennas, chimneys, artificial nests, cranes..., 5.3%). A comparison of the current situation with previous censuses shows that there has been an annual population growth rate of 6.6%, with an important change in nesting habits, both in the percentage of pairs that nest in colonies and in the substrate selected to build the nest. The possible causes that could explain these changes and the conservation implications for the species are discussed.

Open Access
Primeros datos sobre la distribución, tamaño poblacional y reproducción del picamaderos negro Dryocopus martius (Linnaeus, 1758) en un área del País Vasco de reciente colonización

espanolLa distribucion del picamaderos negro en la peninsula Iberica ha experimentado recientemente una expansion que ha dado lugar a la coalescencia de sus poblaciones cantabrica y pirenaica. El presente estudio analiza la distribucion de la especie y realiza una estima de su abundancia en una de las zonas de contacto recientemente colonizadas. Asimismo, este trabajo aporta informacion sobre sus preferencias ecologicas a nivel regional. Para ello se recopilaron las citas de los ultimos anos y se realizaron itinerarios de censo, asi como una busqueda intensiva de nidos durante la primavera de 2019. Tambien se analizo la tipologia forestal en el entorno de los nidos, las caracteristicas de los arboles-nido y la productividad media. Se registraron 375 citas repartidas por gran parte del area de estudio, estimandose un minimo de 50 territorios. Se observo que la cobertura de pino, haya y roble americano en torno a los nidos fue mayor que la esperada mientras que fue menor la de eucalipto, encina y bosque de ribera. Como arbol-nido utilizaron ejemplares de haya, pino de Monterrey, pino maritimo y roble americano, emplazados en parcelas de estos tipos de arbolado. Tambien utilizaron eucaliptos viejos que crecian en repoblaciones de coniferas. El exito de cria fue elevado (80%) pero la tasa media de pollos volados (2,1) fue inferior a la media observada en otras regiones europeas. Se concluye que las coniferas estan jugando un importante papel en la colonizacion y que su sustitucion por cultivos de eucaliptos podria limitar el proceso expansivo EnglishThe distribution area of the black woodpecker in the Iberian Peninsula has expanded in recent years, leading to a unification of its Cantabrian and Pyrenean populations. The present study evaluates the distribution of this species and estimates its abundance in one of the recently-colonised contact areas. Likewise, this work provides information on their ecological preferences at a regional level. To this end, records from the last years were compiled and line transects were carried out, as well as an intensive search for nests during the spring of 2019. We also analysed the forest type in the area surrounding the nests, the characteristics of the nest-trees and the average rate of chicks per nest. 375 records were compiled throughout much of the study area, estimating a minimum of 50 territories. It was observed that the coverage of pine, beech and American oak around the nests was greater than expected, while that of eucalyptus, holm oak and riverside forests was lower. The species of nest-trees they used were beech, Monterey pine, maritime pine and American oak, located in areas with the same types of trees. They also used old eucalyptus trees that grew in coniferous plantations. Breeding success was high (80%) but the average rate of fledglings per nest (2.1) was lower than the average observed in other European regions. We conclude that conifers are playing an important role in colonisation and that their replacement by eucalyptus plantations may limit the expansion process. euskaraOkil beltzaren banaketak hedapen handia izan du Iberiar penintsulan berriki, eta horrek kantaurialdeko eta Pirinioetako populazioen bat-egitea eragin du. Ikerketa honek espeziearen banaketa aztertu eta populazioaren tamaina estimatu du. Era berean, lan honek eskualde mailan dituzten lehentasun ekologikoei buruzko informazioa ematen du. Horretarako, azken urteetako aipamenak bildu, trantsektuak egin eta habiak bilatzeko lan intentsiboa egin zen 2019ko udaberrian. Aztertu ziren, halaber, habiaren inguruko basoen tipologia, habietarako zuhaitzen ezaugarriak eta batez besteko txita tasa ere. 375 aipu jaso ziren azterketa eremuan zehar eta gutxienez 50 lurralde estimatu ziren. Ikusi zen habien inguruan pinuen, pagoen eta haritz amerikarren estaldura espero baino handiagoa zela, eta txikiagoa, aldiz, eukalipto, artadi eta ibar-basoena. Habietarako zuhaitz espezie hauek erabili zituzten: pagoa, intsinis pinua, itsas pinua eta haritz amerikarra, zuhaitz mota hauetako lursailetan kokatuak. Konifero landaketetan tartekatuta hazten ziren eukalipto zuhaitz zaharrak ere erabiltzen zituzten. Ugaltze arrakasta handia izan zen (% 80), baina habia bakoitzean txita hegaldatuen batez besteko tasa (2,1) Europako beste eskualde batzuetan ikusitakoa baino txikiagoa zen. Hortaz, ondorioztatu da koniferoek kolonizazioan funtzio garrantzitsua betetzen dutela eta pinudiak eukalipto landaketekin ordezkatzeak hedapen prozesua mugatu egin dezakeela.

Open Access
Analysis of two cases of potential plumage colour aberrations in the House Sparrow Passer domesticus L., 1758

espanolSe discuten dos casos de posibles aberraciones cromaticas del plumaje en el Gorrion Comun Passer domesticus L., 1758 en Espana. Estos dos casos evidencian la dificultad que conlleva una buena identificacion de las diferentes aberraciones cromaticas del plumaje en aves. Una correcta identificacion de las mismas asi como conocer el numero y la distribucion de estos ejemplares es fundamental para entender los factores que determinan su aparicion en poblaciones naturales de aves EnglishTwo cases of possible plumage colour aberrations in the House Sparrow Passer domesticus L., 1758 in Spain are discussed. These two examples highlight the difficulties in correctly identifying plumage colour aberrations in birds. A correct identification of these aberrant individuals as well as information on their number and distribution would certainly expand our understanding of the factors determining their occurrence in natural bird populations. euskaraEspainian etxe-txolarre Passer domesticus L., 1758 espeziean aurkitutako lumajearen kolore alterazioko bi kasu posible eztabaidatzen dira. Bi kasu hauek agerian uzten dute zein zaila gertatzen den hegaztien lumajean agertzen diren aberrazio kromatiko desberdinak ondo identifikatzea. Horiek behar bezala antzematea eta bai ale horiek zer kopuru eta banaketa duten jakitea oso garrantzitsua da, hegaztien populazio naturaletan ager-tzeko faktore eragileak zein diren ulertu ahal izateko

Open Access