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Mathematical Problem-Solving Ability of Rational Personality Students

This study aims to describe the ability of students who have personality tendencies in solving mathematical problems. This research is an exploratory study with a qualitative approach. Data was collected by giving problem solving ability tests and interviews to two subjects with rational personalities. Students' personalities were categorized based on David Keirsey's personality classification test, namely Artisan, Guardian, Idealist, and Rational. The results showed that (1) understanding the problem, in understanding the problem the subject visualized the information, this was in accordance with the characteristics of Rational who always needed something to help him in concretizing his ideas or thoughts through something, for example through pictures. (2) develop a strategy/completion plan, a) in formulating a strategy, the subject uses all the information and assumptions obtained from the problem and uses it to plan problem solving, b) in compiling a problem-solving plan, the subject does not write down the solution plan clearly, he only writes things that he deems necessary, according to his personality which has less intrapersonal ability so that they always do things as they please not based on generally agreed rules. (3) carry out the plan of completion, the subject always solves the problem according to the plan he has drawn up, this is indeed a characteristic of Rational who always does everything based on the goals he has set. (4) re-check, the subject checks the results of his work. This is in accordance with SR's personality which does not tolerate the slightest error.

Open Access

Introduction/Main Objectives: To analyze the influence of the dimensions total quality management toward employee performance in an Indonesian Regional Public Hospital (RSUD) Dr. H. Ishak Umarella. Background Problems: This research is conducted based on the premise that there are problems related to employee performance at RSUD Dr. H. Ishak Umarella which were inconsistent throughout 2020. According to the condition, the objective of this research is to verify the influence of total quality management toward employee performance. Novelty: In the dimensions of total quality management used, in which there are additional dimensions and adjustment to the dimensions used according to the object of research. Research Methods: The process of sampling applied in this research is purposive sampling, using the total of 100 respondents. Data are collected using questionnaires as the main instrument and Likert Scale to measure respondents' answers in the questionnaires. Finding/Results: The result shows that the focus on customer variable (X1), employee engagement and empowerment variable (X2), continuous improvement variable (X3), teamwork variable (X4), and education and training variables (X5) have a positive and significant influence towards employee performance (Y) at RSUD Dr. H. Ishak Umarella. Conclusion: This research concludes that in an effort to improve the performance of its employees, every government agency must attend to and strengthen the five variables

Open Access

Introduction/Main objectives: Determine the superior service quality provided by Matahari Department Store and what attributes can satisfy customers. Background problems: Quality service is something that can distinguish one retail store from another. Consumers will compare the service received with what is expected. The quality of this service will then look good or not from the consumer's perception of the entire service process received, not the basis of the perception of the service provider. Novelty: Research about service quality using the integration of Kano Model and House of Quality in retail industry is limited. Research methods: It used integration of Kano Model and House of Quality (HoQ) with PT Matahari Department Store as the object and customer as informants. Service quality attributes are taken from Servqual. Data gathered using observation, interview, and questionnaire. Finding/Results: (1) provide input to PT. Matahari Department Store regarding strategies that can improve service quality, by identifying and prioritizing service attributes that can meet customer needs using the Servqual method and the integration of the Kano Model with the House of Quality, (2) provide input on attributes that can be developed to improve customer satisfaction. Conclusion: (1) from the identification of service quality attributes using servqual, 1 attribute with a gap score of 0 is obtained and 16 attributes have a negative score, (2) from the combined results of Servqual with Kano Model classification, 12 attributes are obtained with category O (One Dimensional) which can improve the quality of service to customers and 5 attributes with category M (Must Be), (3) from the results of the integration of Servqual and the Kano Model which is included in the House of Quality, there are 6 technical responses above an average of 6% which can be used to meet customer expectations for service quality, so that they can satisfying customers

Open Access

Introduction/Main objectives: This research was conducted with the aim of being able to identify the risk factors that arise in the delivery of goods, determine a good and effective strategy to deal with the risks and impacts that arise in the delivery of goods and make risk management that is right on target with the house of risk (HoR) method to solve problems from goods delivery activities. Indonesia is one of almost countries affected by Covid-19, as a result of this there is a change in the trend of public spending where 90% of their daily needs are met through online shopping. As a result of this trend change, many logistics companies have experienced an increase in demand for goods delivery services, but it is undeniable that this is directly proportional to the problems that arise and the new risks faced by these logistics companies, such as J&T Express. Therefore, researchers conduct study in order to reduce the impact of the risks. Research methods: The sample was taken at a freight forwarding company in Yogyakarta, namely J&T Express. Finding/Results: The findings of this study obtained that there are 21 Risk Events identified with 21 Risk Agents, from the results of risk agents and risk events identified 3 priority risk agents for preventive action, namely (A1) or the impact of Covid-19, the ‘PSBB’, service hours public/office, travel/delivery area restrictions by the community, goods sent not on schedule. (A3) or the recipient's address is wrong, the recipient of the package does not want to pay the bill, the package is damaged, natural disaster and (A11) or the time the package is received by the customer exceeds his estimate (the package was received late). Conclusion: The selected risk agents have been determined based on the application of the Pareto diagram are further analyzed using the House of Risk table phase 2, and obtained 7 mitigation actions or preventive actions (PA). Based on 7 precautions (PA) obtained the highest priority for strategic planning is (PA2) or making reference to the schedule for distributing goods that are adjusted to the new Covid-19 norms with an ETD value of 2472.8 and the lowest strategic planning priority, namely (P4) or refreshment related to product knowlage, SOPs, package handling information with an ETD value amounted to 532

Open Access

Introduction/main objectives: One of sectors massively contributing in the economy of Ambon city is fishery and marine. Nevertheless, fishermen, who have important roles in the business of catching and marketing fishes in markets, relatively live in poverty despite their daily efforts. This study aims to investigate how fishermen utilize resources and capabilities to sail. Background Problems: enormous fish demands in Ambon city should be the point of advantages for fishermen. Further, these requests are because the main consumption of the people of Ambon city is fish. Novelty: This research pictures fishermen lives through economic aspects widely to guideline in exploiting the benefits of fish sales. This situation encourages researchers to find out how fishermen achieve competitive excellence in their businesses. Research Methods: this study employs mixed method approaches through questionnaires, intensive interviews, and observation towards fishermen in the villages of Eri, Air Louw, Latuhalat, and Seri. Data were analyzed with SPSS 17. Findings/Results: Study findings indicate that resources and capability of fishermen significantly influence their competitiveness. The greater their competences are, the higher the selling rates are, and within a long term their eagerness will develop. Conclusion: the more excellent resources used in sailing are, the better fishermen’s keenness is. The more their capabilities are, the higher marketing rates are, and within long period of time their ambitions will improve. Small profits are induced by insufficient fishing tools and equipment used compared with fishermen from different regions. Moreover, poor bargaining position of fishermen compared with bidders in markets eliminates their controls to determine market selling prices. The implication is local government must organize policy focusing on increasing fishermen’s resources and capabilities. Furthermore, regulations are required to fix fish values in open markets to give controls to fishermen. In long term, fishers do not only focus on consumption needs but also on allocation of savings and investments

Open Access

Introduction/Main objectives: This study aims to analyze the relationship between investment and exports of the livestock sector on economic growth in Indonesia. The livestock sector performs a crucial position for Indonesia's monetary growth because it's miles one of the sectors that contributes to the national economy. Background Problems: Based on this, the authors are interested in knowing how the relationship between investment and exports of the livestock sector to economic growth in Indonesia. Novelty: This research is a topic that has not been widely studied in Indonesia, the field of economics with the topic of economic growth, investment and exports has been studied very much, but those who see the relationship between investment and exports of the livestock sector on Indonesia's economic growth are still few. Therefore, linking livestock sector investment and exports to Indonesia's economic growth is the novelty of this study. Research methods: This research uses Ordinary Least Square analysis technique. The type of data used is secondary data in the form of annual quantitative figures from 2016-2020 obtained from the Central Statistics Agency. Results: The results showed that livestock sector investment had a positive and insignificant effect on economic growth. On the other hand, exports of the livestock sector (livestock, livestock products, non-food animal products and veterinary drugs) have a negative and insignificant effect on economic growth. Conclusion: The conclusion of the study is that livestock sector investment affects economic growth while livestock sector exports have no effect. These results reveal that to increase economic growth, it is necessary to improve Indonesia's export performance by doing numerous ways, one in all that's via enhancing the export management machine, growing research and improvement of Indonesian merchandise, enhancing infrastructure facilities and infrastructure, change rate stability and expanding non-conventional markets so that provide added value for exports which in turn can increase Indonesia's economic growth

Open Access

Background: Organizational leaders in public sector organizations must pay serious attention to employee job satisfaction because they provide community services. Ensuring employee job satisfaction in public entities is the key to improving service quality and maintaining their consistency in serving the community. Employees who are satisfied with their work will be willing to work hard to achieve organizational goals. Objectives: We aim to systematically review the empirical literature on employee job satisfaction outcomes in public sector organizations across countries. Design: We conducted a systematic review based on previous researchers’ protocols. Data sources: We use electronic databases, including Scopus Search, PubMed Search, Search, and Google Scholar Search from 2010 to February 2022. Review methods: We include articles that examine the outcomes of employee job satisfaction in public sector organizations. The team independently reviewed and determined each study that met the inclusion criteria. Next, the rest of the team assessed the quality of the papers using a predetermined quality assessment instrument. Then to the included studies, data extraction was carried out. Finally, we conducted an in-depth content analysis to identify the outcomes of employee job satisfaction. Results: We have identified 33 outcomes of job satisfaction. We divided these outcomes into six categories: job attitude, performance, happiness, prosocial behavior, work motivation, and customer satisfaction. The team also found inconsistent research results, providing research gaps for other researchers to follow up

Open Access

Introduction/Main objectives: This research aimed to find out the impact of fee-hiring practice on the incomes of floating netted-cage entrepreneurs, factors that interfered such practice, and the review of Sharia Economy on paying-hiring practice in fish farming by using floating netted-cage. Background problems: economic activity that has a wage system in it is the floating net cage business in Kampar Regency. Kampar Regency is the largest contributor to the production of freshwater aquaculture in Riau Province. This can increase the welfare of owners, entrepreneurs and managers of floating cages Novelty: studies on wages are generally studied on conventional concepts but in this study, it examines the concept of wages in the view of sharia economics Research methods: This field research applied qualitative descriptive method. The data were collected through interviewing 28 key informants and observing the fish cage directly in the site, which was in Kampar. Finding/Results: The practice of paying-hiring in fish farming by using floating netted-cage in Kampar did not involve written agreement. In addition, although the job descriptions were informed clearly, some entrepreneurs chose to not include the amount of payment information at the beginning. The payment was on time and the amount of payment was decided based on the payment standard of fish cage entrepreneurs. There was work accident compensation assurance, but there was not worker health assurance. The results also indicated that low payment standard that was decided by fish cage entrepreneurs became the main factor that caused failure of fee-hiring practice in raising floating netted-cage welfare in Kampar. Conclusion: Low standard payment was due to the assumption that given fee was sufficient for workers because of their consumption compensation. According to sharia sconomy the practice of fee-hiring was not based on the sharia economy principles, because it’s only encompassed justice principle, worthiness, and mutual assistance. However, the objective to bring welfare for workers was not achieved. Fish farming by using floating netted-cage became chance to get job especially for society in Kampar. In addition, this business had a good prospect. The escalation of entrepreneur’s economy was achieved. It was indicated by the number of fish cages that were owned by entrepreneurs in Kampar

Open Access