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Strategi Promosi Pariwisata Dalam Rangka Mempertahankan Objek Wisata Bamboo Rafting Loksado Dimasa Pandemi COVID-19 (Studi Deskriptif Kualitatif pada Dinas Pemuda Olahraga dan Pariwisata Hulu Sungai Selatan)

The Covid 19 pandemic has had a major impact on Indonesia's tourism sector, including Hulu Sungai Selatan (HSS) Regency in South Kalimantan Province. HSS Regency has a potential tourist attraction that is a mainstay of South Kalimantan, namely the Bamboo Rafting Loksado tour. After having stopped operating due to the pandemic for 8 months, this tour was reopened by making changes to its operational system. This study aims to describe the tourism promotion strategy carried out by DISPORAPAR HSS in maintaining Bamboo Rafting tourism objects during the pandemic using descriptive qualitative research methods. DISPORAPAR HSS, which houses this tourist attraction, has compiled strategic steps to promote safe tourism for visitors by socializing the implementation of national health protocol standards and health protocol standards based on the Indonesian Rafting Federation using educational videos on new normal tours, inviting local people to participate in supporting new normal tourism, using social media facilities as an effective and efficient means of promotion, and continuing to carry out evaluation stages to realize Bamboo Rafting tourism objects to attract visitors again.

Open Access
Peran Aplikasi “Visiting Jogja” dalam Mengembalikan Kepercayaan Wisatawan untuk Berwisata ke Yogyakarta

Covid-19 made several countries adopt lock-down policies as an effort to break the chain of spreading the virus. However, this policy greatly affects sectors related to the daily mobility of people, especially the tourism sector which has been most significantly affected by Covid-19. One of the provinces in Indonesia that has experienced a major loss in the tourism sector due to Covid-19 is the Yogyakarta Special Region (DIY). Therefore, the DIY government gradually continues to encourage the tourism sector to resume operations, one of which is by releasing new applications for tourists, namely "Jogja Pass" and "Visiting Jogja" to monitor visitors to tourism destinations in DIY. In this study the author will focus on studying the application "Visiting Jogja". The purpose of this research is to examine the advantages and disadvantages of the "Visiting Jogja" application from the user's point of view, and to find out whether the "Visiting Jogja" application can help restore the confidence of tourists to travel to Yogyakarta. This study uses qualitative research methods, with data collection techniques through direct interviews with 10 respondents as a sample who is determined randomly. The results show that the application "Visiting Jogja" can provide assurance for tourists, which helps generate confidence in users to visit more tourism attractions in Yogyakarta. However, the government's efforts in socializing and promoting the “Visiting Jogja” application to the public are still lacking.

Open Access
Efektivitas Penyampaian Konten Edukasi Agrowisata Terhadap Pemahaman Wisatawan di Merapi Farma Herbal Farm Sleman

During the COVID-19 pandemic, herbal agro-tourism became very popular in Indonesia. Agrotourism is closely related to edu-tourism. To build an edu-tourism business, business actors must apply the concept of creativity so that tourists can gain more useful and educative knowledge. One of the herbal agro-tourism locations in Sleman is Merapi Farma Herbal Farm. Even though educational content, facilities, and completeness of resources in the implementation of agro-tourism packages are already available and well managed, managers still must know whether the implementation of the tour packages run at Merapi Farma Herbal Farm has been effective in delivering educational content to the tourist. This research aimed to determine the types of educational content contained in Merapi Farma Herbal Farm Sleman, and to determine the effectiveness of delivering agro-tourism educational content at Merapi Farma Herbal Farm Sleman to tourists' understanding. The research methods in this study are descriptive method and survey method, and direct observation, interviews with sources, literature studies, and documentation were conducted to find out the types of educational content provided by Merapi Farma Herbal Farm. Meanwhile, to determine the effectiveness of delivering agro-tourism educational content, this research conducted a hypothesis test to tourists/visitors at Merapi Farma Herbal Farm Sleman as the research sample. The tool used to collect data is questionnaires. The analytical tool used to test the hypothesis is the Wilcoxon Test. The results showed that the types of educational content contained at Merapi Farma Herbal Farm Sleman were education about types of herbal plants, how to cultivate herbal plants, the benefits of herbal plants, the history of herbal medicine inIndonesia, and how to mix herbs traditionally. The results of the analysis used the Wilcoxon Test also show that the delivery of agrotourism educational content at Merapi Farma Herbal Farm Sleman can provide tourists with an understanding of herbal plants.

Open Access