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Implementasi Blue Economy Dalam Meningkatkan Kesejahteraan Masyarakat Nelayan Perspektif Maqashid Syariah

Seeing the condition of the fishing community, some of which are still less prosperous, especially fishermen who go to sea once a week, of course many new ideas are needed so that the welfare of fishermen can increase. The presence of the blue economy concept, which is a design for optimizing water resources to increase economic growth in marine areas through creative and innovative activities, namely creating new programs while maintaining environmental sustainability, is expected to be able to improve the economy of fishing communities. This article is intended to find out the extent to which the implementation of the blue economy has improved the welfare of the fishing community at TPI Brondong, especially from a maqashid sharia perspective. The research method used is a descriptive qualitative method which tends to use more inductive analysis and a theoretical basis so that the focus of the research is in accordance with the facts in the field. The results of the research show that there are 2 programs in the implementation of the blue economy at TPI Brondong: 1. Good Fish Handling Methods (CPIB), namely maintaining the quality of fish, namely by paying attention to storage and handling fish properly when landed. 2. Measurable Fish Catching (PIT), namely changing fishing gear from cantrang to JALATONG so that the marine ecosystem is maintained. Because the quality is maintained and the fish caught are dominated by large fish, the selling value of the fish becomes expensive and automatically increases fishermen's income, especially from the perspective of maqashid sharia which shows that fishermen work in accordance with the basic elements or values contained in maqashid sharia which refers more to maintaining or maintaining wealth (Hifdzu Al-Maal).

Open Access
Praktek Jual Beli Crypto Asset di Futures Market Perspektif Hukum Syariah

With his journey initially rejected, crypto assets began to be accepted internationally. In these few years to this day, it shows the process of changing international views on crypto assets. Although crypto assets are not considered as legal tender, Indonesia categorizes crypto assets as assets or commodities. This makes crypto assets under the regulation of the Commodity Futures Trading Supervisory Agency (BAPPEBTI) which is confirmed in Article 1 of the Regulation of the Minister of Trade of the Republic of Indonesia Number 99 of 2018 concerning General Policy for the Implementation of Crypto Assets Futures Trading (Crypto Assets), designated as commodities that can be subject to futures contracts. traded on futures exchanges. The purpose of this study is to examine and analyze the practice of buying and selling crypto assets on the Futures Market in terms of Sharia law. This research when viewed from the source of the data is normative legal research, namely research by examining library materials which are secondary data and also referred to as library research. The results of this study produce practices that occur in crypto asset trading contracts in the futures market, which are basically ribâl fadli practices. In addition, the legal prohibition of trading crypto assets in the futures market is due to the element of maisir. 'This illat appears as the option that small traders have is only one, which is to only sell at maturity. As a result, it automatically cancels the contract so that only the new price is left for the "down payment" and not the "crypto commodity".
 Keywords: Crypto Asset, Futures Market, Sharia Law

Open Access
Perspektif Etika Bisnis Islam atas Praktek Jual Beli Baju (study kasus pada pedagang di wisata religi sunan drajat paciran lamongan)

: Buying and selling activities are one of the needs of the community as a means to meet the needs of daily life. Religious tourism is one type of tourism that is closely related to special activites or places related to religious aspects of relifion. In addition, on the tour there are also merchants who sell various kinds ofsouvenirs. Along with the times, which are marked by very rapid economicdevelopment, it creates competition. With this competition, business people use many ways to gain profits, even to the point of ignoring ethics in business. As there are still many who used deviations in sales many who use deviations in salescontained in the tour.
 The purpose of this study was to find out: (1) Buying and selling practies carried out by traders in religious tourism Sunan Drajat Paciran Lamongan, (2) Islamic business ethics perspective on the practice of buying and selling clothes to traders in religious tourism Sunan Drajat Paciran Lamongan.
 This research uses descriptive qualitative method with case study type. To collect data is done by interview, observation, and documentation. To prove the validaty of the data using triangulation. Sources and data analysis techniques used are data collection, data reduction, data presentation, and conclusion drawing/verification.
 The results of the study show that: (1) The practive of buying and selling clothes carried out by traders in Sunan Drajat religious tourism is carried out directly, namely by offering to visitors passing by, (2) Traders in general have carried out in accordance with the principles of Islamic business ethics, including the principles of monotheism, honesty, free will, looseness and generosity, applying transparent prices.
 Keyword: Business ethics, Islamic, Selling.

Open Access