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This research was conducted to find out the differences from the learning methods of ordinary pictorial stories with the pop up models of the more unique and different pop up models, but also through this research it is hoped to provide new experiences for children, bearing in mind that learning is still focused on writing, reading and counting (calistung). This study uses the experimental method because there is a comparison between the control class and the experimental class. The subject and location of the study were group B students. The study population was the B-Saturn group and the B-Uranus group with a sample students, with a total of 28 students. Data collection techniques using pretest and posttest. Pretest technique using ordinary picture stories while in the posttest technique using picture models pop up. Results of Research The average value (mean) in the control class is BB (1.21), MB (0.21), BSB (0.42) and BSH (0.14) while in the experimental class the average value is BB (0.29), MB (0.21) , BSB (0.5) and BSH (0.14). Then it can be concluded that "Hypothesis is accepted", meaning that there is a difference between student learning outcomes to develop mathematical logical intelligence in the pretest and post test. So it can be concluded that there is an influence in "Developing mathematical logical intelligence in early childhood through the method of picture story pop up models in group B"This research was conducted to find out the differences from the learning methods of ordinary pictorial stories with the pop up models of the more unique and different pop up models, but also through this research it is hoped to provide new experiences for children, bearing in mind that learning is still focused on writing, reading and counting (calistung). This study uses the experimental method because there is a comparison between the control class and the experimental class. The subject and location of the study were group B students. The study population was the B-Saturn group and the B-Uranus group with a sample students, with a total of 28 students. Data collection techniques using pretest and posttest. Pretest technique using ordinary picture stories while in the posttest technique using picture models pop up. Results of Research The average value (mean) in the control class is BB (1.21), MB (0.21), BSB (0.42) and BSH (0.14) while in the experimental class the average value is BB (0.29), MB (0.21) , BSB (0.5) and BSH (0.14). Then it can be concluded that "Hypothesis is accepted", meaning that there is a difference between student learning outcomes to develop mathematical logical intelligence in the pretest and post test. So that it can be concluded mathematical logical intelligence by using the pop up model pictorial story method is better than groups that use ordinary learning.

Open Access

Intelligence for young children is very important for themselves and their social development, because if the intelligence of children develops well, it will be easier for them to get along with creating new things. Besides learning media has a very important role in the learning process. Media that can improve mathematical logical intelligence in children, one of them is the dice numbers. Based on observations shows that the logical-mathematical intelligence of students is still low. This study uses a quasi-experimental method using a non-equivalent control group design. Based on the calculation of the experimental class normality test that is 0.044 <0.05, so the data are declared not normally distributed. While in the control class the result is 0.200> 0.05, until the data are declared normally distributed. Therefore, because one class is declared not normally distributed, the data will be processed using the Mann Whitney test. The results of the Mann Whitney test in the experimental and control classes were 0.001 <0.05. So the conclusion is dice media can improve mathematical logical intelligence.Kecerdasan untuk anak usia dini sangat berperan penting bagi dirinya maupun perkembangan sosialnya, karena jika kecerdasan anak berkembang dengan baik maka akan memudahkan mereka bergaul juga menciptakan hal-hal baru. Selain itu media pembelajaran memiliki peranan sangat penting pada proses belajar. Media yang dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan logis matematis pada anak, salah satunya yaitu dadu angka. Berdasarkan hasil observasi, kecerdasan logis-matematis peserta didik masih tergolong rendah. Penelitian ini memakai metode kuasi eksperimen serta memakai desain kelompok kontrol non-ekuivalen (the nonequivalent control group design). Berdasarkan perhitungan uji normalitas kelas eksperimen yakni 0.044 < 0.05, sehingga data dinyatakan tidak berdistribusi normal. Sedangkan di kelas kontrol hasilnya adalah 0.200 > 0.05, hingga data dinyatakan berdistribusi normal. Oleh sebab itu karena salah satu kelas dinyatakan tidak berdistribusi normal, data akan diolah memakai uji Mann Whitney. Hasil dari postes Mann whitney di kelas eksperimen serta kontrol adalah 0.001 < 0.05. Jadi kesimpulannya media dadu angka dapat meningkatkan kecerdasan logis matematis.

Open Access

The teacher's job in designing and implementing learning requires a variety of knowledge, skills, and perhaps not all teachers have the ability to cultivate, presenting a learning theme that can dig into all the potential of the child's own. The method used tends to be monotonous, so learning becomes boring for the child. Based on that, the basic reason for the problem is that through thematic learning with experimental method of planting can improve the cognitive ability of child group B?. The purpose of this research is to know the thematic learning activities with the methods of planting experiments performed in group B that can improve the cognitive ability of children. This study uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The process of thematic learning is done adapted to the theme that is running, namely the theme of plants, on the implementation through Taha-the preparation stage of syllabus such as drafting RPPM and RPPH, activities divided into 3 phases: the core activities, activities End and reflection activities. Based on the results of thematic learning with suitable planting methods, it has an impact on improving the cognitive abilities of child group B. It can be seen from several indicators of cognitive assessment of children before and after planting methods indicates optimal development.

Open Access

Sensitive period is the right time to instill the basis of the importance of counting. In addition to counting skills that must be developed also pay attention to the application of learning used. However, in the learning process, teachers often forget the importance of playing methods. If too often with giving assignments the child will feel bored, therefore what is used is the method of playing. Play method is one method that can be used by teachers to teach the ability to count children in the beginning. Based on this background, the purpose of this study was to determine the effect of the use of playing methods on initial numeracy skills. This study used the Quasi Experiment method with the Nonequevalent Control Group Design research design. The results of the pre test showed that there were no significant differences in the experimental group and the control group with p-value> 0.05, which was 0.135> 0.05 which was tested by the two average test results. While the post-test results showed that the initial numeracy ability after the application of the playing method experienced a significant difference with the p-value <0.05, that is with the results of 0.0001 with the Mann-Whitney test. This method of playing can be used as a learning suggestion for educators to improve their ability to have an early start.

Open Access

Basically humans have had creative potential since he was created. With the potential of its natural creativity, it is expected that early on, children will need activities related to creative ideas through coaching so that children can develop their creative potential optimally. For that we need a learning method that can improve children's creativity, one of which is the experimental method. Through the experimental method children can be trained in developing creativity. The purpose of this study is to examine the achievement of children's creativity in using experimental methods. This study used a quasi-experimental method with Nonequevalent Control Group Design research design using two classes consisting of B1 experimental group and B2 control class at Al-Masruroh Kindergarten. Based on data processing and research results obtained the results of the pre-test showed that there were no significant differences between the experimental group and the control group (TK Al-Masruroh) with p-value> 0.05 which was 0.145> 0.05, while the post test results showed creativity after the application of the experimental method there is a significant difference with the value of pvalue <0.05 which is the result of 0.000 <0.05. Based on the results of this study, the researcher recommends to child educators that the experimental method can be used as one of the learning methods to improve children's creativity.

Open Access

Early childhood is a small human figure who has the uniqueness and distinctiveness of each. What is called early childhood is from the age of 0 to 6 years, where at that time is a very rapid development period or the golden age, and early childhood requires various stimuli that must be met in accordance with their needs, one of which is aspects of cognitive development, especially in memory ability. This memory ability can be developed through mind mapping learning media, where teachers innovate on learning media so that they can attract children's attention and make children more enthusiastic in learning. This study uses quantitative research methods with a quasi-experimental approach. This study aims to provide information to educators on how to improve children's memory skills using mind mapping learning media. Based on the results of the study it was found that the average gain of the experimental class was 25,72 while the average gain of the control class was 1,11 which means that the memory ability of the experimental class children after treatment was higher than that of the untreated control class. Therefore, this study is recommended to early childhood educators that mind mapping learning media can improve early childhood memory skillsKeywords : mind mapping, memory skills. Early childhood is a small human figure who has the uniqueness and distinctiveness of each. What is called early childhood is from the age of 0 to 6 years, where at that time is a very rapid development period or the golden age, and early childhood requires various stimuli that must be met in accordance with their needs, one of which is aspects of cognitive development, especially in memory ability. This memory ability can be developed through mind mapping learning media, where teachers innovate on learning media so that they can attract children's attention and make children more enthusiastic in learning. This study uses quantitative research methods with a quasi-experimental approach. This study aims to provide information to educators on how to improve children's memory skills using mind mapping learning media. Based on the results of the study it was found that the average gain of the experimental class was 25,72 while the average gain of the control class was 1,11 which means that the memory ability of the experimental class children after treatment was higher than that of the untreated control class. Therefore, this study is recommended to early childhood educators that mind mapping learning media can improve early childhood memory skills.

Open Access