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Phytochemical Profiles and Biological Studies of Selected Botanical Dietary Supplements Used in the United States.

Based on their current wide bioavailability, botanical dietary supplements have become an important component of the United States healthcare system, although most of these products have limited scientific evidence for their use. The most recent American Botanical Council Market Report estimated for 2020 a 17.3% increase in sales of these products when compared to 2019, for a total sales volume of $11,261 billion. The use of botanical dietary supplements products in the United States is guided by the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act (DSHEA) from 1994, enacted by the U.S. Congress with the aim of providing more information to consumers and to facilitate access to a larger number of botanical dietary supplements available on the market than previously. Botanical dietary supplements may be formulated for and use only using crude plant samples (e.g., plant parts such as the bark, leaves, or roots) that can be processed by grinding into a dried powder. Plant parts can also be extracted with hot water to form an "herbal tea." Other preparations of botanical dietary supplements include capsules, essential oils, gummies, powders, tablets, and tinctures. Overall, botanical dietary supplements contain bioactive secondary metabolites with diverse chemotypes that typically are found at low concentration levels. These bioactive constituents usually occur in combination with inactive molecules that may induce synergy and potentiation of the effects observed when botanical dietary supplements are taken in their different forms. Most of the botanical dietary supplements available on the U.S. market have been used previously as herbal remedies or as part of traditional medicine systems from around the world. Their prior use in these systems also provides a certain level of assurance in regard to lower toxicity levels. This chapter will focus on the importance and diversity of the chemical features of bioactive secondary metabolites found in botanical dietary supplements that are responsible for their applications. Many of the active principles of botanical dietary substances are phenolics and isoprenoids, but glycosides and some alkaloids are also present. Biological studies on the active constituents of selected botanical dietary supplements will be discussed. Thus, the present chapter should be of interest for both members of the natural products scientific community, who may be performing development studies of the products available, as well as for healthcare professionals who are directly involved in the analysis of botanical interactions and evaluation of the suitability of botanical dietary supplements for human consumption.

Quality Consistency of Herbal Products: Chemical Evaluation.

The widespread utility of herbal products has been rising considerably worldwide, including both developed and developing countries, leading to the rapid growth of their availability in the United States and globally. This substantial increase in consumption of herbal products has witnessed the emergence of adverse effects upon oral administration of certain of these products, and thus has raised safety concerns. The adverse effects caused by the consumption of certain botanical medicines occur primarily as a result of the poor quality of plant raw materials or the finished products, which inherently may affect safety and/or efficacy. The poor quality of some herbal products can be attributed to a lack of proper quality assurance and quality control. A high demand for herbal products that surpasses production, combined with a desire for maximizing profits, along with a lack of rigorous quality control within some manufacturing facilities have led to the emergence of quality inconsistencies. The underlying causes for this involve the misidentification of plant species, or their substitution, adulteration, or contamination with harmful ingredients. Analytical assessments have revealed there to be frequent and significant compositional variations between marketed herbal products. The inconsistency of the quality of herbal products can be ascribed essentially to the inconsistency of the botanical raw material quality used to manufacture the products. Thus, the quality assurance and the quality control of the botanical raw materials is may contribute significantly to improving the quality and consistency of the quality of the end products. The current chapter focuses on the chemical evaluation of quality and consistency of herbal products, including botanical dietary supplements. Different techniques, instruments, applications, and methods used in identifying, quantifying, and generating chemical fingerprints and chemical profiles of the ingredients of the herbal products will be described. The strengths and weaknesses of the various techniques available will be addressed. Limitations of the other approaches including morphological or microscopic analysis and DNA-based analysis will be presented.
