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Civil liability is a way of resolving patrimonial and extra-patrimonial compensation arising from an unlawful act, represented by an action or omission that causes harm to another, even if the damage is exclusively moral. The research sought to answer the problem found, namely: what is the responsibility of motorsport sports leagues in Brazil for accidents caused during races? Thus, the research had the general objective of defining the responsibility of motorsport sports leagues in Brazil for accidents caused during races. And specifically, analyze the general rules of civil liability provided for in the civil code; verify the agent's civil liability; examine the athlete's term of self-responsibility in motorsport sports leagues. The research modality chosen for the development of the theme is normative-legal empirical research, verifying the norms of the Brazilian Automobile Confederation with norms in force in the legal system, in a qualitative approach of the exploratory type in primary research sources (laws, norms, decrees) and secondary (books, articles, monographs, dissertations and theses). The research presents the application of the general rules of civil liability provided for in the civil code due to the lack of specific regulation by automobile confederations; and the feasibility of the sportsman's responsibility in relation to the civil liability of motorsport sports leagues. In conclusion to the research, it was demonstrated that it is necessary to provide for a normative closure in the statute to guarantee legal security within a sporting space, since it is a place where risk is imminent and is part of the activity, which can cause losses and damages.

Open Access

Objective: To investigate new trends in the teaching-learning of university physical education through a review. Methodology: Its model is a theoretical-reflective review. Therefore, the search platforms were: Google Scholar and PubMed. The keywords were scanned as English and Portuguese, as follows: “Physical Education”, “University”, “High School”, “Trends”. It should be noted that the Boolean operator “and” was used between words. Results: 639 articles were presented in PubMed and 421 works in Google Scholar. By reading the titles and abstracts of the works, a total of 19 works were selected. It was decided to divide the information into four topics. The first deals with “Online Learning”, explaining the ease that the online method provides for the population. The second topic addresses “Technology Integration”, aiming to understand how the integration of technology can contribute to teaching-learning. The third topic talks about “Flexible Approaches”, reinforcing strategies that can be used by teachers and institutions, as a way of assisting in teaching-learning. The last topic addresses “Challenges Presented”, showing the limitations that the academic community may face. Conclusion: By investigating new trends in teaching-learning in university physical education, it was possible to understand that trends have manifested themselves and impacted the current educational scenario in several ways.

Open Access

Performance in physical activity is fundamental for competitive horses, and dental treatment can play a crucial role in this process, influencing comfort and execution of exercises in a more attentive way to training, in addition to generating animal well- being. Research into the impact of dental treatment on the physical performance of competition horses is limited, but it is known that dental problems can negatively affect horses' ability to feed adequately, affecting their energy, stamina and ability to maintain optimal physical condition. The objective of this study was to evaluate the influence of odontoplasty on the athletic performance and body score condition of competition horses in barrel racing. We observed the sporting development of three Quarter Horses, aged between 3 and 5 years old, on a diet based on hay, feed and minerals, before and after dental treatment, evaluating their weight gain and sporting performance during training. for the drum test. Comparisons were made of performance improvement, how much on average the animals improved (how much less time the animals took the tests), how much on average they gained in weight. Carrying out dental treatment for competition horses resulted in a reduction in average race time of around 1.42” and an increase in average daily weight of 49.33 g/day per animal. It is concluded that horses undergoing an odontoplasty procedure, competing in the three-barrel modality, present better athletic performance and increased body score condition, reducing track times and maintaining an adequate body and nutritional score for competitions as they are able to eat better. and maintain good body balance. It was also noted the need for more studies that can evaluate the influence of dental care on the sporting performance of athletic horses.

Open Access
MOURNING FAMILIES: The process of working out of grief as a result of death from COVID-19

The objective of this study was to investigate how families who lost a family member as a result of COVID-19 have structured themselves in the resilient process of mourning. This is a qualitative research, which used the Episodic Interview technique as a research instrument. Five family members of patients who died from COVID-19 participated in the study, invited by recommendation from the Social Assistance Reference Center and Basic Family Health Units in the municipality; with the study approved by CEP/FPM, under opinion number 5,977,311. Among the reports from the sample of interviewees, it was unanimous among those interviewed that religion was an element that could serve as a source of emotional support in the face of loss. It was observed that all these losses occurred in public hospitals in the city of Patos de Minas, and psychotropic medications were used as a result of grief. Finally, limitations of the study included reluctance to participate due to the painful nature of the subject and a lack of understanding about the academic research process, as the initially proposed sample was larger than those who actually participated in the research. In view of this study, new reflective research is suggested on the elaboration of grief in pandemic consequences and methods for professional psychologists to clinically help bereaved patients.

Open Access
TEACHERS' PERCEPTIONS OF ELEMENTARY SCHOOL STUDENTS' BEHAVIORS: a discussion in relation to the signs of conduct disorder

CIDD is a significant mental health problem in children and adolescents worldwide, with a global prevalence of approximately 3.2% among children and adolescents. Dysfunctional behaviors in children are frequently manifested in the school environment and may be associated with CIDD, causing serious interference in the teaching and learning process. The research aims to identify the prevalence of diagnostic indicators of Disruptive Impulse Control and Conduct Disorder (DICTD) in elementary school students in the public school system of Patos de Minas - MG. For data collection, an online questionnaire was made available to public school teachers in the municipality, in order to record their observations about the behavior currently displayed by elementary school children. The research seeks to contribute to a better understanding of the relationship between TDCIC and the school environment, as well as to the development of effective intervention strategies. The analysis of the teachers participating in this study reveals worrying indicators of maladaptive behaviors among students, indicating the possible presence of Conduct Disorder. The results highlight manifestations of disruptive disorders, such as angry mood, impulsivity and challenges to authority, which present significant barriers for educators. The challenges faced not only complicate the pedagogical dynamics, but also have the potential to generate psychological distress in teachers. Given this, the underlying implication points to the need to implement measures and strategies aimed at understanding and addressing the emotional and behavioral needs of these students. Such an approach may include specific pedagogical disciplines, specialized psychological support, improvement of social and emotional development programs, as well as close collaboration with families.

Open Access

Laminitis is inflammation of the laminae of the hoof due to reduced blood perfusion leading to loss of connection between the hoof and the dermal lamina. It can be caused by several factors such as septicemia, dietary changes, conditions in the intestinal tract and metabolic changes. This research aimed to report a case of a horse with chronic equine laminitis and review the literature regarding the disease, highlighting its etiology, symptoms and treatment and ways of preventing the disease. Through the anamnesis, it was presented by the owner that the horse manifested pain in the right forelimb, lameness, reluctance to walk and remained in lateral decubitus. During the general clinical examination, it was noted that the animal had hoof hyperthermia, an increase in the palmar digital pulse and the animal's reluctance to move. The diagnosis was defined by radiography, which revealed chronic laminitis in the right forelimb, rotation of the third phalanx and sinking of the hoof's corneal casing. The treatment was based on corrective trimming, the use of orthopedic boots made of synthetic plaster and silicone, phenylbultazone, amitriptyline, omeprazole, firocoxib, gabapentin associated with a diet of only roughage grass, which leads to a favorable prognosis. The use of phenylbutazone associated with gabentin and amitriptyline were efficient in controlling chronic pain, enabling the animal's rapid recovery. The therapeutic association with a diet with a higher roughage content, regular trimming and the use of heart-shaped horseshoes provided greater comfort and stability for the animal, allowing the horse to return to sporting activities in a short period of time.

Open Access