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This study explores the prevalence and impact of foreign language anxiety (FLA) among Islamic degree students at a tertiary level institution in their English language learning journey. FLA is commonly characterized by uneasiness associated with learning a new or additional language and has been recognized as a psychological barrier in language learning. The study's primary objectives are to identify FLA levels among Islamic degree students and study the correlation between FLA and students' exam grades using the Foreign Language Classroom Anxiety Scale (FLCAS). Employing a quantitative approach, the study administered FLCAS questionnaires to 181 participants, and data analysis was conducted using SPSS. Results revealed that communication apprehension recorded the highest mean (3.43), signifying a high degree of anxiety among the respondents. Conversely, the remaining FLCAS components, namely test anxiety (mean = 3.20), fear of negative evaluation (mean = 3.40), and fear of English class (mean = 3.02), demonstrated an average level of anxiety. Overall, FLA among the Islamic degree students was generally rated at a moderate level (mean = 3.28). Furthermore, the subsequent correlation analysis between FLA and students' exam grades displayed a weak positive relationship (r = 0.184), suggesting that FLA may offer facilitative insights into language learning performance.

Open Access
Scientific analysis of diagnostics of heating of solar panels and methods of their cooling

Today, the share of using alternative energy sources has become possible thanks to the study of the potential of a particular geographic area. In many countries, solar and wind energy have become a promising source. The study of a solar energy potential in the conditions of Turkmenistan showed that the potential of a solar radiation throughout the entire territory reaches 700-800 W/m2, and this is a great opportunity to use a solar energy. In the work, an experimental and theoretical study of the efficiency of the solar panel water cooling system in the hot climate of Turkmenistan was carried out. Since the climate of Turkmenistan is sharply continental, in summer the ambient temperature exceeds +40 °C. As a result of the research, the authors found that with an increase in the ambient temperature, the surface temperature of the solar panels also increases, which as a result leads to a decrease in its performance by 20-25%. The developed solution made it possible to reduce the surface temperature of solar panels in the hot climatic conditions of Turkmenistan and increase the current at 1200 hours of the day by 25%, at 1300 by 62%, at 1400 by 58% and at 1500 by 33.3%, to increase power by 19%, 42%, 38%, 18%, respectively, while 2.8, 3.3, 3.9, 5.4, 5.4, 4.9, and 3.2 kW of thermal energy were taken.

Open Access
The Harmony Level Among Lecturers of The Teacher Education Institute in Peninsular Malaysia

Harmony and enjoyment at workplace have a positive influence on commitment, work productivity and loyalty to the organization. Therefore, this study aims to identify the level of harmony that consists of the dimensions of self-motivation, external motivation, physical environment, psychosocial and personal health among IPG Campus lecturers in Penninsular Malaysia. This study also aims to identify the differences level of harmony based on demographic factors (gender, age, academic qualifications and service duration) among the lecturers. Data was collected by a cross-sectional survey through the Teacher Institution's Well-being Questionnaire (TIWEQ) constructed by the researchers. The questionnaire had also been tested for the validity and reliability. A total of 857 samples were involved in this study. The findings of the study showed that the level of harmony among IPG campus lecturers in Peninsular Malaysia is at a high level of 53.2 percent (n = 456). Based on the dimensions, it was found that the highest mean value is the self-motivation dimension (M = 3.68, SD = 0.38) while the lowest mean value is the personal health dimension (M = 2.79, SD = 0.59). This finding contributes to the field of knowledge that the importance of balance between external and internal harmony for the sustainability of the education system. In addition, it is also necessary to create a harmony profile for each IPG.

Open Access
Enhancing English proficiency through social circle and vocabulary among Malaysian adult learners

For second language learners, language proficiency is normally gained through formal instructions in the English as a second language classroom. However, besides the classroom, language can also be learned in a natural setting, for example, through social interactions. This study examines social interaction as an alternative approach to improving English language proficiency. A total of 93 students participated in the study. Sixty of the students were from the school of education, and 38 were from a private university. The participants took an Online English level and vocabulary test as part of data collection of this study. The data analysis was conducted using two multiple regression models in SPSS version 22. The multiple regressions yielded a correlational report between the social circle and English language proficiency among the students. Results demonstrated that the students’ social circle was close (M=60). These variables are not critical when accounting for social and close circles independently in a regression model. Only vocabulary was detected as a significant factor influencing the students’ English proficiency. However, the interaction between the social circle and vocabulary positively contributes to English proficiency. This finding supports the social capital in which learning can be enhanced through social interactions within a social circle. Furthermore, this finding calls for teachers’ and education practitioners’ attention to facilitate vocabulary learning through social interactions.

Open Access

The goal of this study is to see if the Information Search strategy has a significant impact on students' reading comprehension of analytical exposition texts in eleventh grade students at SMA Negeri 1 Sorkam in the 2020/2021 Academic Year. This study employs an experimental approach with a pre-experimental research design, as well as a pretest-posttest design for one group. There are 187 students in the eleventh grade, therefore the population is made up entirely of them. Purposivesampling is the sampling technique utilized in this study, and the sample size is 31 students. The researcher collects data using an observation sheet for data on the implementation of the Information Search technique and a test for data on the students' reading comprehension of an analytical exposition text. The use of the Information Search approach yielded a score of 3.5, which is considered "very good." Before adopting the Information Search approach, the mean score of the students'reading comprehension of analytical exposition material. Before using the Information Search strategy, the students' reading comprehension of analytical exposition text had a mean score of 55, which was categorized as "Bad." Meanwhile, it was categorized as "Good" after using the Information Search strategy with a score of 70. The researcher uses the ttest formula to analyze the data using the statistical process. Based on the data that was analyzed, the data analysis revealed that ttest is superior to ttable (ttest9.02> ttable 2.04). As a result, the hypothesis has been accepted. It means that in the 2020/2021 Academic Year, there is a considerable influence of Information Search method on students' reading comprehension of analytical exposition text at SMA Negeri 1 Sorkam eleventh grade students.

Open Access