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A Systematic Literature Review on Islamic Expenditures

The purpose of this study is to identify past research trends on Islamic spending, evaluate research collaborative relationships, and identify future research directions.It uses 14 articles published between 2003-2022 about Islamic Expenditures indexed in Scopus (Q1-Q4) using a qualitative and quantitative approach, the Bibliometric method and Systematic Literature Review (SLR). This study uses VosViewers software and Publish or Perish. It is known that the author who has the most publications on Islamic Expenditure is U.H. Umar. The article with the most citations was the article entitled "A proposed model for waqf financing public goods and mixed public goods in Malaysia". The journal with the largest number of publications is the International Journal of Islamic and Middle Eastern Finance and Management. The countries that contributed the most to the release were Malaysia, Nigeria and Pakistan. This study makes several contributions, including for future researchers, the research results can be used as a reference to identify influential authors, articles, journals, countries, findings and methods. For researchers, the results of this study can be used as a benchmark and literature necessary for the development of Shariah consumer research and to reassess the gaps in Islamic cost or cost research.

Open Access
Can Indonesia Become A Cashless Society through Digitalization and Financial Literacy?

After the Covid-19 pandemic, it cannot be denied that online shopping has increased shopping behavior patterns using non-cash money. This is due to restrictions on community activities and cash is considered to be a trigger for the spread of the Covid19 virus. This research looks at the phenomenon of using cash as an impact of the Covid-19 pandemic, whether it triggers an increase in non-cash financial literacy and whether government programs for people's movement to use non-cash money can form a non-cash society as a form of effective use of non-cash money or even trigger consumer behavior with minimal understanding non-cash financial literacy. This research uses a qualitative, phenomenal approach by collecting data through interviews with 50 informants with criteria aged 19-21 years and to triangulate the data, interviews were conducted with 2 employees of Bank BSI Jombang and BRI Pulung Ponorogo who have expertise in the banking sector. Based on the research results, it is stated that cashless users aged 19-21 years, influence consumer behavior but have not yet been balanced with detailed knowledge of digital financial literacy and still the function of non-cash money is mostly on shopping behavior so that digital financial skills in non-cash only limited to debits and credits in the cash flow of bank accounts. There is a difference between women and men in usage, namely that men study the products they will buy using cashless and are not easily influenced by promotions compared to women who easily use cashless without studying the details of the products they will buy so they are easily influenced by promotions. It can be used as a basis for policy making in the economic and banking sectors.

Open Access
Comparative Analysis of Waqf Institutions Governance in India and Singapore

Waqf refers to a specific form of philanthropic charitable act that is practiced by allocating a non-perishable tangible asset. It involves designating categories of beneficiaries who are entitled to receive its benefits or income. This research investigates the governing structures of Waqf institutions in India and Singapore, with the objective of comprehending the intricate factors that influence their operational functionality. This research aims to explore the differences and similarities in the governance structures of waqf in both countries, considering its significance in their socio-religious landscapes. The main objectives of this comparative analysis are to examine the governance models of Waqf institutions in India and Singapore, identify regulatory mechanisms, and evaluate their impact on the administration and utilization of Waqf assets. Additionally, the study aims to illuminate the socio-economic implications of the differences in governance and assess the effectiveness of each model in preserving the intended socio-religious goals of Waqf endowments. This paper is grounded on research conducted using available written materials, and it embraces the qualitative research framework to analyze the literature at hand. By assessing and comparing the governance of Waqf institutions in India and Singapore, significant disparities are uncovered. India's approach is characterized by decentralization and the existence of various regulatory bodies, Singapore adopts a more centralized approach. The study sheds light on how different governance structures impact the effectiveness, transparency, and sustainable management of Waqf assets. Financial sustainability, community involvement, and adherence to socio-religious purpose emerge as pivotal factors that differentiate the two models.

Open Access
Women's Participation in Productive Business Development through the Modeling of Baitul Māl Wa at-Tamwīl in Palembang

This study is motivated by the fact that women's efforts to participate in developing productive businesses do not yet have the right model so that their activities appear to be just a side job. Meanwhile, women's productivity in the micro economy in the new normal era will have a positive impact on strengthening the home economy, as well as restoring the activities of micro businesses that have gone bankrupt as a result of the pandemic. The presence of Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil with the financing assistance model and financial management literacy of Baitul Maal Wa Tamwil makes the administration process easier and more synergistic. The data used for this article comes from qualitative research, using interviews and relevant literature. The respondents of this research are Palembang gender activist academics, BMT administrators, business actors in areas with a majority of women who carry out productive business development in Palembang. interviews using the snowball sampling method. The research results showed that women's participation in productive business development after a long period in the domestic sphere due to the COVID-19 pandemic has become more varied and provides additional benefits for the family economy. The presence of BMT helps women's productive businesses, providing administrative convenience for obtaining financing and changing the home management model to family management established by BMT. This research then found that after a long period of time women were in the domestic sphere due to the regulations during the Covid-19 Pandemic, their product activity patterns changed to profitable home businesses. Furthermore, the management model used by BMT is more accepted and supported by Palembang women who are developing their businesses.

Open Access
Future-Proofing Islamic Business: A Systematic Review of Strategic Foresight Implementation Using Vosviewer

Islamic businesses encounter distinctive problems and opportunities in the current dynamic and uncertain commercial landscape. In VUCA environment, success hinges on the capacity to anticipate future developments and quickly adjust strategies accordingly. What are the current trends, concerns, opportunities, and challenges faced by Islamic businesses while adopting strategic foresight in the VUCA era for future studies? This research’s objective is to identify patterns, problems, prospects, and obstacles encountered by Islamic enterprises in VUCA world. This review seeks to identify essential themes, insights, and patterns regarding trend analysis, concerns, opportunities, and challenges faced by Islamic firms in the VUCA world by a thorough analysis of scholarly works. VOSviewer extracted Scopus search results. We analysed and mapped 590 publications on future-proofing Islamic business: a systematic evaluation of strategic foresight implementation. Based on the mapping results, 200 articles on strategic foresight from 2003 to 2023, 190 about Islamic business terms from 2005 to 2023, and 200 about VUCA from 2013 to 2023 were found. Many potential future research questions related topics such as how can strategic foresight help corporation forecast environmental changes, how can strategic foresight help Islamic business meet changing stakeholders needs, and how can strategic foresight improve Islamic business promising future

Open Access
The Role of Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk based on Mudarabah Contract (Trustee-Partnership) as MSME Capital Solution

This study tries to present a capital solution for MSMEs through the Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk instrument with a mudharabah contract. When viewed from Mandiri Institute data in June 2021 regarding the causes of MSMEs closing their businesses, the main factor was caused by business capital problems with the highest percentage of respondents, namely 45%. Based on these problems, waqf is considered the best mechanism for funding MSME projects. Moreover, waqf has been growing and giving birth to new innovations, namely the Cash Waqf Linked Sukuk (CWLS) program. It can be seen from the increase in the SW-001 series CWLS product with the use of investment returns that have succeeded in providing recovery to the BMM and SME programs by providing capital financing to 100 MSMEs. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with a library research approach. The data taken is secondary data in the form of readings sourced from books, magazines, or other sources from various literatures. This study found that cash waqf sukuk based on mudharabah contracts are not the same as mudharabah schemes in general. To solve the MSME capital problem, it is recommended to use the waqf link mudharabah model which can be carried out by synergizing between Islamic microfinance institutions that work together with social institutions or successful Muslim entrepreneurs/entrepreneurs. This social agency acts as a gathering place for MSMEs that need capital as well as a facilitator and supervisor to provide business training and assistance, including aspects of management and fiqh muamalah maaliyah.

Open Access
The Role of the Social Sector in the Islamic Economic Model: Evidence from Indonesia

Indonesia is the most generous country. Since the time of the Islamic Kingdom, there are forms of social funds, like zakat, infaq, alms, waqf, qurban, and grants. The existence and activities of Social Organisations and Social Non-Profit Institutions (ORSOLANILA) collections and distributions of funds have so far not been taken into account in national income. Whereas their actions can help to improve the Indonesian economy. Therefore, this study aims to examine the importance of ORSOLANILA in Indonesia and support the Islamic macroeconomic theory proposed by Dumairy. The method used in this research is descriptive qualitative with the type of library research. The results of this study state that ORSOLANILA’s roles are crucial in the national economy. Comparison data between Social Fund and Real GDP shows that have the different trend. Social funds increased while Real GDP dropped in the same period. This can show that the number of social funds when included in the macroeconomic calculation as a social sector can increase the amount of GDP. So it is necessary to pay attention to the Islamic economic model in calculating national income because of its impact which is provide a mechanism for economic stabilization in situations crisis or disaster and increasing investment in social and infrastructure projects that support long-term economic growth.

Open Access
The Relationship between Islamic Business Ethics and Customer Retention: Evidence from Sharia Bank in Ponorogo

Customer loyalty would lead to customer retention which in turn would lead to company profit. Sadly, the lack of customer awareness on sharia bank led them to the conclusion that Islamic bank is just the same with the conventional bank. Therefore, this paper is aimed to investigate the relationship between Islamic business ethics of Prophet Muhammad character on customer retention at sharia bank in Ponorogo. Moreover, the research on this field is still few to find. The method employs in this study is quantitative method with exploratory factor analysis (EFA) and multiple regression analysis. The respondent of this study is 129 from the customer of sharia bank in Ponorogo. The data was analysed through SPSS 20 tool. This study found that EFA result indicates that from 4 variables of hypotheses which is based from 4 praiseworthy attributes of the prophet namely, siddiq, tabligh, amanah, and fathanah emerged onto 3 variables namely siddiq, tablig, and fathanah due to amanah variable merged into sidiq variables. Meanwhile, regression analysis found that siddiq (X1), tabligh (X2), and fathanah (X3) partially and simultaneously influence the customer retention (Y). The influences of independent variables on dependent variable are about 65.1%. Further analysis in the future studies is suggested with additional variables such as religiosity or TPB and other variables. Moreover, structural equation modelling (SEM) analysis also suggested for future studies in order to achieve advanced results.

Open Access
How to Overcome the Risk of Islamic Banks: Evidence from Indonesia

Risk management is a crucial aspect of Islamic banking to ensure the sustainability and operational safety of banks and maintain the trust of customers and stakeholders. This article discusses the importance of risk management in the context of Islamic banking and analyzes the challenges faced by Islamic banks in managing risks. This research adopts a qualitative approach, with a focus on collecting in-depth descriptive and interpretative data. The study involves text analysis and case studies of Islamic banks in Indonesia. This article discussed the basic concepts of risk management in the context of Islamic banks, including risk identification, risk evaluation, and risk control. We explain the importance of comprehensive risk assessment and the use of appropriate risk management tools to address specific risks faced by Islamic banks. By analyzing these challenges, this article provides a comprehensive overview of risk management in Islamic banking and offers recommendations to enhance the capabilities of Islamic banks in effectively managing the risks. Finally, the author offers a model for overcoming the risk of Islamic banks with the Hexagonal Model consisting of two sides (internal and external) and six main cores: Education, Identification, Accountable, Guidelines, Research, and Technology.

Open Access