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Fixed Asset Management at the Lebak Regency Transportation Service

This research focus is about how the process of assets management is still running in the Department of Transportation of Lebak Regency. Has the management process gone well according to the mechanism or has appropriate based on the rule that has been established. The problem in this research for all this time is the rule of inventoried management of goods held based on the rule that has been determined by Lebak Regency Number 7-year 2018, and also the rule of domestic affair minister Number 47-year 2021. This research is to gain information of how the assets management in the Department of Ttransportation of Lebak Regency is running. This research is descriptive qualitative research. This primer data collection technique comes with observation, interview and documentation, while the secondary data collection technique and the source of other secondary data source of data. Theresearcher uses the theory assets management model of Doli D. Siregar with the asset’s indicator of: assets inventoried; legal audit; assets value, assets optimized; surveillance and control. In choosing the informant, the researcher uses purposive techniques. The result of the research shows that the assets management is still in the Department of Transportation of Lebak Regency and is not still running well yet. Due to lots of problem that exist in the stage of assets management process as an example is the renewal of labeling/ coding of physical assets that haven't been changed yet, the missing and the broken legal of vehicle assets, infrastructure of assets secure which is still lack, and the uniaxiality of optimized implementation of terminal assets.

Open Access
Implementation of E-Government in Regional Asset Management at The Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency in Serang City

E-Government is an effort to develop a good government system based on electronics. E-Government is expected to encourage all government institutions from central to local to utilize ICT. BPKAD (Regional Financial and Asset Management Agency) of Serang City is one of the agencies that has implemented e-government in each of their activities. However, in its implementation there are still obstacles that result in not running optimally about the implementation of e-government in BPKAD Serang City. The purpose of this research is to find out and analyze what the implementation of e- government in asset management using ATISISBADA (Regional Goods Cycle Information Technology Application) is like at BPKAD Serang City. This research uses Indrajit’s e-government Implementation theory. The research method used is a descriptive method with a qualitative approach. Because the main purpose of this research is to provide a description and explanation related to the implementation of e- government, especially in the ATISISBADA application properly and correctly. Informants of this research are employees in BPKAD, especially the assets section who manage ATISISBADA. Data collection techniques carried out by observation, interviews, documentation and literature study with data obtained 2, primary data and secondary data. From this research it can be concluded that the application of e-government in asset management using ATISISBADA still has obstacles in terms of human resources, then the application and internet network are still experiencing problems, resulting in the process of implementing e-government in BPKAD Serang City not running optimally.

Open Access
Evaluation of the Implementation of Pandeglang Regency Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2008 concerning Cleanliness, Beauty, and Environmental Order (Case Study of Menes District Square, Pandeglang Regency)

The focus of this study is the Evaluation of the Implementation of Pandeglang Regency Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2008 concerning Cleanliness, Beauty, and Environmental Order (Case Study of Menes District Square, Pandeglang Regency). Identify the problem is that there are still many street vendors selling in the square, lack of supervision, lack of existing facilities, and the absence of a special budget for K3 maintenance. The theory used is the theory of policy evaluation criteria according to Leo Agustino. This research uses a qualitative approach with a descriptive method. The results of this study show that the Evaluation of the Implementation of Pandeglang Regency Regional Regulation Number 4 of 2008 concerning Cleanliness, Beauty, and Environmental Order (Case Study of Menes Subdistrict Square, Pandeglang Regency) has not run optimally because there are still many problems such as lack of involvement of the Environmental Agency, inadequate facilities, infrastructure, and technology, the absence of a special budget for K3 maintenance in Menes square, there are no sanctions against violators, and so on. Recommendations that can be given are increasing the number of personnel of the Civil Service Police Unit and Special Cleaning Officers of the Square, improving coordination between implementers, improving infrastructure and technology, collaborating with other agencies such as Department of industry and trade in structuring and empowering street vendors.

Open Access
Analysis of Transparency and Public Participation in the Selection Process of the Sub-district Election Supervisory Committee in the General Election Supervisory Agency of Bandung City in 2022

The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) is the most advanced mode of election supervision institutions, high public demands for the implementation of honest and fair elections pave the way for several improvements and strategic functions owned by The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu). With such strategic authority, which includes supervision, prevention, and enforcement of violations in elections, The General Election Supervisory Agency (Bawaslu) is required to have qualified human resources, especially at the grassroots level as the front line of election supervision. To fulfill these obligations, the General Election Supervisory Agency Regulation (Perbawaslu) Number 8 of 2019 was prepared as a reference in the selection and recruitment process for Election Supervisors. The selection of Bandung City cannot be separated from political complexity and some preliminary findings related to the issue of transparency and participation during the selection process. This research uses a descriptive qualitative approach with a case study method. A series of in-depth interviews and relevant literature studies were conducted to meet data needs during the study. The results of this study show that the selection process for Sub-district Election Supervisory Committee (Panwaslu Kecamatan) is still plagued by several problems, especially the carrying capacity of the budget and the relatively short preparation time. Meanwhile, in the aspect of transparency, the entire selection process supervised by the working group seems to display several positive things, including efforts to publish all selection results through various information media, both print and digital-based. Even though public participation in the context of registering as a candidate for Sub-district Election Supervisory Committee (Panwaslu Kecamatan) members is far beyond the declared target, there are still problems that can be corrected, especially regarding the distribution of the number of applicants and the representation of 30% women in the entire selection stage that has not been met.

Open Access
Implementation of Policy for Prevention and Eradication of Abuse and Illegal Circulation of Drugs and Precursors (P4GN) at The National Narcotics Agency of Tangerang City Rehabilitation Section

Drug Abuse and Illicit Trafficking in Drugs is one of the most pressing and complex problems, so it requires a comprehensive treatment. Many cases show how drugs have caused great losses, both in terms of material and non-material. The Prevention and Eradication of Illicit Narcotics Circulation and Abuse (P4GN) is a policy and strategy of the Indonesian government's to emphasize and protect the public from drug abuse and illicit trafficking. The National Narcotics Agency of Tangerang City is responsible for one of the tasks in the field of drug rehabilitation by increasing the capacity of medical and social rehabilitation institutions, both organized by the government and the community. Drug rehabilitation is the psychotherapeutic treatment given to drug addicts. It helps the patient to get rid of substance abuse as well as process abuse. This research uses descriptive qualitative research. To obtain data in accordance with the research focus, the research conducted interviews, observations and documentation. The results of this research showed the implementation has not been running optimally, there are several indicators that become obstacles in implementation, including limited resources, lack of communication between organizations that have not been intensely established, and have not fully matched the standards and objectives of the policy, and not fully involved formal or informal organizations. The supporting factors include the implementation of narcotics rehabilitation in accordance with the SOP, a positive response from the implementing agency, and the external environment (Economic, Social, Political) receiving a positive influence.

Open Access
Patients' Rights Fulfillment towards Medicines Information Services; Law Enforcement and Pharmacist Criminal Liability

This article aims to determine law enforcement towards pharmacists who do not fulfil patients' rights to access medical information services and criminal liability towards pharmacists who do not provide medical information services to patients. This research is normative juridical research using a legal approach. The results obtained in this study show that law enforcement towards pharmacists who do not provide fulfilment of patients' rights to medicines information services. In terms of legal substance, aspects have been regulated in Law Number 36 of 2009 on Health Article 196, Law Number 8 of 1999 on Consumer Protection Article 45 and Article 47, Article 359 and Article 360 of the Criminal Code, Organizational Regulation of the Indonesian Pharmacists Association Number: PO.007/PP.IAI/1822/XI/2020 concerning Assessment Guidelines and Standard Operating Procedures for Handling Violations of the Indonesian Pharmacist Code of Ethics, Indonesian Pharmacists Association. However, from the aspect of the legal structure, it is still not firm enough in its implementation. It is influenced by the culture of the apparatus and society, which still prioritizes using restorative justice methods and does not understand patients' rights in medical information. Related criminal liability for pharmacists who do not provide medical information services has not been implemented as per the existing rules. Implementing existing regulations resolves criminal liability by agreement between both parties, usually by replacing the appropriate medicine and covering the patient's medical expenses.

Open Access
Evaluation Of Serang City Regional Regulation Number 17 Of 2010 Concerning Local Taxes in Serang City (Case Study of Hotel Tax on Boarding Houses)

The focus of this research is the evaluation of Serang City Regional Regulation Number 17 of 2010 concerning Local Taxes, especially Hotel Taxes on Boarding Houses in Serang City. In this evaluation, there are several problems in the implementation of the policy, such as the number of boarding houses with more than ten rooms not recorded by the Regional Revenue Agency (Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) Kota Serang, which makes boarding house owners with hotel tax categories not registered as taxpayers; Low level of awareness of hotel taxpayers on the boarding house of Serang City; The weak role of the government in approaching the taxpayer or going directly to the field; and the lack of socialization carried out by Regional Revenue Agency (Bapenda) Serang City. The theory used is the evaluation theory developed by Daniel Stufflebeam consists of four stages of evaluation aspects, namely CIPP. The qualitative descriptive method provides an overview of data analysis techniques using the Irawan model. The result of this study is that the implementation of the hotel tax policy on boarding houses in Serang City has not been running optimally. The hotel tax rate onboarding houses at a rate of 10% is still felt objection by the hotel taxpayer on the boarding house to make the taxpayer in arrears to pay the local tax. The lack of human resources, which is an important element in the success of policies that have data collection, registration, reporting, and evaluation of hotel taxes on boarding houses, is still experiencing a shortage. The available facilities and infrastructure are still inadequate. Socialization is still not optimal and thorough, so information about hotel tax policies on boarding houses is not conveyed properly, and weak enforcement of sanctions. Not yet optimally the contribution of hotel taxes on boarding houses to the Local Own-Source Revenue of Serang City Area from the regional tax sector.

Open Access
Bank Keliling Function for Society at Pasir Ipis Lembang in West Bandung Districts

In this research, author took the case of Bank Keliling function for society at Pasir Ipis Lembang. Bank Keliling is one of business entity that provide loans to people in the form of credit. The practice of Bank Keliling due to economy conditions society having income be inadequate to fulfill life need. Pasir Ipis Lembang is one of the village is in the village Jayagiri Bandung regency west where Bank Keliling system is a business entities that are attractive to people because of the villages that are distant from urban and living standard remain low make the community had no choice and the community borrowed through Bank Keliling system. The theory of functionalism structural Merton, there are manifest function and latent function who become review for an author in analyze research. The author use the qualitative method with descriptive analysis. The data obtained from the results of the collection of primary data and also secondary data by interviews. Data obtained form the results of the interview noted and collected. All the data obtained analyzed qualitatively so as to what lies behind such a reality can be unearthed. The result of research is that manifest function of Bank Keliling on community increase business capital of accessibility given a Bank Keliling while latent function through high interest and the Bank Keliling who did the violence when their billing loans. The conclusion of the research is that Bank Keliling having the function to community.

Open Access